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Teacher Candidate:

Ashley Swier

Cooperating Teacher: ___Amy Krick

Date:_February 25, 2015_____

Coop. Initials

Group Size: _26_ Allotted Time __30 minutes___ Grade Level

Subject or Topic:

Desert Living Section

Fourth grade


8.3.4.C: Explain how continuity and change in U.S. history have influenced personal
development and identity.
7.1.4.B: Describe and locate places and regions as defined by physical and human features.
I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes):
The students will be able to complete a study guide in its entirety about the Southwestern region.
II. Instructional Materials
A. Textbook
B. Study guide
III. Subject Matter/Content (prerequisite skills, key vocabulary, big idea)
A. Prerequisite skills
a. Knowledge of temperature
b. Knowledge of the Southwest
B. Key vocabulary
a. Aqueduct Trench or pipe used to bring water from a distance
C. Big idea
a. What is it like to live in the desert?
IV. Implementation
A. Introduction
a. The teacher will ask the students what they were talking about during the
previous social studies lesson.
b. The teacher will then ask the students what they think it is like to live in the
desert. Write the descriptive words on the board.
B. Development
The teacher will begin reading the section on irrigation until
they reach the word aqueduct.




The teacher will ask the students what the word aqueduct
means and then write the word on the board so the students can copy the word
and definition into their chapter notes.
The teacher will choose a student to continue reading the
section and the students will each take turns reading a paragraph or two.
When the section is complete the teacher will ask a series of
i. Why do people need to find other sources of water besides rain?
ii. Besides aqueducts what else do they use to get water?
iii. Because of irrigation what has happened to the farmland in the
iv. Will more people more to this area?
The students will then move on to reading the last section of
the chapter which is about air conditioning.
The teacher will ask a series of questions about air
i. Who developed a useful air conditioning system?
ii. Do we depend on air conditioning?
iii. Did the invention help businesses in the Southwest? Why?
The teacher will ask the students to summarize the whole
Ask a few students to help make a summary.
The teacher will pass out the study guide to each student and
allow them time in class to work on their study guide.

C. Closure
a. The teacher will remind the students that if they did not finish their study guide
in class they should take it home to finish for homework and that they may also
take a social studies book home to help complete the study guide.
b. The teacher will tell the students that tomorrow will be a review day and the
chapter test will be on Friday.
D. Accommodations/Differentiation
If the students have questions about the chapter the teacher can go back to that section
and they may review that lesson with the class to help them better understand that
E. Assessment/Evaluation Plan
1. Formative The teacher will check to make sure all of the students complete their
study guide on the following day.
2. Summative There is no summative assessment for this lesson plan.

V. Reflective Response

A. Report of Students Performance in Terms of Stated Objectives (after lesson is taught)

Remediation Plan

B. Personal Reflection
How can I improve this lesson?

Were the students engaged?

Did the students have enough time to finish their study guide?

VI. Resources
Scott, F. (2003). The Midwest. In Regions: Scott, Foresman social studies ([Review ed., pp.
346-348). Glenview, Ill.: Scott, Foresman

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