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Algebra II Accelerated Syllabus

Teacher: Ms. Olivia Almeida
Email Address:
Phone: 781-383-6100 ext. 151
Course Description: This semester course is designed to continue the study of the structure of algebra
and to provide the foundation for applying these skills to other mathematical and scientific fields. Topics
shall include the following: functions, variations, systems of linear equations and inequalities,
polynomials and rational expressions, introduction to the complex number system and quadratic
Textbook: Algebra and Trigonometry: Structure and Method (Book 2) by McDougal Littell
Course Materials:
You will be required to bring the following materials with you to class on a daily basis
Pencil(s): Students will be required to use a pencil in this class, unless noted otherwise.
Everyone makes mistakes and mistakes made with pencil can easily be erased.
Graphing TI-83 or TI-84
Notebook: A 3-ring binder or folder and spiral notebook is required for this class.
Class Expectations/Rules:
The overriding expectation in the class is RESPECT! Respect for you, respect for other students,
respect for the teacher, respect for the school, and respect for any guests we may have in our class.
Come to class every day with a positive and willing attitude! An open mind is a great thing.
Always put forth your best effort.
NO FOOD OR DRINK (except water)
Grades are computed based on the following categories:
Tests- 50%
These are major evaluations of student understanding of the subject matter. Students will be given
advance notice to prepare for them.
Quizzes- 35%
Quizzes will be given regularly throughout a unit.
Homework- 15%
Homework will be assigned daily and will usually be due for the next class. This is graded solely
on EFFORT. With that being said, all assigned questions must be attempted in order to receive full
credit. Students will be given an opportunity to ask any questions related to the homework at the
start of each class. If students do not complete the assigned homework, they will be given the
opportunity to make-up the homework assignment. Any late homework must be turned in the
following day to receive half credit.

Test/Quiz Corrections:
Test/quiz corrections will be allowed if you earned a score of 70% or less on a test or quiz. You are
eligible to retake a quiz/test until you earn up to a 70%. Students have ONLY ONE WEEK to correct
their test/quiz and must fill out a Request for Corrections form. This form requires you to reflect on your
You are responsible for obtaining and completing any missed work (notes, classwork, homework, etc.)
due to an absence in accordance with the guidelines in the Student/Parent Handbook. Normally, students
will have two days to make up work for each day absent due to illness. It is your responsibility to see me
for any materials passed out during your absence. If you miss a quiz or test, you must take it after school
on the next day you return to class (unless otherwise discussed). Anything not made up on time will
receive a zero.
I have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to tardiness. If you arrive to class late without a pass, enter
the room quietly and expect to stay after school. Any student arriving after the bell at the beginning of the
class period will make up that time after school. In accordance with the Student Handbook, for the first,
second, and third incidents of unexcused tardiness, the student will report to the teacher after school. On
the fourth and subsequent incidents of unexcused tardies, students will be referred to the assistant
principal for further disciplinary action.
Extra Help:
I welcome students who ask for extra help. I am available to meet before or after school and will post my
extra help days each week. However, if you have any conflicts with my extra help times come speak with
me and I can try my best to make any accommodations. I encourage you to take advantage of this time to
ask questions, review lessons, and make up work. I strongly suggest that you come in and see me as soon
as a topic becomes confusing or overwhelming to you.
I have read, understand, and will comply with the class expectations and rules above.
Student Signature: ___________________________

Date: _____________

Parent Signature: ____________________________

Date: _____________

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