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5th-8th Grade Speech

I am the greatest conqueror of all time. I am Alexander the Great. I had been to more
places and experienced more things than any other person has in my time. I could have
continued to the end of the earth had my own soldiers not stopped me from destroying
the land in the horizon. I journeyed from my home country of Macedonia to start my
epic journey. My father, Philip II, couldnt have even imagined how much I could
conquer. He hadnt even conquered Persia before he had died. I was only thirty two
years old when I died, and I still had more land covered to my name than anyone else
in the history of time. Most of the cities I claimed had the name of Alexandria to remind
everyone who lived there, and who founded that city that overpowered their leader.
I became king when I was only 19 when my father was brutally murdered by one of his
own nobles. Many other nobles and soldiers thought that they could be kings of
Macedonia, but my mother was still alive. She had divorced from my father, and was
still boiling from that. She killed the daughter of the present wife of Philip, and that
drove my mother-in-law to suicide. Right after I was claimed as the King of Macedonia,
I started an expedition to claim even more land. I led three thousand cavalry and thirty
thousand infantry to the Greek peninsula. My general, Parmenion, had already lead his
own army to the Asian minor. I attacked one of the most important cities in Thebes,
and they couldnt even defend themselves. This marked me as one of the greatest
generals ever. I travelled even further than I have had my own soldiers not told me to
stop. Many people feared me by the time I died, which was in Babylon (now Iraq) when
I was infected with malaria. I am known as the King of the Four Corners of the world,
and I was the main reason to the downfall of the Persian empire when I killed thirteen
of their powerful leaders. I believe I am not a mere mortal, I am a god.

2-4th Grade Speech

I am the most important general that has ever seen the world. I am Alexander the
Great. When my father was killed, I was crowned as the King of Macedonia. I started to
travel away from my home to conquer more land. I went so far that I almost made it to
India, but my soldiers were so tired they didnt want to go any farther. My friend,
Parmenion, had already made his way to Asia Minor when I started to conquer lands. I
crowned myself as King of Persia when I destroyed their land. By the time I died, I had
made a great empire for the land of Macedonia. I died after I was infected with malaria
in Babylon (now Iraq), but my legacy has continued. People still remember my name,
Alexander the Great.

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