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In the Winter 2014 quarter I first took the MGMT course Leading with Emotional
Intelligence. From that point a great interest was sparked in the pursuit of learning more about
myself, people, the world, and the specific study of Emotional Intelligence (EQ). In the summer
of 2014 I was able to attend the EQ Dolomites trip where I again explored the vast world of
emotions, understanding of self and others. One piece that I always loved about the class
sessions is that they either began or ended with light yoga practice. The very nature of yoga is to
allow oneself moments for peace and relaxation away from the hectic day-to-day life; it aids in
mindfulness and reflection. The practice of developing EQ skills requires one to look inward and
really break apart emotions to their core and then communicate these emotions. In doing so
relationships gain authenticity when vulnerability is reciprocated. The integration of yoga in the
EQ development process allows for individuals to find peace and become aware of their fear,
anger, gladness, and sadness around being incredibly vulnerable.
From personal experience I have felt the importance of yoga as a vital integration in the
EQ development process. Also, from personal experience, I have seen some students resist
getting involved in the yoga practice during class time. Some have a hard time buying into the
notion of yoga and perhaps they need hard evidentiary support to participate. It is my goal with
the independent study, Interpersonal Dynamics, to develop a supplemental reading guide based
in theoretical research about the importance of yoga and why it is beneficial to the EQ
development process. My end product will be combined with the current EQ readings for the
class and distributed ahead of time so that students (especially those that might be skeptical)
have the opportunity cultivate a little buy-in or willingness to participate in yoga.
I would like to have the research and writing completed before the end of Winter 2015
quarter. I will be meeting with my sponsor, Bill Weis, every Wednesday this quarter and on the
sporadic weekend dates that the EQ class takes place. I will be interviewing the other 6
facilitators of the EQ course to get their input and specific perspective on the integration of yoga
in EQ practice. Below is the start of a list of readings I plan to pull from:
The Yamas & Niyamas: Exploring Yoga's Ethical Practice by Deborah Adele
Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love,
Parent, and Lead by Bren Brown
Gupta, N.S.; Khera, R.P.; Vempati, R.; Sharma, R. and Bijlani, R.L. (2006). Effect of Yoga
based life style intervention on state trait anxiety. Indian Journal of physiology and
pharmacology, 50, 41-47.
Havalappanavar ,N.B. (2002), Yoga as a system of psychotherapy, Proceedings of 6 th
International 37th IAAP and 3rd PPP conference, Pondicherry.
I also plan to meet with Beth Kreitl, who has knowledge of yoga and possibly the
intentional integration in scholarly work, and a few connections I have in the PNW yoga
community for text recommendations.
I expect to receive a letter grade per Bills review of my work and timeliness of this
project. I believe that the work I am contributing will enhance the overall EQ class experience
and be a much-needed addition to the readings.

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