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Students At-Risk

Kristine Hernandez
EDU644 Child & Family Welfare
Instructor Karen Conzett
March 1st, 2015


Role: Social Worker

Audience: School District Officials and School Staf
Purpose: To bring awareness regarding at-risk youth
and what options are available to help reduce
potential long term problems associated with at-risk.

At-Risk Indicators
1. Excessive absenteeism
2. Mentally Ill
3. Involved with delinquent peers
4. Exposure to violence
5. Economic hardships
6. Availability of drugs and alcohol
7. Learning disabilities
8. Abuse: sexual, physical, emotional, neglect
9. Homeless/Transient
10. Lacking any form of support

Lack of school participation
Substance abuse
Low achievement
Amount of time spent working in a job
Sexual activity and pregnancy
Risky Behaviors

Information listed found at

Short and Long Term

Criminal behavior
Sense of hopelessness
Problem solving abilities
Coping skills
Risky behaviors
Sexual promiscuity
Drug/alcohol abuse
Cited from: Distinct Stress
and Resource Profiles Among At-Risk

Adolescents: Implications for Violence and Other Problem

Behaviors.Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal Pg 10-11

Solutions Creating a
Schools role in establishing youth developmental
philosophies: to improve school engagement by
promoting attendance, promoting attachment, and
promoting achievement (NCSE).
It is vital to include students when planning school
climate improvement (Cobb, 2014).
Having a high quality of interpersonal relationships
between students and teachers; equitable and fair
treatment of students by teachers and staf; degree
of competition and social comparison between
students; and degree to which students, teachers
and staf contribute to decision making at school
(Jayaleksshmi & Raja, 2011, Pg 3).

Solutions: Integrating a

It is important to enhance parental engagement since

students do better when parents are involved in their
education and stress the importance of high school success,
so we work to help schools enhance parent engagement as
well (NCSE).
Ensure communication with families since Patterns of
communication between families and the school as children
enter middle school must be altered to accommodate multiple
teachers and increased independence; nonetheless, parents
remain valuable allies in increasing student achievement.
Schools have shown success by enlisting the support of
parents in areas ranging from developing homework routines,
providing after-school supervision, limiting television viewing,
and helping children prepare for college and other postsecondary education ( Davis, 2000, Pg 6).

Participant Activity

Take on the role of a school official. You are

required to formulate a program or plan to help
change the climate of your school. In groups of
2-3 create a poster board presentation that lists
eforts to create and integrate a framework for
students, potential solutions, and programs or
policies you would incorporate
You have 10 minutes to collaborate
You have 15 minutes to complete your board
and choose how you plan to present your

Cobb, N. (2014). CLIMATE, CULTURE AND COLLABORATION: The key to creating
safe and supportive schools.Techniques,89(7), 14-19. Retrieved from Retrieved
Davis, D. (2000). Supporting Parent, Family, and Community Involvement in Your
School. Retrieved from 3/1/15
Jayalekshmi, N. B., & William Dharma Raja, B. (2011). Behavioural development of
early adolescents by dint of positive school climate.I-Manager's Journal on
Educational Psychology,5(2), 1-8. Retrieved from Retrieved
Logan-Greene, P., Nurius, P., & Thompson, E. (2012). Distinct Stress and Resource
Profiles Among At-Risk Adolescents: Implications for Violence and Other Problem
Behaviors.Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal,29(5), 373-390.
doi:10.1007/s10560-012-0269-x Retrieved 3/1/15
SEDL. (2014). Student Behaviors. Retrieved
from on 3/1/15

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