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Questions for the novel, In the WoodsChapter 11.


What is the name of the protagonist or main character?

Who has called the protagonist and why?
Describe the relationship between the protagonist and his twin sister.
Describe how differently the protagonists mother treats the protagonist to his
5. Why is the protagonist not allowed to drive the family car?
Chapter 21.

The protagonist explains how he is different from his sister. Explain.

Explain why the protagonist is so angry with Brian.
What is Brians nickname and explain why he has it.
Why does the protagonist find it strange that his sister wants to meet him in
the park?
5. Describe what happened between the protagonist and Audrey.
6. What does the protagonist hear in the woods?
Chapter 31. What does the protagonist find in the woods?
2. Where does he find the individual?
3. What does the protagonist do once he realizes what he has found? (Outline
how the protagonist reacts, and then what steps he takes to help the individual
found in the woods)
Chapter 41.

Describe the condition of the baby.

What does Cameron do once he gets to the main road?
What does the helpful nurse do to assist Cameron and the baby?
What is the nurses name?
Why does Cameron believe his sister sent him to the lake?
Describe Katies best friends. What are their names and describe what
activities they are involved in.
7. In Camerons mind, Katie could have been pregnant. How could she hide her

Chapter 5

Describe Nancy. Who is she and how can she help?

Why does Nancy decide to call the police?
How does Cameron feel about the police coming to talk to him?
What is the gender of the baby?
Why does Cameron almost choke in the interview with Nancy?
What reason does Cameron give to Nancy as to why he was at the lake at the
same time as the baby?
7. What is Cameron thinking inside his head as he tries to come up with his
reason as to why he was at the lake?
8. What questions does Cameron pose about the baby?
9. What does Nancy tell Cameron about other babies who have been left behind?
10. Why is Cameron surprised that someone can hide their pregnancy?
11. Why does Nancy give Cameron her card?
Chapter 61. How late does the police office keep Cameron?
2. Where does the police officer take Cameron in order to help with the
3. What does Cameron tell the officer about why he came to the lake?
4. Why does Cameron exclude Katies name from his answers?
5. What are the two miracles that have occurred in Camerons life today?
6. How does Mom react when Cameron is dropped off by police?
7. Why was Cameron unable to call his mom?
8. What does Cameron tell his mother about his day?
9. What question does Katie pose to her brother?
10. Why is Cameron freaked out?
11. Why does Cameron still fell cold after stepping out of a hot shower?
Chapter 71.

Does Mom accept Camerons answers to her questions or is she suspicious?

Who calls Cameron and why does she call?
Where is this girl from?
Why do Camerons classmates pay attention to this girl?
Who is Dexter?
Why is Cameron nervous to have this girl come to his house to work on the
7. What question does Cameron ask the girl that surprises her?
8. Why does Cameron decide to tell the girl about his frightening experience?
9. How does the girl react to Camerons story?

Chapter 81.

Describe the relationship between Katie and Cameron now in this chapter.
Describe Katie.
Why does Camerons feelings towards Katie change?
Why is Cameron avoiding Katie?
What does Cameron think about as he reviews the last few months in his
6. How does Katie react when Cameron starts to ask her questions about why he
needed to go to the lake?
Chapter 91. How does Cameron avoid Katie? Why?
2. What does Audrey tell Cameron as he arrives at school?
3. What does the news article say?
4. What bothers Audrey about the article?
5. What does Cameron tell Audrey that she must promise not to reveal?
6. What does Audrey think about Katies reaction to Camerons questions?
7. Why does Cameron want to visit the baby?
8. What does Audrey say to Cameron about his behaviour in September?
9. How does Cameron react to her statements?
10. What does Audrey mean by giving Cameron a second chance?
Chapter 101. When Cameron sees his sister with her friends, what is he struck by?
2. Why does Cameron decide to talk to the girls rather than wave at them?
3. What does Cameron say to the girls that upsets Katie?
4. What does Katie do?
5. What does Katie admit to her brother?
6. Why does Cameron believe Katie left the baby in the woods?
7. Why is Cameron furious with Katie?
8. Who is the father of this child and what kind of relationship did Katie have
with this man?
9. Why did Katie choose to hide the pregnancy and her actions from her

Chapter 111. Describe Dexter and his relationship with Audrey.

2. Why is Audrey upset that Katie admitted that the baby was hers?
3. Why does Cameron feel he should keep quiet about Katies involvement with
the baby?
4. Why does Audrey disagree with Camerons decision to remain silent?
5. Where did Audrey get her ring?
6. What happened to Audrey in her past that allows her to feel sympathy for the
7. Why does Audrey want to meet someone she doesnt know?
Chapter 121. What surprises Cameron about Katies behaviour after the baby is born?
2. Why does Cameron believe he was lucky to have found the baby?
3. What does Audrey believe Cameron should do because, in her opinion, its the
right thing to do?
4. Why does Cameron feel Audrey is being unfair?
5. Why does Cameron feel he must protect Katie?
6. Audrey argued that Cameron is part of something that is quite twisted. What
is she taking about?
7. When Cameron looks at his mother, he talks about her looks and her age. Why
is he thinking about this?
8. How does Katie react to mom bragging about her ability to handle pressure?
9. Why is mom concerned about Katie after she leaves the kitchen table?
10. When Cameron checks on his sister, he finds her bad shape. What is
happening to Katie?
Chapter 131. What does Cameron see in the bathroom?
2. Why does Katie refuse to see a doctor or go to the hospital?
3. What does Cameron say to Katie to try and convince her to go to the hospital?
4. Who does Cameron decide to call in order to get help?
5. Why does Cameron not receive any help from these individuals?
6. What does Cameron say to Katie to convince her to go to the hospital?
7. What is the saying on Grandma Besss embroidery? What does it mean?
8. What does this saying mean to Cameron?
9. What does Mom suspect is wrong with Katie when she admits that she is sick?
10. Why does Cameron decide that it is Katies responsibility to tell her mother
about the baby?

Chapter 141. When Camerons mother sits down with him in the waiting room, he realizes
that Katie has admitted nothing to her mother. Why does his sisters action of
remaining silent about her bleeding concern Cameron?
2. Who does Cameron speak to at the hospital in order to get help for Katie?
3. What happens once Cameron speaks to a member of the medical staff?
4. What is happening to Katie (according to the hospital staffperson)?
5. Now that the hospital staffperson knows about Katies actions, what will
happen to Katie and the baby?
6. Why does Cameron want to avoid his sister and mother after he talks to the
hospital staffperson?
7. What does Cameron do once he is alone? Why does he do this?
8. Why does Cameron want to hate Dexter, but cant?
9. Why does Cameron feel better about his relationship with Audrey?
10. Why is Cameron concerned about his relationship with Katie?
Chapter 151. When Nancy comes to see Cameron, she gives him updates on Katie and their
mother? What has happened?
2. Why is mom so upset?
3. Why is Cameron blaming himself?
4. Why did Katie not know that she was pregnant?
5. Why does Mom continue to show surprise that Katie would be pregnant?
6. How does Cameron react to Moms behaviour?
7. What does Nancy say to Mom about what has happened to Katie?
8. Why do Cameron and his mother want to see the baby?
9. Describe the baby.
10. Explain whether Katie be able to get the baby back if she wants to?
11. What does Cameron do with the baby before he leaves the maternity ward?
Chapter 161. What does Mom do while sitting in the waiting room of the hospital? Why
does she do this?
2. What does Mom admit to Cameron about Katie?
3. Why does Mom blame Brian?
4. When Cameron visits his sister, he says he is sorry for telling others about her
secret. How does Katie react?
5. Why does Katie choose not to look at a picture of the baby?
6. What does Cameron hope will happen for both Katie and the baby?
7. What kind of relationship does Cameron want with the baby?

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