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Theme 5 Better Together

Lesson 21 A Chair for My Mother by Vera B. Williams

(Realistic Fiction)
Saving Money by Mary Firestone
Focus Skill- Plot
Focus Strategy Use Story Structure
Additional Skills Compare and Contrast
Grammar- Present-Tense Action Verbs
Writing: Form-Personal Narrative

Trait: Sentence

Robust Vocabulary
allowance- you get money for doing chores or helping at
home, you get an allowance
rosy- something looks pink
thrifty- you are careful about spending money
industrious- you hard-working
bargain- If you didnt have to pay much to buy
something good, you got a bargain.
spoiled- you damaged or ruined it
comfortable- you feel good just as you are
boost- you lift him or her up to reach something
exchanged- you gave something to someone and you
got something else in return

delivered- you take it from one place and bring it to

Lesson 22- Serious Farm by Tim Egan (Fantasy)
Beyond Old MacDonald by Charley Hoce
Focus Skill- Plot
Focus Strategy- Use Story Structure
Additional Skills- Compare and Contrast
Grammar: Subject-Verb Agreement
Writing: Form- Fantasy

Trait: Sentence Fluency

Robust Vocabulary
serious- it is important and not at all funny
extremely Something that is extremely a certain way
is very much that way
admit- you agree that it is true even though you might
not want to do so
barely- when you can barely do something, you almost
cant do it at all.
hilarious- you think it is very, very funny
witty- you say things in a clever and funny way
acquired- If you own or buy something, you have
acquired it.
assumed- If you assumed something, you believed
something without thinking about it
absurd- it is crazy or silly

attemptyou try to do it

Lesson 23- The Bee by Sabrina Crewe (Nonfiction)

California Bee Business by Dimarie
Santiago (Nonfiction)
Focus Skill: Use Graphic Aids
Focus Strategy: Summarize
Additional Skills: Synonyms
Grammar: Past Tense Verbs
Writing: Form: Paragraph of Information

Trait: Word

Robust Vocabulary
pattern- When you see a design in something
sealed- you close it up tightly
carefully- you pay close attention to what you are doing
so that you dont make a mistake
attack- you use great force to try to cause it harm
crowd- When people or animals gather in large numbers
they crowed together.
disappear- you cant see it anymore
thickens- it becomes more gooey
plentiful- there is a lot of it
role- there are certain things you have to do

diligent- you keep working until youre done

Lesson 24 Watching in the Wild by Charnan Simon

Chimp Computer Whiz from Ask MAGAZINE
Focus Skill: Use Graphic Aids
Focus Strategy: Summarize
Additional Skills: Synonyms
Grammar: Forms of be
Writing: Form- Paragraph that Compares (Contrast)
Word Choice


Robust Vocabulary
extinct- If an animal is extinct, there are no more of that kind
of animal alive.
pledge- when you make a pledge, you promise to do
patience- If you can wait for someone or something without
complaining or getting restless, you have patience.
tedious- When someone is boring and takes a long time to
do, it is tedious.
blended- When things are blended, they are mixed together
so you cant tell there are separate parts.
cradled- If you cradle something, you hold it closely as if you
were taking care of it.

raggedy- When something is raggedy, it looks rough and

torn at the edges, like a rag.
distance- Distance is how far away something is.
personalities- Peoples personalities are made up of all the
ways they act, think, and feel that make them special.
crumpled- If you crumple something, you gently bunch it up
or crush it.

Lesson 25- Town Hall (Interview) Readers Theater

A Time for Patience (Fable)
Comprehension Strategies
Focus Skill: Review- Plot/Use Graphic Aids
Focus Strategy: Review- Use Story
Grammar: Review- Present Tense Action Verbs, SubjectVerb Agreement, Past Tense Verbs, and Forms of be
Writing: Revise and Publish selected previous writing
assignments. Writing on Demand: Summary

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