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BERNARD HARTLEY & PETER VINEY DEPARTURES ras Line yy 6 BR ea me LS CU, é BERNARD HARTLEY & PETER VINEY DEPARTURES WORKBOOK B UNITS 41-80 Oxford University Press Oxford University Press Walton Street, Oxford OX2 6DP Oxford New York Athens Auckland Bangkok Bombay Calcutta Cape Town Dar es Salaam Delhi Florence Fong Kong Istanbul Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madras Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Nairobi Paris Singapore Taipei Tokyo Toronto and associated companies in Berlin Ibadan OXFORD and OXFORD ENGLISH are trade marks of Oxford University Press ISBN 0 19 432234 3 (workbook B) ISBN 0 19 432233 5 (workbook A) ISBN 019 432221 1 (student's edition) © Bernard Hartley and Peter Viney 1980 First published 1980 Twenty-seventh impression 1994 No unauthorized photocopying All rights reserved. No part ofthis publication may be reproduced, red ina retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying. recording, or Stherwise, without the prior ‘written permission of Oxford University Press This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out, or otherwise Circulated without the publisher's, prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which itis published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. Ilustrations by: Paddy Mounter Phototypeset by Filmtype Services Limited, Scarborough. Printed in Hong Kong, To the teacher Workbook B of Streamline English Departures consists of forty units. Each unit relates directly to the equivalent unit in Streamline English Departures units 41-80. The Workbook is an optional element of the course, designed to provide language summaries and additional written exercises. it may be used in the following ways: 1 Inmore extensive courses as additional classroom material, providing extra oral practice and written reinforcement and consolidation of the basic core material in the student's edition. 2 Asmaterial for homework in more intensive situations. ‘The Workbook should only be used after full oral practice of the corresponding unit in the siudent’s edition. The language summaries provide material for revision. ‘A further workbook is available for units 1-40 of the student's edition, under the title Workbook A. Bernard Hartley Peter Viney Unit 41 Language summary 1) was | here Was [1 | here? Yes, | 1) ws No.1 pwr He | ionsn't | there he | there? fe he she | uns not she she she h Lit in | You Twere Were | you Yes. [wee | were. No, | aw | aneren’t We weren't ite ww vou They wore not Mey | they they Look at this today .. yesterday this Wook . last week this moming yesterday morning this month. lat month ths allernoon Yesterday attereon this year. ast year ts evening . yesterday evening tonight. ast night c —— lee a) age 4 MM.L MML MMLL. MECHANICAL MUSICING. | | MECHANICALMUSICING. | | MECHANICALMUSICINC. aatist Elton Kash AnTsT Loma Winter WORLO TOURS AITISH CONCERT TOUR PROGRANIEFOR VISIT TOLONDON | (ast Year) (tast Week) (Yesterday) saat ania boas Hoare aoa! the fin studio 1H parsn a roatauzant a0 paiat ho 350 moose iat the Hilton Hotel SEPT aiat the Concert Salt SECEHBER sCanada bed | Exercise 1 Where wes he in January? Wikere were they on Monday? Where was she at nine o'clock? He es in Cabfornia They were i Liverpool She was a home Continue Dae . 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 Unit 42 Language summary There | was | a restaurant. Was there a beach? | Yes, there was. wasn’t No. there wasn't. ‘were | some hotels Were there any bars? | Yes, there were weren't | any buses Ce ‘Come to LONGHAM Elephants PARK B= hers MGrattes Exercise t ‘Tracy was there last Sunday. Her friend is asking her about it Were there any elephants? Was there a restaurant? Write eight more questions. 1 aon Exercise 2 There was a restaurant There were some elephants, ‘Write eight sentences. 1 aor Exercise 3 There wasn’t a museum. There weren't any crocodiles. Now write sentences with: a discotheque/a beachicats’ ‘gorilas/a swimming pool’dogs, eayrow eyrou zebras Kangaroos ARestaurant MAnAguanum You can diveinto this new Sata Park. andsee the animals SAFARI setvocst ane team fefee.DonFopen mAnoucounty mAPicnicarca Bm ASouven Shoo Unit 43 ‘Language summary Ws | too | big for | me. Theyre | | Shar | | fo expensive him long her. short ws. them Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise 3 Look atthe frst conversation in the Look atthe second conversation, and book and complete this conversation, comple this conversation A : a — trousers, 2 B Single or double? B Why? a8 Can you change this hat? a size, B With or without a shower? 1s foo small for me. 8 long, shot? A a B How long for? 8 size car A Imnotsure B Yes, of course. w. These Exercise 4 ‘A Tea 20p, sandwich 359. cake 1p B Ah, howe’ a pound note. A Thanks... thats 18p change B Excuse me. 1 Dhink my change is wrong. {need another 10p. © Cottee 309, two cakes 46p, biscuits 17p. An, here's a five pound note © ight... that's £9.07 change. > E Hamburger two dollars, mik 65 vents, ice-cream 92 cents. F Thanks. Here's afve-dolr bil E Good. That's $1.23 change. F Exercise 5 Which do you prefer? Tea or cottes atter dinner? I prefer coffee 1 Wine or beer with steak? 3 2 Lemon or mik with tea? 3. White or black coffee for breakfast? 4 Thecity or the country? 5 Pop music or classical music? Unit 44 Language summary 1 | haa treakfast. ‘Did | T_| fave | breakfast? ‘Yes, Idi. You | dit not have | a bath ‘you abath? No, Idd’ He | didi? have. | dinner he any fod? she she We ae They they exorcise 1 Fee eanaspirin 2 8k 4 apaty 6 acupottea sslerday. bath Thad a bath yesterday, Now write tue sentences. 4 ashave {8 an English lesson 5 ashower 7 swim Exercise 2 He always has coffee at eleven o'clock. So yesterday ke had coffee at eleven o'clock. They never have a lesson. on Sundays, __ So last Sunday they didn’t have a lesson. Now write sentences, 1 She never has a holiday in June. So last June 2 We always have lunch at 12.30. So yesterday ‘Answer these questions wth Yes, Idi or No, | didn't 1. Did you have breakfast at eight o'clock yesterday? 2 Did you have a shower this morning? 3. Did you nave abithday party last year? 4 Did youhave any homework lastnight? Exercise 4 ‘Answer these questions, 1 What time did you have breakfast yesterday? Who did you have breakfast with? Did you have a shower this moming? Did you have any cotfee yesterday? Did you have a birthday party last year? eaanun Did you have any homework last night? ‘3. They always have a shower in the moming. So yesterday ‘morning 4 He never has a lecture on Saturdays. So last Saturday 5. She never has breakfast at weekends, So last weekend Unit 45 Language summary to school. Did | 1) come home. you | go he she they 1 | went You | didn't go He | did noi go She We They came didn’t come did not come | got You | ian get He’ | did noi get She We They | aletter | yesterday. Did last Thursday. this morning. to school home 1 | get you she they yesterday? last week? ‘at 7 o'clock? on Tuesday? a letter? Present amiis haverhas 0 get Past were had went came got Look at the shopping list ‘Mrs Scott went to town yesterday afternoon Exercise 1 A. She went to the butcher's, B She got some beef and some hamburgers. Waite six more sentences. 18 B 2A Exercise 2 lamb She didn’t get any lamb. Write sentences with: cakes'soaploranges. 1 2 Exercise 3 ‘A How much beef did she get? B How many hamburgers did she get? Write questions. 1A B Look at this. Exercise 4 by taxi hettaxi He came by taxi. by bus by train by bicycle on foot Write sentences. 2a 1 they/bus 2 shefoot 3 wetrain 4 Weicycle Unit 46 Language summary 1 | finished the letter. Did | 1 finish the letter? Yes, Idd You | didn’t finish it you | type iv No, Ididn’t He | typed hhe | photocopy She | dnt type she We | photocopied we They | didn’t photocopy they Look at this finish... finished Look at these words. sign ... signed Vsismileflook'study watch dictateyplayike/testiove/carry! post .. posted startwash/wanUlistenineedienjoyidress/repeatirent Now write them in the correct place, in the same way as the examples. type ... typed telepne telephoned reserve reserved stay .. stayed Photocopy ... photocopied Exercise 2 He dictated a letter. What did he dictate? Continue. 1 She played tennis in the park 4. She rented the car on Saturday. Where = serine? When —— 2 2 He carried three cases. 5 He repeated the exercise. How many : 2 Why . son 3 They started at 6 o'clock. 6 They stayed in a hotel What time 2 Which or 2 Exercise 3 Mary/Paulfinishievam ‘Mary finished the exam, but Paul didn’t finish i. Continue, 4 AnnaiPeterlikerti 2 BrendaiJulie/study vocabulary 3 Jane!Neilwatchiprogramme Unit 47 Unit 48 Language summary ans ee oon wee one a eee = ~ Carol Richard ‘Mark and Sally emigone aA See a Carol went to Mexico last year. She flew by British Airways. She ate chili con carne and drank tequila. She ‘sno the Aztec pyramids. She bought a Mexican hat. 1. Write about Richard, Exercise 2 ‘Complete the spaces, Use the Past of the words in the box. 2 Write about Mark and Sally en to Egypt last summer. He Alt of peopl there. He alovat come write fide shine letters, and them to al his friends. The sun neatly every day It send bring go. moet very hot. He the Groat Pyramid, and he ‘ona camel, He alotot fake see photos. He home by British Airways. He a oto souverits wih him Exercise 3 ‘Answer these questions. 4 Where did you go for your last holiday? 2 How did you go there? 3. What did you see there? 4 What did you eat? ‘5 What did you drink? © What did you buy? 7 How did you come home? 8 Did you send any postcards? ® Did you take any photographs? 10 Diditain? Unit 49 | Language summary [| have got | only | a little | food T | haven't got | much | food. You | ha Teter. You | ditt nave tote. We petrol. rmany | biscuits ley afew | biscuits books. ite books She It Roy Westonis an explorer. He's crossing Antarctica. Yesterday, he visited a famous place. Major Campbell the famous British explorer, stayed there in 1921 with five of his men, They were there for six weeks. They didn't move because of the weather. The Antarctic winter kld them. Roy has got a book about Major Campbell. In the book, there is a picture of a note. Campbell wrote it. He died the next day. Exercise 1 ‘They had some biscuits, but they didn’t have many. They had some chocolate, but they didn’t have muic, Write six sentences. Tis sen 4 3 6 Exercise 2 Exercise 3 They had only afew biscuits How many biscuits did they have? They had only alittle chocolate. How much chocolate did they have? Write six sentences, Write six questions. 1. son 1 ae 2 3. 3 4 4 5 5 ee 6 Exercise 4 Write answers. 1. Who's Roy Weston? 5 What killed them? 2 What's he doing? 6 Who wrote the note? 3. How many men were with Major Campbell? wcions nie 7 What's the date on the note? ‘4 Howmany weoks were they there? 8 Whatdate did Campbell die? 1 | sang | weil You | danced | bad He | played | carefully. She ‘quickly. We They Exercise 1 Look at this gowent catch caught eat come by shine are hurry sing bring meet take send” play cary see write has rink eat enioy eictate Exercise 2 He's a bad singer. 2 He's a careless writer. Re usually sings badly, but yesterday he sang aelt! Continue, 1 Theyre slow workers, 3. They/re good players. Look at this Thisis picture of The ‘Gas Cooker Orchestra’ ‘Ariy’s the pianist. Pat's the guitarist Grogg's the organist. ‘Abort’ the drummer Duncans the trumpeter. Danny's the vilnst Tony's the trombonist Exercise 3 Andy plays the piano, Write sentences far the other musicians. 1 2 3 Exercise 4 ‘Andy's a mdrvoous plait! Yes, he aluays plays wel Continue. 1 Pats a fantastic guitarist! 2 Grogg's a wondertut organist! 3 Danny's a briliant vocalist! Unit 51 Language summary 1 did fit) am hour | ago. Present Past Present Past Yow | sao | them | tuo days leave left drive drove We | bought five minutes lose lost spend spent Tey Tine ets fre gave ee He | think thought find found She 4 Exercise 1 tts five o'clock now. ‘The Lost Property Office is closing. ‘The clerk is looking at the lost property book. 1A Mrs Key lost an umbrella. B Miss Clark found it © I gave it to Mrs Key two hours ago. Now write sentences about the other things. TA v 2a Exercise 2 ‘Answer these questions 1 Where are you now? 2 How long ago did you arrive here? 3. What did your friends give you for your birthday? 4 How much money did you spend yesterday? 5 Did you lose anything last year? Exercise 3 Look at this ‘A went fo Doncaster last week B Oh? How did you go? A Lent by train B How lovig did it take? A It took ant hour and forty minutes. Now write conversations for: York/Newcastle/Edinburgh. CITY BUS COMPANY —Lost Property iTEM Loser | Finder | TIMEOF COLLECTION cuneate [firs keg | oes Gam | 3.00 2 Gurpcase [pre winins | rire Owen | 4.00 3. Geia pea _|mias Specx |r wallace | 4, 30 4 Hand bag _|Ptre Davie _|om Gauam | 4.45 3A © What did you lose? 7 Did you find anything last year? 8 What did you find? LN ate ota mRoy eae Kings Coss | 700 | 11.00 | 1900 dencover [1040 | 120 [14 vYerk Ti1o-[ 13101510 Newonle [23a | Taae | 1334 rwcbueh [isa Dae |r 14 BB one 3A 8 8 8 a rN a 8 8 8 a —— coe a Take the Overground —Inter-City services from London s Exercise 4 Where do you catch the train for Glasgow? Euston. Continue 1 Dover? 2 Swansea? 3 Norwich? { 4 Hull 5 : Nottingham? Exerciae 5 ‘A How long does it take to get to Newcastle from London? B Tuo hours and 55 minutes, Now write sentences for: Liverpool CarifiFokestone'Ghester (Find them on the map.) 1A aA... 8 ‘ 2a 4a 8. 8 Exercie 6 ‘Now complete this conversation, 'A. Where did you go last weekend? ! 8 Blackpool. a ‘A Oh, fo? B went by train a = — B About three hours. ee Present Past Present Past Present Past Present Past shoot shot wear wore open opened snow snowed burn burnt break broke attack attacked score "scored begin began bomb bombed protest protested Exercise Look at this. leave left Continue lose sing worry win am give think rive spend find come meet buy catch ty De Traceeay, Gotoh NOTES: | Sear Seis Rsioter ~~ Sao. ores gina NOTES:2 Thdlenany/tive slisbenn/inlagee eels aonta/nat Drereat sou bag /tote da 260 stra /oen esltecr/ee Sage se they /n atenafomtainn A Nores:3 Prince chaha/ti! Master /sohca/tasnte ee mse Nae te %) NOTES. 4 @ tb ae/oe SZ saesnvtor sven ‘Look at the notes. Look atthe example. Look at Unit 52. Try and write the news for October 21st 4 Last night there was a coup état in Volonia. The rebels attacked the Parliament Building, shot the Prime Minister, and burnt the building. The air force bombed the rebels. The USA sent planes to the area. The USSR protested in the United Nations. Unit 53 Language summary Present Past Present Past Present Past Present Past die died sell sold retire retired crash crashed become became marry — married gamble gambled inherit inherited build built design designed rmamufacture ‘manufactured produce produced Exercise 1 Look at this drive drove spend like photocopy think see ce Shoot bun fury wo bring” break begin shine catch lose Exercise 2 ‘A He went to London, B Di he go to London? © He didn't go to Paris. D When did he go to London? 11 They flew to New York. c D How 2 2A He sold one of his cars. B 2 c pictures. 1D Which son? 3A He drove very quickly. 5 2 c slowly. D How ? 4A Itwas a green hat 8. 2 c brown hat B What colour 7 5A Hughes died in 1976. 8 2 c 1975, D When 2 6 A The thief shot the manager. 8 a? c secretary, D who oe) 7 She wrote home every week. 8 2 © vosnnnnnennnnnnn OOTY AY, D How often a 8 A He sent her a telegram. Bosnian 2 c. letter. D Wry 2 9. He got up early. Benes serene? c ve late D Whattime 2 10 A The journey took five hours. 8 7 2 c sone five minutes. B Howlong 2 11 A She gave me some money. B a c food. Who ? 12.A She wore a dress. 8 : 2 c ski. D What penne? 13 A They bult a house near the sea B 2 e. inthe mountains D Where sane? 44 A She bought some books. 8 2 c son FCO. D a 2 45 A Hughes was born in 1905. B 2 c : sven 1915; When 2 ony __ Tm dang no Tab eer da Terenas the ment. They nomly ork o Sundays. Exercise 4 le liste wnay vocome bu vr Gow, ai és aa wen sean ii sin si Tavattnch Linch ody ster Start Sou. broad bter toon Main coure Maincourse mension far Potioes Saad wo Voges One Tomato Dassen ese rots ta very busy man. He has alto Busnes lunches in expensive restaurants. He usualy rinks alotot Appear with eream Orange wine Hee vory fae wortioseethe ctor two aysago Cheese and Biscults Danks andthe doctor gaverima special diet. He'shavinghis fret DFM beter Spec men now Hela PaEP. I ey Look at these two lists. ss lack Co! exerciee 2 Answer hase uctons 1 Coos ne uly hve soup? Yes, eds. 4 ne ving on today? 2 ta ohaving soup toy? 8 oeshe usualy hve read? 2 Does te usualy have etn? 6 she haing ead tay? Exerciee 3 He sully bs roast mes, bu today he’ hing fh te or semences. ' sn 2 2 ‘ Exerciee 4 He ost sully have 66h He's having fish today. 1 salad. 3 — sone AN OFANge. 2 o sous one tomato, 4 soe Yoghurt ‘urimary TJ amas | doing it. Was [I | doing i? Yes] 1 | sas He | isn’t he he Ste | ts not she No | she | eosu’t " it i We | were | doing it, Were | we | doing it? Yes | we | were You | sueren’t wou | you They ) were not they No | they | weren't | worKeecoeo 24th april. 2950 | we ne “staan. Freese soumt 9.30 1430 ves mesess | oa La Bay. uu 00 This is a page from the work record of the ‘Grend Hotel . Exercise 1 Mrs Browneight o'ctock/a.m What wes she doing at eight o'clock in the morning? She was cleaning. Continue. 11 Mis Bridges & Mrs Beeton’12.90/ 2 Miss Ciarkiten o'clock’a.m 3. Mr Macdonald9.15/a.m, pam, Exercise 2 Was Mrs Brown cleaning at 2.20 in the afternoon? No sie wasn't Hl Write answers. 1. Were Mrs Bridges and Mrs Beeton 2 Was Mr Macdonald washing up at 3. Was Miss Clark typing at ‘cooking at ten o'clock in the fine o'clock in the morning? half past one in the afternoon? morning? Exercise 3 Where was Mrs Brown working at eight o'clock? She was working upstairs 1 sna MS Bridges & Mrs Boeton ‘one o'clock? in the kitchen. 2 os Miss Clark eleven o'clock? Inthe office, 3 Mr Macdonald ns eight ociock? in the Kitchen, Bon Mrs Brown ten oclock? Inthe kitchen Unit 56 Look at this Present Past Present Past Present Past, run ran it hit put put Last year the ‘Albatross’, a British cruise ship was crossing the Atlantic, when ithit an iceberg. Itwas eleven o'clock at night. Luck, it wasn't avery big iceberg, but the passengers got a terible shock. When the ship hit the iceberg some of them ‘were watching a film in the ship's cinema, The film was "The Titanic’ Look at this ‘When the ship hit the rock at eleven Bavly Jones o'clock, the passengers were deing Means Genie, (Whisky) siflererthings ‘ot Team) Exercise 1 Davey Jones/whisky ‘A Where was Davey Jones? B He was in the bar. © What was he doing? D He uns drinking whisky. Now write four sentences about these people Hearjet Morgan(stomer) iin Hawkins (Football match) 4 Jim Hawkins A - 8 > c 5 John Silver > a 2 Mr&Mrs Grenville B a ce > ~ 6 Janet Homblower > A { 3. Mr & Mrs Nelson 8 a c B > c Francesca Drake D >» 7 a Henrietta Morgan 5 c > Exercise 2 Jim Hawkins Henrietta Morgan Davey Jones Mr and Mrs Nelson jump run ‘smoke When the ship hit the iceberg Jim Hawkins was watching a football match, A What did he do? B He jumped into the sea Write about the others 1 Davey Jones, 2 Henrietta Morgan 3 Mrand Mrs Nelson a a a 8 se vs 8 sen ~ 8 Exercise 3 Fillin the spaces. Last week a Boeing 747, an American was the Atlantic When two men hijacked It It was one o'clockin the afternoon. When they it some ofthe. wore atm. The was “Hijack 81 ‘When they hijacked the plane, the passengers were doing diferent things. Jane Smith 22s looking outof the window. Mr & Mrs Spencer were tired, and they were sleeping. Fillin the spaces. 1 Ann & David Clark 8 meal 2 John Brown asim 3 Miss Jackson a book. 4 Suny and Peter Wilson orange juice. 5 The pil... the plane. 6 Virginia Cook . a letter. 7 Kate & Angela DAWSON seen Some Hinds. 8 Th alr host0s805 nn people their meats. Unit 57 Language summary 1 | could | drive when He | couldn't | Swim She | could not | play the piano We we You wou oo they Could | 1 | swim | when | 1 | was. | ten? he he eighteen? she tent? be ve you w they you they Tonight Simon Smith is playing in @ concert with the British ‘Symphony Orchestra. He's only ten years old. He could play the piano when he was five. He could also read music. He was a very clever child. He could talk and walk when he was. rine months old. He could read and write when he was three, and he could understand algebra and speak French when he was six. Exercise 1 Cart he read music? Now write four questions and four answers, 1A 28 3A an Exercise 2 Coulter music when he was four? B No, he couldn't, but he could read music when he was five Now write two questions and two answers 1A 8 2a 8 Exercise 3 ‘Answer these questions with Yes, I could or No, I couldn't. 1 Could you read when you were three? were six? 2 Could you write when you were eight? you were ten? 3. Could you speak English when you 4 Could you understand algebra when ten. eighteen, taenty, Yes, I could. No, Tcouldn’t ROYAL FESTIVAL HALL inconcert “The ten year old genius” With che Brivsh Symphony Orchestra, 5 Could you walk when you were two? 6 Could you talk when you were six ‘months? Unit 58 Language summary NO STANDING } NOSMOKING You mustn't smoke. 2 a 4 5 Write sentences. TURNLEFT You must turn left. 4 2 3 4 5 Write sentences. Exercise 4 Answer these questions with Yes, J must, No, I mustn't or No, I needn't In your county ‘Younsedivtestapaspon || 1 Mustyou wear auniform o school? DONTGOAWAYIOR oravisn YOUR HOLIDAY THIS YEAR? orforeigncrrency 2 Must you arive onthe right? ‘orholidayinsurance STAYIN rinjections {3 Mustyou buy atcket onthe bus? [ENGLAND __ gzzieravonrsvie | be Wet 4 Must you cary an identity cara? | ‘TheEnsish Tours Board, lust you sign the book nano? ToeEe '5 Must you sign he book na hot! You neni get a passport © Must youpay taxes? Wate te sentences. 7 Mustyou pay for school Boks? 1 8 Must you take exams? {9 Must you do mitary service? 40 Must you pay the doctor? 2 3 4 5 Unit 59 Look at this STD code number STD means subsoriber trunk dialling. The subscriber is the person paying for the phone call, Trunk means long distance. For example, the STD code for Bournemouth is 0202. You ‘needn't ask the operator for a Bournemouth number, you can dial direct. For Bournemouth 27414, you dial 0202-27414. International dialling Tophone Britain from another country you dial the access ‘code, then the British code (44), then the STD code without the ‘0. So, ftom Holland you dal: ‘Access Code Country Code AreaCode Number 08 44 araia ‘80 you dial 09-44.202-27414, From Britain the Access Code is ‘010". So, to phone Brisbane in Australia (Brisbane 12848), you dial, ‘Access Code Couniry Code AreaCode Number 010 et m 12345 Exercise 1 Exercise 3 Look at the second conversation inthe student's book, and Answer these questions. ‘complete this conversation: . ‘A Helio, Directory Enquiries. Can I help you? Seer mre 2 What's yournumber? 8 ae 3. What's the STD code for your town?” 8 an you dial dir ndon wn? Aree ‘4 Can you dial direct to London from your to B '5 What's the code for your country? Exercise 2 poe Look atthe third conversation in the student's book, and ‘Look atthe fourth conversation in the student's book. ‘complete this conversation: You are trying to telephone a fiend, Her number is Brussels 04-72-88, {A International Service. Can |help you? ‘A. Good morning. Streamline Taxis 8 B ‘A When? ‘A What's the number, please? 8 . B o = 4 ‘A Where are you at the moment? ‘A And what's your number? 8 ‘A And your name ... what's your name? ‘A. light. Please put £1.90 in the box. Il call you back in a B — ‘moment A Right. Thank you very much. 8 Unit 60 Language summary Present Past speak spoke Exercise 1 Now complete the spaces. 20th May 1054 Sunshine Avenue, Los Angeles, Ca. Dear Anna, Yesterday moming I ..... on an excursion to Disnoyland, I ss... with some friends. T ...+. at 6.30 and ...., them near my house. We ..... to Disneyland in Bank's car. We s++++ a lot of interesting things. I sess @ Mickey Mouse T-shirt, It was only $4. We ses. Junch in a very good restaurant. I ..... a big steak, and some beer, In the aftemoon ve ..... in the gardens for an hour or two. I two nice girls from Mexico, I Spanish to thom, but they ..... understand me very well. I ++ leam some more Spanish! See you next ont. Best wishes, - Dwid Exercise 2 z ay 3 Now compete this letter. 4 ‘You can use these words. withimy brother get upi5.30 ‘meotbus station afternoon/Falls they/fantastic welseetriver lunchiat a hotel drinkicoffee fevening/come home ‘meeva gil from Quebec ‘ot speak English’we/French all the time Unit 61 Language summary ‘opened it closed it has not Have | 1 opened it? you | closed it? we | doxe a? they Has [he she it Yes, I have. No, Thaven’t Yes, he has. No, he hasn't Exercise 1 Look at this a What's he doing? He's cleaning i. What's he done? He's cleaned it ‘She's ironing the clothes. Pay CSET Cea What's he doing? Unit 62 Language summary 1 You We They He ‘we [ben have | gone haven't have not there. Where | have She | has it | hasn't has not Exercise 1 ‘She's got some bread, She's been to the baker's. 1 He's got some steak 2 They've got some méney. Exercise 2 He's got some new shoes. He's been to the shoe shop. 1 She's got a new book. 2 He's got a new record Exercise 3 13. Tve got some stamps, 4. She's got some aspirin. 3. The children have got new toys. 4 They're eating fish and chips. ‘They weren't here a moment ago. They're here now. Where have they been? 1. Ho wasnt here yesterday. He's here now. 2 John and Mary weren't here an hour ago. They're here now. Exercise 4 He was here. He isn't here now. Where's he gone? 1 Thoy were here. They aren't here now. 2 Mary was at home. She isn't at home now. Mary's got toothache. She isn't here. She’s gone to the dentist. 1 John needs some money. He isn't here now. 2 Janet broke her arm, She jet here now. 3. Sho wasn't here last week. She's here now. 4 The dog wasnt hare a moment ago, I's here now. ‘3. Mr ané Mrs Smith were in bed. They arent in bed now. 4 Itwas on the shell. It isn't there now. 9. Paul needs some stamps. He isn't here now. 4 Mary lett her handbag on the bus. She isn't here now. just | done it already | painted it ‘washed it, Look at thi 0 - did - done ‘open - opened — opened ‘90 — went — gone close - closed - closed amis/are — was/were — been telephone — telephoned - telephoned study ~ studied ~ studied Exercise 1 What does U.K. mean? It means United Kingdom. ‘Write questions and answers using: |I.T.V., 8.B.C., U.S.A., G.P.O., U.N.O., W.H.O. (You can use a dictionary.) What's she just done? 1 a they 3 she She's just washed the dishes : 7 2 sane 2 2 TROBE aso agoal door. Exercise 3 Exercise 4 ‘You musn't touch the door! Inaven’t touched it! Is she going to wash her hair? No, she's already washed it. Continue. 4 You mustn't look at your books! 1 Is he going to clean his teeth? 2 You mustn't ask John! 2 Are they going to clean the house? 3 You mustn' kiss Anne! 3 Is she going to sign her name? 4 You mustn't close the door! 4 Are you going to finish your homework? pollution There dirt fresh air. ‘water. too many aren't are not enough Look at this How many pounds? How many pence? How many apples? How much money? oan sree Exercise 1 How much? money/fruit/ How many? pence/poundslapples{pears! ... ‘Look atthe examples and do the same with: litres of petrol! petroV/oaves of bread/breadicars/pollution/oilsmoker bananas /food/dollarsiminutesitime/hours/daysijobs‘ppoint ments'workinews/music/informationvexcitementidirtrice/ water/people/books houses'flats/accommodation. London London has a ot of problems. I's a big city. Look atthe lists and write fiteen sentences. Begin with: There isn't enough ... There aren't enough There's too much ... There are too many — fats‘accommodationjobs for young people’work/polcementresh airhouses + pollution‘cars/people/smoke/otice-blocksidinraticnoise 1 2 3 4 5 6 1” 7 12 8 13 ° 1“ io 18 How much fruit? Unit 65 Language summary 1) ve | been to London. You | have | seen the Queen ben to London | yet seen the Queen We They He |'s He | hasnt She | has She | as not It It Tre | mever | been to Landon Hae you | ever | be to Lona He's een the Queen Has he seen the Queen? | LORNA WINTER: | Tour of the United States Lorna Winter, the famous singer, is on a concert tourofthe “The Ral, are a very popular group. They're on a concert U.S.A. Atthe moment i's the fith day ofthe tour, and she's tour of Britain. Al the moment i's the fith day ofthe tour and in Miami, they/re in Bristol, Exerci ‘She's been to Boston. ‘She hasnt been to Dallas yet. Write eight sentences, 1 5 2 6 3 7 ‘ 8 Exercise 2 They've been to London They haven't been to Leeds yet Write eight sentences. 1 5 2 6 3 7 4 8 Exercise 3 Has she been to Atlanta yel? Yes, she has Has she been to Dallas yet? No, she hasn't ‘Write eight questions and answers. 1 2 3 4 Exercise 4 Have they been to London yet? Yes, they have Have they been to Leeds yét? No, they haven't. Write eight questions and answers, zon Exercise 5 ‘The Queen Have you ever seer the Queen? Wot six questions. Answer them with Yes, Ihave or No, I haven't ‘a kangaroo an elephant a Rolls-Royce Concorde aJames Bond lm the Ta) Mahal the Eiffel Tower _aninternational football match ey euren Exercise 6 Ho Paris/eitel Tower He's been to Paris, and he's seen the Eiffel Tower, 1 She!Rome Colosseum 2 They/London’Buckingham Palace 3 WeiMoscowithe Kremlin 4 HeiMexico’Aztec pyramids '5 They/Athens'the Acropolis 6 Sicily Mount Eina Unit 66 Language summary How | much | have you | done? amlislare | waslwere | been many | has ke 30 went — | gone see saw seen send | sent sent spend | spent | spent buy bought | bought take too taken meet — | met met Pat Kellyis trom Australia. Mi and Mrs Vincent are Trudy Markhamis rom He'sonholiday, andhe’s Bish. They're on holiday in Canada. She's on holiday in touring the East Coast of the aly Britain USA. Places visited Rome London Naples Stratlord Going to visit Boston Florence ‘Cambridge. Niagara Falls Bologna Oxtord Places seen White House The Colosseum ‘Tower of London Staive of Liberty The Isle of Capa Royal Shakespeare Theatre Things bought some records some pictures three dresses Money spent £600 £400 $1,000 People met not many alot atew Postcards ten ‘twenty fiteen Photos not... any alot about 50 Exercise 1 Look at this postcard. Pat Kellys in the USA. He's sending the postcard home. Dear Mum, Well, ve bette Newlork ond. Thawent lean to Nigora Talla yok, ve sean the Star. of orc th hits Hun baught Soma weodls Its cenpative. hase. Toe spent | Thovend mat many people Te sant Bin pastzarts to POSTCARD MRS N. KELLY 56 BILLABONG ROAD, New BRNTON, vicToRIA, AUSTRALIA Now write a postcard for Mr and Mrs Vincent, beginning: We've PosT Lear Bert and Drrsen, Ate & Hie APPLETON, 103 BUSHTON AVENUE, CHISHICK, onion, ENGLAND. Now write about Trudy’s holiday. She's in Britain. Unit 67 Language summary Have | 1 | ever | done it? When | did | t | doi? you drunk this? you | drink it we seen Phat? we} see it? they eaten this? they | eat it? jin} ae drought that? he) yi i. ie Look st this fink ~ drank crunk rive — drove ~ driven eat ate - eaten find — found ~ found have ~ had — had lose ~ lost ~ lost break broke = broken it~ hihi Exercise 1 Now complete this. meet cy 90 send - see take Exercise 2 Look athe example. Completethe «4A Has ho ever BA Hashe ever agun? conversations. Rolls Royce? B Yes, he has Cones B Yes, hehas. ‘A. Have you ever seer-an elephant? ‘When aide i” B Yes, Ihave. A Really? When did he Where did you se it? ir B He aquninthe ary. B saw one a the 200. B He ‘one last year 1A Havethey evermelaamous SA Has she ever 9A Have you ever taken a criving test? person? champagne? B Yos | have. B Yes, they have B Yes, she as. A wen di you ‘ 1 Wino cisthey vot ‘A Oh. where ais she in Br... itin 1978 B They the President. & SNE oon son 80M ater sisters wedding 2A Have you over BA Have you ever ry 10. Have you ever toa ‘anybody? money? famous person? B Yes, ave B Yes, Ihave. B Yes we have. ‘A Oh, who did you bit? A How much did you. Bi my brother! B Iloste10. 9A Have you ever wwe T/A Have you ever found, hospital? anything in the street? B Yes, | have. B Yes, thave, A Why. youinnospital? A Whatdid you B Because! very il BI ‘handbag 2 OW, Who MIA YOU earns 10? B We spoke to the Queen. {1A Has she ever ses YOR house? B Yes she has. 8 When did she visit you? B She us last week: Unit 68 Look at this long...longer big... bigger dry. rior large short...shorterwet’..wetter heavy... heavier nice old...older thin. thinner - + less expensive expensive more expensive less comiorable comfortable more comfortable less economical economical mere economical Exercise 1 young younger Continue 4 nice 4 bad 7 near 2 sunny 5 hot 8 white 3 dark 6 fresh 9 fat Exercise 2 less interesting interesting more interesting Continue. Berni 7 exciting 2 important 3 _ dangerous Exercise 3 A Concorde’s faster than a Jumbo Jet ‘A Jumbo Jet's more economical than a Concorde. Write three sentences. You can use these words: slowinoisy/beauttu 1 Exercise 4 ‘The manager of Eastham United is going to buy a now footballer for his team. He has £800,000. He is thinking about two players. ‘Steve Mercer’ older than Pat Finnegan. at Finnegan's more expensive than Steve Mercer. ‘Write si sentences. You can use these words: heavy! lighttatamoustasishort. 1 oo aun larger good .. better nicer bad 40 cheap 41 chy 12 good worse 13 sad 16 auiet 14 near 47 ity” 15 noisy 18 warm Steve Mercer 26 £600,000 1 metre 84 cms 7B kilos fast very famous(he has played for England 28 times) Pat Finnegan a £750,000 1 metre 90 cms 70 kilos vory fast not fanous (he has played| for Ireland 3 times) Unit 69 Language summary 1 | have to doit Do [1 | havetodoit? Yes, Ido. You | don'haveto Did | you No, Idont fy | fad to a Yes, Idd They | didn’t have to —_| thes | No, Ididn't Does | fe He [has to She | doesn’t have to bit | se had to didn’t have to David Watkins isa footballer for Eastham United. Eastham is a frst civision football cub. The English football season begins in August, and finishes atthe beginning of May. From ‘August to May the footballers have to train hard. The manager givestnem a lot of rules. ise 1 got upi8 o'clock They have to get up at eight o’lock: Continue. 1 goto bed'9 o'clock 2 practise/3 hours aay Exercise 2 Exercise 3 Dave is on holiday in May, June and July. He doesn’t have to get up at eight eed ten years ago, Brian Hulf is the manager of Eastham United. Ten years ago he was a {footballer 100. The rules were the same 3 runi2kmievery day 4 eatistoak and saladilunch 5 stay inhotel before a match Exerel 4 He also had his holiaay in summer. He didn’t have to get upat eight o'clock He had to get up at eight o'clock. Look at exercise one, and write five sentences, sentences. 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 so 4 Look at exercise one, and write five Look at exercise one, and write five sentences, 1 Unit 70 Language summary long .. longer... longest big. bigger .. biggest large ... larger. largest short. shorter shortest yet. weiter. welest nice nicer. nicest old older. odest thin. thinner thinnest dry ~. drier .. driest ood... better best heavy «heavier heaviest id worse. worst = = = least expensive less expensive ‘expensive ‘more expensive ‘most expensive least comfortable less comfortable comfortable more comfortable most comfortable Exercise 1 young A younger B the youngest Continue 1 noisy A 8 Scod A B 2 white A B 6 lucky A 8 Shot A 8 Tit 8 8 4 good A 8 Boa A. 8 Exercise 2 [A the least interesting B less interesting © interesting Bmore interesting E the most interesting. Continue 1A 2a. 3a 8 8. 8 © important © exciting © dangerous > > > E © e Exercise 3 Exercise 4 MATHEMATICS EXA\ HOTEL GUIDE: Watermouth 1 as The Sea View ¢ Green Ave, Tel 74533 167213 The Ambassador « # x HighSt.,Te:81396 Tae Om 23a, see 4 ES a OTS 4 = 9612 5. % ‘Number Tis the least difficult. Wht four sentences. 1 sow Thelnternational « x x + Grifith Park, Tel: 21033 TheRedLion « + BeachRd., Tel: 24094 The Royal Bristol « + # # BristolRd., Tel: 94362 The Royal Bristol is the most comfortable, Write tour sentences. aon Setury Magarne tn August Guide to New Cars Ss This month: HATCHBACKS (under Exercise 5 Exercise 6 ‘The Javelin is faster than the Carnival, and the Carnival is Which is the fastest? faster than the Sierra ‘The Javelin is the fastest. Wie sentences using these words: economicalinosyigood/ White sentences. safeiexpensivelcomfortabe. 1 ‘summary How long have you been the champion? ve | been Toe | beaten | him the champion | for | ten years. once. He's three weeks, He's them | twice. tho hours. tree times. Look at this fight — fought ~ fought / beat ~ beat — beaten / win — won — won Exercise 1 take took taken oo sn 9 beat rive sos fight send hit 7 see fing break dink lose eat : moet Exercise 2 ‘Sue Webb is a journalist, She lives in England, but she often Visits other countries, How many times has she been to France? She's been there three times. \Wiite four questions and answers. 1 aon He's in Paris, He went there three weeks ago. ‘He's been in Paris for three weeks. 1. He's here now. He came two hours ago. 2 He's in the bank. He arrived ten minutes ago Exercise 4 He's the champion of the worl How long has he been the chanapion of the world? Continue. 1 Theyrein Greece. : 2 She's at work. 3. He's in Argentina now. He went five years ago. 4 He's at home now. He arrived an hour ago. 5 He's here now. He came ten days ago. 3. He's the Director of the school. 4 They/re in London. 5 John'sat schoo) Unit 72 Language summary Will you do it? Shall we go out? Shall Ido it? Let's go to the cinema, Til do it? Of course, I will. No, I won't Exercise 1 1 Gabriel is ahairdresser. He's got anew assistant today. He's 1 asking her to help him. ‘some shampoo 2 the scissors 4 amiror Hil you Bring me some )| saa 4 ahair dir 3 atowel ep 5 Exercise 2 ‘A The phone's ringing. B I'll answer it! Continue. 4.8 (bot, and the window's closed! 9 Ive got a headache. ‘5A Im very cal... the door's open. Benen B 8 2 My bag’s very heavy. 41 | havent got any money. 6A Imthirsty. 8 8 8 Exercise 3 Can you mend it now? (ater) No, I'll mend it later Continue 4 Can he do it now? (tomorrow) 3 Can she ask him now? (soon) ‘2 Can they help me now? (in a minute) 4 Can you get it now? (next week) Exercise 4 ABCCinema City Theatre Inferno TOWNHALL “FRIDAY NIGHT FIASCO" “Hamlet” Discotheque oe JOE REVOLTA (rari Tonight Music 7 pe THE GBS Ce “The Presidents” “Birds of England A Shall we go to the cinema? B No, let's go to the theatre to see ‘Hamlet’ Write four more conversations. 1A se 3A B 7 B 28 aa Unit 73 Language summary IPs | he J st intresting | “lim There |_| been | an accident. short ay | hes to bit ——= | ere alae ave [ oo accents i He's | 0s | rich | as | Rockler. It's | thesameas | yoursourstiirs. T's ‘cold. ice. They're | different from | mine/hisihers. Exercise 1 | drove a Rolis-Royee. I's a good car. 1 I saw ‘Friday Night Fiasco’. I's a good film. 2 She saw ‘Frankenstein Alive’ W's a bad film, 3 We heard ‘The Rats’. They're a good group, Exercise 2 He's got a Fiat 127. !ve got a Fiat 127. 1 They've got a Ford Cortina. We've got a Ford Cortina, 2 She's got an Omega watch, I've got an Omega watch Exercise 3 Look at the Second conversation inthe student's book ‘Complete this conversation. 1A Look at that man! 8 [A Look at his coat. . Exercise 4 Hanbourne is a small village ~ but alot of things have. happened this year. two car crashes'three fights/a robberyiafireifour motorcycle crashes/a wedding There have been two car crashes. Wiite five sentences. wonern It's the best car I've ever driven. His car is the same as mine. 4 He read “The Godfather. It's an interesting book, 5 took some photos. They're very good photos. 3. He's got a Parker pon. She's got a Parker pen, 4 We've got a Sony T.V. They've got a Sony T.V. {A It the same as yours! That's what, 8 Alsi? r kb | t Yes. . sane MOTB Oxpensive Exercise 5 Vhaven't got any money. Why don’t you go to the bank? 4. Ive got toothache. 2 Vmill 3 I need some bread. 4 Vmbungry, Unit 74 Language summary 2M ne nae 2 rolnot any something anything? nothin nothing/not anythin Somebdy’ anybody? — nobody’ ——nobayfnot «anybody someone anyone? no ond no one/not anyone somewhere anywhere? nowhere ——_-nowhere!nol..anywohere Exercise 1 | want somo seats. Ar there ay et? {Want sore wine fs here any Continue. 1 I want some tickets, 2 Iwant some soup. Exercise 2 seats There are no seats left sugar There's no sugar lft 1 bread 2 cakes Exercise 3 ‘Complete this conversation. Use these words: anything/something’ othing/everything Mr Joseph is ina shop. A Iimlooking for sent YOF my Son. Its his birthday nex! week. isvery expensive Have you got cheaper? 1B imsony sir. 'scheap nowadays! 3 I want some cakes. 4 want some milk 5 I want some bread 3 tickets Exercise 4 Complete this conversation. Use these words: nobody/somebody/ everytodylanybody. ‘A Lwont to Norman and Pamela's wedding last Saturday, from the office was there B O.llove weddings. Did oy? A No, cred 1B What about the reception? 1A Oh, itwas very funny danced on the table. B Whowasit? A don't kaw. Complete this conversation. Use those words: everywhereino- where/somewhere/anywhere. \Mrand Mrs Grant have just artived in Boumemouth, They' holiday, and they’ looking for a hotel. They're at the Tourist Information ofice ‘A Excuse me, we're looking fora hotel B Well i's anational holiday is very busy. But 100k for you 1A Have you got near the beach? B I'msorry. There's near the beach, Bu there's inthe town contre ~The Hotel Majestic. Unit 75 Language summary Te | ew | oe | fr | Pods You | have a few minutes. He =| since | tivo o'clock. She | has | Tuesday. h February, Fave you | Ben | Bere? haste Ln | ake? 1978 I've buen here since 1978. Sheitwo days Siie’s been here for two days. Continue. 1. WolChristmas 2 Theyifour days 3 Hellast weekend 4 Won yoars 5 Hola fow days, 6 WSaturday 7 She'six years 8 You'1977 ‘9 SheiMarch 20th 40 Itten minutes 411 ThoyiAugust 412 Wertwo hours Look at this Giles Swithin and Rod Burnett were at University together. They lett in 1967, Exercise 2 Giles Swithin became a businessman eight years ago. He bought a large house four years ago, and a Rover carat the same time, Answer these questions. 1. When did he become a businessman? 2 When did he buy his house? 3 What about his car? 4 How long has he been a businessman? 5. How long has he had the house? 6 How long has he had his car? Exercise 3 Rod Burnett became a pop star in 1971. In 1978 he retired to Bermuda. He bought villa, a Ferrari and a boat. He's stl got them. He hasn't worked since 1978, ‘Answer these questions. 1. When did he become a pop star? 2 When did he retire? 3 Where did he go? 4 How long has he had the villa? '5 How long has he had the car and boat?” 6 Has he worked since 19787 | ee Unit 76 Exercise 1 Complete the spaces in this story. Use these words: parkediopenedithird/milesirented:two! utweren'tfiished/saw/wearingigovdrivirgytourhy ‘come ack'wasr't/wrongiwaiting/carrying/siop‘same! holdingilettiook’started. H's three o'clock. Mr Jackson has just white Ford Cortina car, on. the floor ofa car park. isn't his car, He i yesterday. Mr Jackson isin Manchester on business. He's ‘dark business sult and he's abriofcase. Ws, hours later. Mr Jackson has his business, and he has to the cark park, He's or thal. He's the car keys. Mr Jackson was very tired. The it didnt atthe third floor. It stopped atthe floor. Mr Jackson the tit. He a white Cortina infront of him. He walked over afd the key in the door. He the door, soe ad the engine, ‘An ious later Mc Jackson was forty from Manchester. He was along the motorway when a police car stopped him. The policemen very tiendly. I. Mr Jackson's car. Itwas the ‘Ford Cortina, but the keys were the They him to the police station. Exercise 2 ‘What did Mr Jackson say to the policemen? Unit 77 Language summary One | of them | is hoppy. Some ame | of them | are apy. Al Both ‘are happy. , Neither Gud Exercise 1 One of them’s tall, Both of them are wearing watches. Neither of them are wearing coats. Write nine sentences. Use these words: shortjackels youngites/oldatsiboots! jeansiT-shirt aren Here is some information about six peopl. Name Languages Sports Likes Dennis French, German, talian. ‘Tennis, Volleyball, Footbal. Spor, languages. cooking | television Ruth French, German. Tennis, Volleyball, Hockey. Sport, languages, pop Brian —French,German, tain, ‘Tennis, Volleyball, Cricket, Sport, tanguages, television, Spanish, Gott fis, Carl French, German, Arabic. Tennis, Volleyball Football, Sport, languages. pop | Gricket music. i Wendy French, German, Spanish. Tennis, Volleybal Spon, languages, bate. : Bemard French, German, Spanish, Tennis, Volleyball, Football, Sport, languages, cooking. ! Italian, Chinese. Crecket. Exercise 2 All of them speak French. Write sentences using: allisome/noneione. 1 7 CS sen voleybal 2 cricket. 10 cooking 3 opera, 14 basketball ‘ Chinese. 12 a got 5 Arabic. 13 — languages * popmusic. 14 .. sn tennis 7 ballet. 45: . oe 8 French, 46. television. i Unit 78 took at this — beat Beuten (throw = Steal—siole—silen / read read rang Exercise Look 3 the news, Fillin the spaces, oe an London: Thursday June 13th Weather: cloudy SENSATIONAL BANK marr = £100,000 STOLEN “""*. paper. Look at Unit 78 in the student's book, & of the bank, bank ghisofficewhen robbery Manchester ay sesterday, Therobbers ops asmoke bomb —siemen. Themen the door of The ina MONT BLANC EXPEDITION | POP STAR DIVORGE ch FAILS yesterday bun they ‘marcied because the weather eee bad, ~ They postponeihe | Ansels Monday: The weaeher eae Uhvee yeas ese eed ee Polienoice | Have you seen this boy? Unit 79 Exercise 1 ‘Yous are in a floris's shop. You are A, Complete this conversation, B Yes, | want 1o send some flowers to my wite in Italy A 'B Well, what do you recommend? a B Fine ~ halt a dozen tulips, please. ‘Someone is giving a present to you. ‘Complete this conversation. A Hello! 1B This isa present for you, B Yes, go on! A 'B Thank you. You've been very kind to me, You are saying goodbye to some friends. Complete the conversation. B When are you leaving? a B Lots go for a crnk tonight a B Oh, come on! Why not? a Exercise 4 You are leaving a party. Tomorrow you must go to Paris, Complete the conversation, A B Oh, dont go now! The partys just stating a B Ob, why? A B Ob, that’s sily. can give you a it. Where are you going? a Bon Exercise S ‘Now answer these questions, 1. Where are you going this evening? 2 Where did you go last night? 3. When was your last birthday? 4 Did anyone send you a present? 5 What was it? Exercise 2 ‘Look atthe letter from Mary. ‘ve missed you very much. She's missed him very much. Continue. 1 Ive been lonely this week. 4 's the best city 've been to, 2 Because | haven't seen you for a month. 5 Allof my teachers are nice. 3 Ie learnt lot of French. {6 None of them speak English tome Exercise 3 Look at this, Philip's a student from Liverpool. He's in Rome, studying alin. He's wring tohisgitriend, Maggie. in Liverpool. He's been veryloneiy, because he hasnt seen her for three months. He hasnt learned much tain this week Because he's been il. Hehasnt been schoo) fortwo days. Rome isn as big as London, bute tinksi's more ‘exciting. The rat's worse, and he ‘anit find Engish food, but he tink Haan cote the best he's ever crunk Allis teachers are excellent, and none of them speak Engish tohim, He can't write @onger letter, because he has t0 {010 he doctors, buthellwte next Now, write Philip’ letter for him. Revision Read Units 41-80 in the student's book and answer these questions. Unit 44. What day of the week was January 12th? 42 Where were John's children? ‘44 What did Phil eat on his journey? 45 What did he get althe baker's? a What time did she reserve the table for? 47 How many imes did the sheri fre? What did Rob buy? ‘49 What happened after four weeks? 51. Where did John goin Brighton? ‘52 What did he Queen wear? ‘53 When did Hughes sell T.W.A.? i ‘54 What perfume is Dorothy wearing? 7 ‘55 Where was the cat sitting? ‘56 What was the attacker wearing? '57 What could Jenny do when she was 157 38 Must she stay in her room? 59 What's the code for Chicago? 60 What did Mary se0? 61 Whois Phil speaking to? 62 Whereas Peter been? 64 Where was Chris bom? 65 Where was Elmer yesterday? 66 Who has he met? 68 Whois better at History? 69 Why did he have to go into hospital? 70 Whichis the wettest country? 71 How long has Cray been the champion? 72 What hasn't George mended yet? 73 How many accidents have there been this week? .. 175 How long have they lived in Australia? 76 What did helose? 77 What are the candidates wearing? 78 How many times has Taylor been married? 3 How many roses did he buy? ‘What did Mary have to do last night? Deets ere ee] to give additional written practice Ourertetrenr sets Peta eee Streamline English Departures. There are 40 units in the Workbook Reon ee eee and press Se ees Saas aad eee resins See Screen Peete Seng red orator lively illustrations and printed examples to enable the student to Sa Sean ree Poca cen ee Rome ae ny Dusen Ii ll

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