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All glory is to almighty Allah, because his blessing upon the writer in her life and enable her
to accomplish this paper entitled Urgency of Nationalism for MA NU Banat Students.
This prayer and greeting are always offered for the Prophet Muhammad, the most beloved of
Allah, his relatives and companies.
This writers are sure that this paper could not be completed without suggestion, support and
helping from several sides, so that the writers would say great thanks to them, especially to :
1. Mr. Drs. Said Muslim, M.Pd.i, the principal of MA NU Banat Kudus
2. All the teachers who have been teaching and guiding us, especially Mrs. Nur Imamah,
S.Pd as a guardianship, and Mrs. Siti Muznifati, SS as an advisor of this scientific
3. Our parent who always do everything for us
4. Our beloved friends had helped us in making this paper and give her support.
The writers know that this paper is far from being perfect. Therefore, suggestions and
critismsare expecte for the perfection of the writers papers.
Finally, the writers expects that this paper may be helpful for all. Amin.


March 2015

The writers

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