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The Human Robots, the Enchanted, and the Everlasting Sequel


A Bit of Enlightenment
Limitation is Inanity
The World is Yours

A Bit of Enlightenment

Lets take a journey five-thousand years into the past. Do you see the ancient
pyramids of Giza? In ancient Egypt there were mentioned Gods, there were God-like
beings, there were wealthy members of society, and there were slaves. It sounds a
lot like today.
Nowadays they dont call it slavery because people arent forced to work in
physical labor or train in engineering. Instead they are given the option to study a
professional career that guarantees a solid income or work for minimum wage and
live life in debt. The education system functions on a basis of complying with orders
and training to give what is asked for on time. It is not based on learning or
increasing intellect. Students are told just what they need to memorize for the exam
and their intelligence is ranked by a percentage. Dont get me wrong, the United
States of America is a wonderful country that lets inhabitants pursue what they
desire. All Im saying is that the system is conceptually still the same. There is one
mastermind who takes charge. The mastermind has subordinates who help to keep
regulations under control. The groups of people all the way up in the hierarchy keep
their knowledge away from the public. The public lives their life blindly.
So back then there were these pharaohs who were said to be incarnations of
Egyptian gods. These Egyptian gods were the first kings of Egypt that ever existed.
The pharaohs would receive orders from the Gods regarding the organization of the
civilization, future plans, and tactics used against attacking enemies. It may sound
absurd but whatever knowledge these pharaohs had granted them an enormous
amount of power that led the Egyptian civilization to prosper.
Just by the mystery of how those pyramids were constructed it is revealed
that these pharaohs know something most people dont. Some people believe it was
aliens who contributed to this. Some people believe the Gods helped. There is no
way to know how these pyramids were built. The only certainty is that these
pharaohs were overflowed with power, had a highly enlightened state of mind that
granted them bewildering intelligence, and were human beings just like the slaves
and people of today.
It was the rulers who split the social classes into novel and poor. It was those
working in art and literature that gained wealth while the physicians, farmers, and
engineers worked as slaves. Today the population is so large that not all who focus
in music and the arts succeed. What remains constant is that the majority of people
are slaves of the commander.
The government of today still maintains their power by keeping their
knowledge private. It is this knowledge that is kept away from the public that
maintains order in the system and restricts anybody else from obtaining power. In
other words, all the government wants is structure and obedience. Certain

information being available to the public would prevent society from functioning the
way the ruler intends it to.
There is the controversial alien theory. It is believed the government
encountered an extraterrestrial species known as Grey Aliens in 1952. These aliens
said they meant no harm and that they were in our planet solely to experiment
cloning with human beings so that they could perfect it and save their race. The
humans they captured would be brought back safe and sound. These creatures
made a deal with the government in which they would share their technological
advancements in return of permission to continue such experiments without the
public being told of these creatures existence.
The belief of aliens existence might sound like nonsense but there have been
some unexplained phenomena in the history of the U.S government. For example, a
vast amount of technologically upgrading information was obtained regarding
microbiology, Nano technology, spaceflight, and aerodynamics shortly after this
mentioned alien discovery. It is unexplained how the government suddenly had the
technology to create an aircraft with an anti-gravity propulsion system. These would
vertically elevate from the ground the way UFOs/flying saucers are known to do so.
Also, the government had kept a secret base that focused on specialized testing of
weapons and their excuse for it being private towards the rest of the government
was safety precautions. This base, called Area 51, was completely denied from
existing when the government was asked of it. It is at this base that aircrafts
invisible to radars were designed; specifically the U-2 spy plane. It is said that the
reverse-engineering of UFOs was done here as all new designs were tested in the
same facility. The assassination of John F. Kennedy is believed to have happened
because of his willingness to reveal top secret government information that would
bring humanity together. Supposedly he was killed shortly before a speech in which
he was going to let everybody know about the governments secrets.
If those beings really do exist, it is rational for the government to keep it a
secret knowing it would only provoke chaos and fear. If the aliens theory is a hoax it
doesnt change the fact that the government somehow received empowering
knowledge that the public has no idea about.
So those pharaohs and the U.S government have that one thing in common:
an unknown source of divine knowledge. The aliens theory doesnt take into account
the possibility that those beings didnt come from another planet but from another
dimension. The beings were believed to be able to alter space and time. Maybe they
were so spiritually advanced that they could fluently come down to the lower realm
of consciousness where humans exist. There is of course the possibility that the
aliens theory is a hoax and the innovation came from the creativity of peoples
minds. The mind is as endless as the illusionary physical world therefore the human
mind has a limitless capacity to be enlightened with knowledge and it is that
knowledge that grants power over those uninformed. In that case, the pharaohs

were God-like just as the U.S government is. So, the power of our minds enables us
to become supernatural beings and the limitations we set in are the only thing
stopping us from doing so.
Lets go back to the definition of power. Power is knowledge. Those in power
maintain that power by keeping the knowledge to themselves.
Every human being has a pineal gland, often referred to as third eye. It is
called the third eye but really it is the only eye we have. It is our core vision through
which we see life as it is, instead of what we perceive it to be. Our center of vision,
our third eye, is projected through two separate eyes and is responsible for the
release of the neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine, and dimethyltryptamine
(DMT). It is the release of these neurotransmitters that give the human mind a
sense of contentment, absolute clarity, and awareness of all surroundings.
Unlimitedly, the more efficiency the pineal gland has in a being the more of these
neurotransmitters is released. In ancient times, the third eye was referred to as
mystical and as a tool for future telling. Human beings arent taught about any of
this. Instead, their attention span is deviated into a structured way of brainprocessing that take away the full potential of the pineal gland.
Babies are born into this world with a heightened sense of awareness. They
are in a deep state of bliss. They get tingles just from the sensation of other
peoples energy. They see everything right through people. They see everything
thats coming. They learn very quickly. This mindfulness could evolve into so much
more if babies werent dragged down into a lower consciousness by the
commandments of the developed ego, and the intoxication of their pineal gland.
It all starts with the industrialization and the unhealthy eating habits this
society has. First of all, there is the controversy of why water is fluoridated. It goes
back to the 1930s when the Nazis started adding sodium fluoride to the water to
help childrens teeth. Chemists found out recently that the extra fluoride in the
water does not have any health benefits but that it does calcify the pineal gland.
The hidden purpose behind the chemicals added to the water is to maintain
domination of the mass population by taking away their clarity and tilting them to
obey all orders rather than question authority. Just by that, all members of society
are half-blinded to reality and their full potential. On top of that, there is not only
other fluoridated products like toothpaste, but also artificial products sold as food
that fill our bodies with toxins doing more harm than good. There is a reason why
shaman, Buddhists, and monks kept strict diets of natural vegetables and fruits to
keep their pineal gland cleansed and experience their superhuman abilities.
By the time a child is around five or six years old, the pineal gland is altered
enough so that they feel no resistance towards adapting to the norms of society.
With the pineal gland slowly being inactivated, the child slowly lets go of his true
self (his soul) and starts creating a socially accepted version of themselves through

the left brain: the ego. The child is told a certain way they need to be to be normal
and everything thats expected of them in this society and as they stop paying
attention to their pure self their pineal gland deactivates even more.
By the time they become teenagers, people are so far away from their true
self that they live insecurely of whether they are accepted in this society or not. All
this fear and cruelty arises from the ego in which everybody attacks everybody with
their insecurities.
At adulthood people simply adapted to the system but most die without doing
anything with their lives besides obey orders to go to pre-school, go to school, go to
college, graduate from college, and work, and work, and work. Some even die
without ever finding the happiness they let go as a child. Most peoples clarity is
taken away. With a corrupted soul, the self does not interact with the higher
consciousness to experience freedom and awareness. Instead it follows commands
that were implanted from society, to you, to the ego. In the end, money enslaved
human beings.
But it seems that the rulers dont want anybodys pineal gland to be
cleansed. Its rather interesting how the substances that most effectively detox the
pineal gland are forbidden and claimed to be illegal for safety purposes. The higher
power does not want all these people to realize there is so much power within them.
The plant Tabernanthe iboga, for instance, is a central nervous system
stimulator that is known to cause wonders to the pineal gland. With a small dose,
the pineal gland is to be clean and with an extra dosage a spiritual journey is to
arise. It is a natural substance with zero negative effects but like all other
psychedelic substances is labeled prohibited to the public.
It gets more interesting. There are over fifty different types of plants that
contain extractable DMT, the neurotransmitter that animals themselves produce,
yet the substance itself is illegal of possession.
While the purpose of dopamine and serotonin are known, the purpose of DMT
is not precisely understood. Dopamine plays a role in motivation, voluntary
movement, learning, and cognition while serotonin is in charge of regulating mood,
appetite, sleep, memory, and stimulation of metabolism and cell growth. Just by the
facts about these neurotransmitters and the fact that the more activated the pineal
gland the more of these are released it can be concluded that a human has
potential to be infinitely intelligent and fully healthy with an efficiently working
mind. The release of DMT begins at birth at a large amount. DMT is theorized to be
released during the sleep stages and it is the provocative of lucid dreams/sleep
paralysis. It is known for a fact that the substance is naturally released by our brains
and it is also known that at death an enormous amount of it is released. DMT can be
referred to as the life molecule. When this substance is consumed by the user,
immense spiritual experiences are to occur in which ones consciousness reaches a

perspective from outside their body. The user would describe a DMT experience as a
complete separation from the physical reality with a revelation of a spiritual realm
where alien-like beings appear and that cannot be explained in words.
The experience of DMT sounds conclusively out of this world. The experience
one has with DMT is to enlighten one with the divine secrets of life. It has been a
life-changing experienced to many, in a wonderful way.
The use of DMT goes back to the times shaman would make Ayahuasca tea, a
brew of a DMT containing plant with a plant containing MAOI. People would drink
this tea in ceremonies as rituals for the purpose being spiritual awakening, healing,
and cleansing of the soul. Consumers would see themselves from the perspective of
a third-person and they would re-experience all resentment that had been stored in
their minds. They would obtain the key to letting go of all the negativity that had
ever been in them, realize why it had been there, and obtain enlightenment that
brought them to inner peace and far beyond. At a peace of mind, users would be
able to utilize their minds in a manner to unlock the abilities the brain has.
Shamanism enables those who practice to increase physical strength, increase lifespan, alter the particles of matter for healing purposes, use foresight, and
experience astral travel /astral projection.
Another entheogen used as a medicine in both shamanism and Buddhism is
the marijuana plant. Almost every country in the world denotes marijuana to be a
brain-cell killing, addictive, life-ruining substance. The truth behind marijuana is
awakening. Not only has the history of cannabis been of spiritual, healing purposes
but the consumption of it has no negative effects when consumed orally. The
smoking of it does cause lung damage, just as anything being smoked does, but the
marijuana makes you stupid myth is only a way to hide that marijuana makes the
user see the hidden meaning of life. Under the influence of weed, the user makes
the realization that everything in life isnt meant to be in a systematized manner. It
is for this reason that stoners are labeled lazy: They dont see the point of becoming
another ordinary slave of this society.
The use of THC goes back to the times of ancient India when Buddhists used
the receptors in the plant to reach a state of mindfulness that induced states of
trance and interactions with spiritual beings. The influence of the substance
enhances the functions of the mind. To a person who is constantly worrying and
stressing over responsibilities, the inhalation of marijuana smoke would restore the
body to peacefulness and intensify the sensory details of the present moment by
focusing the mind only on that present moment. To somebody who consistently
focuses the mind on the present moment, the influence of cannabis would allow the
user to reach even higher states of consciousness where conscious contact with the
divinity is experienced.

Ganja is known to slow down the nervous system. It is a healing. The stresses
people cause themselves are the reason for their failing immune systems and their
anxiety/heart attacks. If a properly working mind is able to heal its own body, why is
it illegal to bring somebodys mind to serenity? Instead, doctors prescribe pills like
Xanax and Zoloft to treat anxiety and depression but nobody can say that this is the
morally correct thing to do when these pills have numerous side-effects including
inhibition of the brains serotonin production.
Marijuana is illegal also because the government likes the income of money
from their fabricated products. What would happen to all the pharmacies if all of a
sudden a magical medicine called THC was made available to cure depression,
anxiety, nausea, insomnia, while causing no side-effects?
Just like marijuana cleanses the pineal gland, several other natural
substances like psilocybin mushrooms, salvia divinorum, and peyote do. And all of
these: illegal as well.
One day, specifically November 16, 1938, a guy named Albert Hoffman
synthesized what is now known as Lysergic Acid Diathylamide. The semi-synthetic
substance had a natural component, LSD-25 (lysergic acid), which is found in the
ergot fungus. The substance had been synthesized to create a respiratory and
circulatory stimulant. It wasnt until five years later that the chemist unintentionally
discovered the mind-altering effects of the drug by spilling some of the substance
on him. He said, "Everything in the room spun around, and the familiar objects and
pieces of furniture assumed grotesque, threatening forms. The lady next door,
whom I scarcely recognized, brought me milk She was no longer Mrs. R., but
rather a malevolent, insidious witch with a colored mask. He then tried it again for
a second time to discover the heightening of all his senses. He described how every
sound he heard triggered an altering vision that changed color and shape like
pictures in a kaleidoscope.
Soon after, laboratory research was done on LSD. Its potency fascinated
everybody; it significantly alters brain patterns with such diminutive amounts of the
substance. Changes in emotions, perception, imagination, and behavior occurred
drastically in seconds while under the influence; it was similar to the way a
schizophrenic behaved on a regular basis. The substance LSD acts on the body
similarly to the way serotonin does. It was concluded that under certain conditions,
the body could release extra amounts of substance. Schizophrenia is not a mental
disorder but an extra amount of substance being released. After all, the symptoms
of schizophrenia include patients saying they feel God-like with an incredibly
heightened paranoia. So, schizophrenics just experience the life of the ordinary
human being with an immense intensity: the human-made ego attacking the pure
spiritual being.

LSD was experimented as use in therapy. When administered to depressed

patients as a medicine, it was not successful. Patients claimed to have no
progression in getting out of their depression. However, when giving small doses of
the substance while being guided by a psychoanalyst, the patients would eliminate
their defense mechanisms, decrease their resistance, and precisely recall repressed
memories in the unconscious. Under the influence, the user was able to observe
their conditioned behavioral patterns and deep conflicts within themselves with an
obvious attainable solution.
A therapy known as Hypnodelic Therapy began soon after in which the
patient underwent a trance through hypnosis followed by the administration of 150
to 200 micrograms of LSD. This therapy proved to be more effective than any of the
two being done independently. This would help the patient reach into memories of
their childhood, gain confidence by seeing past conflicts through a different
perspective, and clearly remember everything they learned in the session.
As the drug became available to the public, it was used recreationally from
the 1960s until 1984 that it became illegal in the United States. The CIA even
became interested in seeing what the fuss was about and experimented with the
drug. During the era, there were always two groups of people that were separated
by their beliefs. One group, the conservatives, believed the drug was far too intense
and that the public should be warned of its dangers. The other group believed this
substance was a tool for raising consciousness and if everybody in the world would
experience it there would be a revolution in humanity.
During the times of the Beatles, Pink Floyd, and Jimi Hendrix there was what
was referred to as the Psychic Revolution. People started to feel that they could
read each others minds. Everybody felt more connected to each other than ever
The reason for LSD becoming illegal was precautions on the safety of the
public. Though LSD affects everybody differently, thus everybodys minds is trained
to operate differently, it was generalized that the public would not benefit from it at
all. With no possible way of overdosing, just as all other psychedelic drugs, and no
negative side effects besides the experience of ones own thoughts, the drug was
banned to the public.
If the reason for LSD illegalization is truly safety of the public, along with
other natural psychedelics, who can explain why substance such as nicotine and
alcohol remain legal regardless of the millions of deaths it has caused? Oh, right,
because they are a marvelous source of money AND they dont bring health to the
pineal gland.
The government really doesnt want anybody to be as enlightened as they
are, as enlightened as one can be. Every human baby must be fabricated to imitate
their surroundings, construct a destructive ego, and disregard the highest

consciousness until it no longer functions properly. Its corruption. Everybody

disregards their intellectually sacred instinct because they are taught to ignore it to
pay attention to the mainstreams demands. In todays society the majority of
people are far from being in the level shamans are in, the level pharaohs were in.
Psychedelic substances arent the only thing that can cleanse the pineal gland and
awaken the superhuman. Meditation is the perfect medicine that disambiguates the
command center of the brain from the cycle of repeated behaviors that were
conditioned to conform to societys needs. Meditation can actually bring a human
into a state of consciousness as high as the substances do.
Medicine is not sufficient, however. Meditation will bring one to inner peace
but to reach levels beyond that one must stop intoxication of the body. A prosperous
diet must be followed in order to attain the maximum potential of ones pineal
gland. Pure water, natural food consumption, along with meditation shall be
continued for the process of detoxification of ones pineal gland. But as of now,
supremacy controls whoever isnt knowledgeable and history will continue to repeat

Limitation is Inanity

In between the left and right ear theres an infinite amount of space through
which anything and everything goes through. The human brain has never really
been fully understood, but the little that is known about it has been used to
duplicate some of its capabilities through computers and electronic devices. Heres
the difference: man-made products are limited while the brain is not.

The human brain is able to store an unlimited amount of information as longterm memory. It may seem physically impossible but the brain has an area of dark
matter that resembles the composition of the universe beyond what we have seen
through telescopes. In other words, it is infinite. It turns out that this area of the
brain produces encrypted impulses towards the neurons in the brain, instructing
them to do tasks such as processing information and storing memories. The dark
matter in the brain consists of cells that differ from the rest in the brain in the way
that, unlike neurons, they do not produce electrical impulses. The cells in that area,
referred to as glia, mysteriously serve as the command center of the brain by
communicating with neurons in a secret language. One type of glia is responsible
for maintaining structure in all the tasks assigned to neurons, another involves the
action of the human immune system, and the third one serves as coating for
neurons to maintain their electrical charge. For many years scientists had no idea
what these cells did. They received the name glia, meaning glue, because
scientists assumed they were nothing but a support system because of their lack of
communication through electrical signals.
This concept is similar to what was referred to as junk DNA, or non-coding
DNA. For many years scientists observed the human DNA and concluded it that a
good 98% of it was completely functionless. While the rest of the DNA appeared to
be active and interactive with the rest of the body, the junk DNA seemed to be
doing nothing biologically towards the organism. But just like the glia cells
outnumber the rest of the cells in the brain, the amount of junk DNA greatly
exceeded the amount of regular DNA. It was then discovered that the while the
regular DNA was in charge of encoding protein sequences, the non-coding DNA was
actually behind the creation and translation of these protein sequences. The noncoding DNA was also a reprogramming center that focused on the healing of the
body, the immune system responses, and the rearrangements of conditioned
behaviors stored in the brain. While the regular DNA interacts with the body
directly, the non-coding DNA obtains its information from a source outside of the
human body. This source of granted energy is limitless and can only be associated
with the higher consciousness of the human brain, the dark matter area. It is still a
mystery how humans obtained this remarkable ability to self-restore and self-reflect
as if the higher consciousness is constantly watching us and correcting us from a
third person point of view. This part of the human DNA that is unlike any other DNA
in the planet Earth is what leads to the conclusion that the aliens are humans
In a nutshell, the human brain has an area of unrestricted space where it can
obtain everything required to heal the body physically and mentally. And also, there
is no limit as to what can go through ones mind.
From all of this information it can be inferred that the human being has the
ability to repair itself, and accomplish tasks infinitely beyond that.

What is infinity? What are the limits? There are two certainties that cannot be
denied. First of all, anything that is thought of is created. Any idea that arises in the
mind is stored into the endless space of storage and the more attention that idea is
given the more life it is given. Every thought that has ever been created has existed
in a timeless void where creations grow from the energy they are given. All of these
thoughts that have ever been created are what alter the perception of the reality
being experienced. Anything that is believed in will be as real as it is believed to be,
which proves the second certainty: Just because you cant see something doesnt
mean it doesnt exist.
Our thoughts exist. They drastically impact our mood, our mode of action,
and the direction our lives are heading towards. We cant see them but they are
always there. In fact, any desired outcome we put enough attention towards will
indeed manifest into reality.
The best example is the idea of religion. One person has a certain belief that
this highly power being exists and creates an idea of it in their mind. From time to
time, the person will pray and have faith that their wishes will come true. They will
be so certain that this God will help them that they will feed their faith with
attention and starve their fears. The more attention they give to this item, God,
the more powerful it will become. The results will grant them appreciation of this
item they created in their heads and they will continue to believe in it. The actual
God is the persons own mind power.
Within our brains there is a proportionally smaller version of the cosmos that
is as boundless as space itself. Its as if the external reality is merely a projection of
the brains inner information. In fact, there is a significant resemblance between the
appearance of a brain cell in comparison to the universe, the birth of a cell
compared to the death of a star, and zooming in of a human eye next to a picture of
the nebula.
This reality is as dull or as vivid as the beholder of the mind intends it to be.
There is a low level of consciousness in which thoughts are constantly running and
the human body is simply following orders, analyzing, planning ahead, and thinking
back while inhibiting themselves from fully experiencing what is happening at the
moment. The way people are taught to think leads them to lower their
consciousness and worry about certain aspects of their lives that really dont need
to be thought about.
There is a difference of perception when the minds attention is fully aware on
its surroundings. While keeping the locus of attention away from existing thoughts,
one is able to truly experience the sensation of their existence. In other words,
every sound, every color, every scent, every touch, and every taste is intensified.
The more the mind is trained to keep its attention on whats happening now, the
more heavenly the experience of reality will be. It makes one wonder what would

happen if a child grew up secluded from societys norms and focused just on raising
its spirituality.
There are levels of consciousness in which one acquires control of the
universe. Just like how rulers gain control of their nation, and spiritualists controlled
particles of matter, every human being can use its higher consciousness to control
what happens in their reality. Thoughts themselves alter what happens in our reality.
Whenever a fear of something occurring is being focused on too much, the negative
energy attracts certain outcomes to occur in a certain manner. It works the same
way with positive thinking.
There is no limitation as to what level can be reached and everybody uses
their higher consciousness differently. Shamanists use it for healing abilities, Monks
use it to reach states of continuous states of trance to the point where they dont
need food for a couple of weeks, Jesus Christ used it to enlighten people with love
by completely redefining their desire to live, and psychics use it to focus their
energy on moving matter with their minds. These being a few examples, all these
people know more than one use of their higher consciousness.
I personally visualize this aqua-blue transparent figure hovering slightly
above me. Its a guardian angel. It doesnt have a defined shape. Sometimes I
picture it having long hair, mesmerizing eyes, and an alien-like genderless
appearance. Sometimes its a transparent version of me. Sometimes its just a
sparkly light with no defined shape. When I talk to my higher self it tells me that
everything is going to be okay. It tells me not to worry when Im anxious. It tells me
to slow down when Im tense. Its full of sacred knowledge. Its very powerful. I
realize that when I was child I was merely that spirit guiding my body through my
journey until I developed an ego that defined me as gennaro, as a human being.
Through my teenage years I lost touch with my spirit because of social rejection,
depression, and the self-altering for acceptance.
Ive realized Im never alone. With someone always there who unconditionally
cares for me and loves me its apparent that nobody can make me happier than me
myself. Everybody who doesnt experience happiness lacks closure with their pure
With the visualization of my higher self I have had wonders occur to me. I
have visualized myself out of my body traveling through multi-colored tunnels as
my body feels a state of ecstasy. I have cured a friend from consistent everyday
nausea by focusing my mind power on and imagining a thick beam of white energy
being transferred to her. I have pictured my spirits hands touching my face and
eliminating the bacteria causing my acne only to see positive results.
The higher consciousness is whatever we think it is. It can be a floating goat,
a God, or an imaginary perfect version of us. The point is that it exists and we can

choose to continue conditioned behaviors and live life blindly or be close to our
higher consciousness and fully experience our reality.
Closure with our highest consciousness is what enhances our awareness. The
majority of humanity lives life with a limited perspective that encloses the
experience of their reality.
Humanity sees life as unfairness in which money overpowers and the
unemployed die of hunger. That is actually a diminutive portion of our reality. The
world within us, it must be explored. There is a universe of imagination within us
that creates works of art and develops fantasized scenarios that can be manifested
into reality with the right mindset.
People in history have accomplished abilities like levitation and telekinesis.
Popular belief is that such tasks are impossible but the only limitations are the
boundaries we set in our minds. If the right amount of concentration enables
humans to alter the particles of matter to remove toxins and disease-causing stimuli
why would it be impossible to use mind energy for the purposes of anti-gravitation
movement and shape-shifting of matter? The mind is a muscle that attains strength
from training and gains energy from attention. Meditation gives mind masters the
thorough concentration required for psychic abilities. Anything is possible.
There is the phenomenon known as the Nazca lines that brings wonders to
architects and anybody who has seen them. The lines were made by removing the
land and uncovering the white ground underneath designing semi-complex
geometric shapes that are seen from above the sky. How did the Nasca civilization
manage to create such enormous and beautiful designs without the technology of
air traveling? How were they able to create perfectly geometric shapes without any
way of calculating the dimensions? The same question goes to how the Egyptians
built those pyramids.
The course of human history has proven that what was thought to be
impossible was accomplished. Through developments of technology, the human
being has developed worldwide communication, transportation through the surface
of water, diving equipment, submarines, road transportation, air-flight jets, and
even spaceships. Wheres the limitation? We dont know what the latest
advancement in technology will be in a couple thousand years.
The Ripleys Believe it or Not museums give examples of numerous incredible
cases of people who accomplished the unexpected. Whether it is some guy, who
can balance his whole body standing on his head, or some remarkable work of art,
these set of discoveries from Ripley prove that theres no limitation as to what the
human can accomplish. People who do Yoga also find the balance to stand up on
their heads. They manage the energy in the bodies and maintain it stable so that
they can maintain equilibrium.

It cant be that some people are special and received the gift of immense
imaginative innovation. Both yoga and meditation can limitlessly increase ones
consciousness .We were all given one brain, one infinite consciousness; one gift. Let
us all embrace it. We each have so much in common yet so much that differentiates
us and makes us authentic. We each have the capability to create what has never
been thought of before. We each have an endless journey into our unconscious, our
imagination, and our hidden desires. That journey will awaken our full potential.
Human intelligence is indeed a blessing. Dont let anyone tell you how smart
you are because there is no limitation as to how smart you can be. Its rather
interesting how humans are the only species who thought about world domination.
Its even more interesting how humans are the only species who ever thought of
enforcing governing in its own species rather than teamwork and equality.

The World is Yours

Your mind is a void of infinite space. There is no such thing as finding
yourself. You just...create yourself. The first thing you should tell yourself when you
wake up is that you love yourself. You are alive. Your existence is a temporary
experience. Embrace it. Live.
Instead of putting conditions as to what you need in order to be happy why
not make it that much simpler for yourself and be happy for no reason. Living in
your world should be enough for you to be smiling.
But guess what? You are more than just living in your world. You are your own
world. You are a space of endless desires, an explorer, and an adventurer. You are
the master of your consciousness. Hug yourself right now.
Take a second to distinguish everything you have done for yourself and
everything you have done to impress other people. Who are you really? Did it make
you feel happier to hide yourself so that others wouldnt judge you?
I stopped being ashamed of what I am when I realized what I am. In my
world, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being selfish. Not meaning that I dont
care about other people because, on the contrary, I empathize with everybody.
What Im saying is that I care more about myself than other people. Im just an
instinctual creature guiding a human body. My desires are top priority. After all, it is
my world. If you think about it, everybody is selfish.
Your nature is sassy. Shyness just covers up the sass. You are a whining baby
that wants their needs fulfilled. Some people might hide that by wearing a mask of
politeness while others carelessly expose it. No one should be offended by the way

somebody else is behaving. In the end, everybodys behavior is a projection of how

they feel, not their opinion of other people. Expose who you truly are without being
afraid of how other people will react.
Your high consciousness is almost always angry. You probably pay more
attention to what society wants from you than what you deeply desire. Humans are
mostly robots on automatic mode rather than awakened beings observing
themselves through their higher consciousness. You must be attentive towards
yourself to experience the love towards yourself. It is only when you live a life of
fulfillment that your heart is open and your capacity to love awakens.
Breathe in, breathe out slowly and your life will be worth living. Dont stress
yourself. Nothing is worth stressing out about. This is a temporary experience; a
game, almost.
Society is commanding you to always be in a hurry because theres never
enough time. Dont take time too seriously, its an artificial concept. Dont focus so
much on clocks because it prevents you from focusing on your existence.
Discover yourself. You dont know yourself 100%. Maybe you dont even
understand your own actions. Its important to listen deep within yourself because
the less you pay attention to your instinct, the angrier your higher conscious will be.
This is a note I wrote on my phone mid-meditating:
Ive had resentment towards my father because he is like me and I used to
dislike myself a lot. Socially he is similar to me just because he is bad at expressing
his happiness to people. He resorts to humor to portray his contentment. We
basically have the same ego.
If you think about it, everyone has the same ego: The ego society
transplanted into your head. Everybody know whats supposed to be normal, whats
supposed to be weird, everybody basically judges people for the same things, and
obviously everybody is an almost accurate exaggeration. Everybody seems too
focused on how to act in the real world but they leave behind a whole world; they
forget their own world.
Everybodys world connects through a web everybody has access to. Every
human body is a computer that holds pictures of memories, memories of
experiences. The web acts as the internet joining every single computer to one
consciousness: the common reality. We are all one entity; all our individual worlds
are in unison. When you develop a thought about a person, you trigger that
thought to be shared with that person. A high awareness level enables you to intuit
what thoughts are created in response to certain moments.
Every persons life is a perception of their own reality based on experiences
and thinking processes thus every reality is being experienced differently.

Everybody has experienced a different journey. Everybody uses their mind

differently. Some people focus more on one thought, some on others. Some people
let negativity affect them more than others. The world as we know it can be seen
through different lenses. Its brighter for some people, its gloomy for others. But all
unresolved conflicts that darken our reality are somewhere within our individual
world and going into the innermost part of us is the solution to achieve clarity in
A serene perspective will acknowledge not only the infinite world of introspect
we all have but also the biological strings of energy that connect every world
together. An electrical string between two people gets thicker as more interaction
occurs and a deeper connection develops. Every living item is its own world. A cell is
a whole world itself. The difference is that cells diligently work to make sure the
magnificent body functions properly. And humans work together well they dont
all work together, but to cause mass destruction, depletion of atmosphere, and
fighting over power. But hey at least they have advanced in technology
When I reached a clear perspective I realized everything. In fact, I
progressively started realizing more as my perspective enlarged through
We all tend to think other people are like us. We all have a hard time
understanding other people because most of the time people dont understand
themselves; and if they do, they arent able to express themselves adequately.
You tell people how you think they are, but really you are telling them how
you think you are. You dislike in other people what you dislike about yourself.
Whenever you insult somebody in your head or out loud, you must ask yourself:
which one of my insecurities am I projecting right now? My favorite line from one of
my songs is, You cant expose whats wrong with me without exposing your
You end up with people who treat you the way you treat people. Through the
teenage years, you will encounter people who treat you the way you treat your
parents. The universe gives you what you give it. Your way of thinking will attract
people into your life with a similar way of thinking as you; yet never the same
because you are authentic.
You treat yourself the way your parents treated you. The voice in your head
constantly telling you how you should be doing things is the same voice of your
parents telling you how you should be; in other words the relatively similar ego we
all have. The way you treat yourself is the way you treat other people (when you are
not trying to get them to like you).
You dislike when other people do to you what you yourself have done to other
people. You cant stand to see what you dislike about yourself in other people.

The more resentment you have the more you focus on the negative aspects
of others. Whether you dislike one person or hate society in general, you tend to
mentally deviate towards any flaws you can find in people. Ive realized we all have
a deep wound from the pain we caused ourselves when we experienced rejection.
We all at one point had the doubt if we were good enough to be accepted or if we
even belonged anywhere. We all tried so hard to hide ourselves to feel like we had a
place in society.
Part of the ego is unconscious and part of the higher consciousness is
unconscious. You were born as a pure soul being guided by your higher
consciousness and you reacted to anything that hurt you by creating a conditioned
defense mechanism through the ego. The soul, your identity, is a manifestation of
the higher consciousnesss desires and the egos commands. As members of the
same species, we feel the need to feel included and we were all hurt when people
told us we were weird. That wouldnt happen if society didnt enforce a certain way
we have to be.
You are both God and Satan. You choose who you feed by where you focus
your attention. God is your serenity, your light, your sincerity, your infinite love,
your insight, your happiness, and your higher consciousness watching over you.
Satan is your fear, your anger, your envy, your sadness, your hatred, your
maliciousness, and undoubtedly the darkest place of your mind.
We are constantly judging ourselves. Your pure instinctual being grows angry
while hiding in response to your fear of judgment. You have a way of conditioned
behavior through your ego. Whenever you catch yourself behaving outside your
approved way of behaving you know exactly what thoughts it will trigger in other
people, because its what you think of yourself. Your ego concludes what right and
wrong behavior is based on the publics reactions and filters the way you act
socially. You get so used to wearing a mask that you forget to take it off.
You need to realize that everyone is your friend. Just because someone does
something mean to you it doesnt mean they dont love you. Just imagine that
everybody loves you and hates you at the same time. Hate is an illusion. It is a
result of the minds misuse. Its a lot easier to think you hate someone than to tell
yourself you love them. Love naturally transits within you. Love is your fuel. You can
make someone stop hating you but you cant make someone stop loving you. Hate
isnt a feeling that can be expressed. Anybody who is portraying spitefulness is only
showing the dissatisfaction they see in themselves. Sometimes people will just think
someone dislikes them because they arent talking much to them. Every negative
emotion like hate and sorrow are a result of contemplating about your own fears.
Everybody grows up with a fear of being disliked and everybody will rather be
defensive instead of the one whos happy and weird. We all altered our way of
acting after experiencing alienation. We all have an inner war between whats right
and wrong and what we actually want. The ego is the one that remembers

everything other people did wrong, otherwise wed always appreciate the positive
characteristics of other people. Dont judge others; you yourself are a walking
contradiction. You are naturally an observer, not a judge.
Everybody is shy. Dont ever feel like you are socially awkward or abnormal
because you are just like everyone. Some people express their shyness by being
quiet; others express it by talking non-stop. Everybody doubts themselves when it
comes to social interaction because everybody compares how they truly are to the
way they are supposed to be.
Were all psychopaths, bipolar, narcissists, schizophrenics, gender less, and
fucking lovely. We all have disassociated personality disorder. In fact, we all have an
unlimited amount of altered personalities we create. The level of these so-called
disorders depends on our awareness level. We start out with a pure identity that
eventually gets corrupted by the words people tell us. We are told we need to
communicate with people in a certain way. We are taught to be more polite than
honest, more retained than expressive, and more worried minded than free-spirited.
People wouldnt lie if there wasnt a specified behavior expected from us. Dont you
admire how brutally honest little kids are? For us its constantly an inner conflict
between the analytical side of us we developed (our ego) and our pure desires. We
were all implanted a structured way of thinking that destroyed us.
Can you believe that some people actually go around tagging people with
personality disorders? The term sociopath is the perfect example as to why
personality disorders are a made-up concept. People who lack effort in acting
socially adequately are given the name sociopath inferring they have an
unhealthy mental condition. These people are said to be manipulative,
inconsiderate of other peoples rights, and often criminals. But think about it
Doesnt everybody act upon their own desires? After all were instinctual creatures.
Some people camouflage their intentions through socially accepted behavior like
politeness, but why does that make these people any less mentally ill than those
who expose their true selves? Its true; some people are more corrupted than
others. Some people are willing to go around robbing stores because they might
lack consent from being unloved or they might just really need the money to
survive. But we live in a corrupted society; therefore, we are all fucked up. Accept
everyone for what they are or you might as well just label everybody mentally ill.
We all also have ADHD, OCD, and we all get anxiety. Everybody has disorders
at different levels because everybody is at different consciousness levels. Conscious
attention is like a flashlight or spotlight effect. The more aware one is the more
rapidly this flashlight moves. In other words, increasing spiritual awareness
gradually becomes more difficult as consciousness is heightened. It gets more and
more difficult to master the challenge of maintaining your attention on one idea.
After you reach the level of detachment from the ego, however, you are constantly

focusing your attention on what you desire so that ADHD and anxiety vanish. Let
yourself experience enlightenment.
Your life is about whats happening right now but your ego is accustomed to
wandering you into examinations. Try going outside, slowly breathing in fresh air,
holding it in as long as you inhaled for, feeling your tensions disperse out from you
as your body is being calibrated, exhaling for as long as you held the air in for, and
waiting that same amount until inhaling again. Try continuing that slow breathing
pattern repeatedly like a lullaby: in-2-3-4-5-6-7-8, hold-2-3-4-5-6-7-8, out-2-3-4-5-67-8, and wait-2-3-4-5-6-7-8; repeat. Try feeling the air slowly going into you and
giving you life. Try feeling the breeze gently touching you, gently telling you to put
thinking aside and to fly free. Try feeling the trees energy being transferred to you
as you glory the magnificence of their sedate existence. Alive, thats how you
should always feel.
I picture myself talking to people and feel their presence as I know theyre
thinking of me too. I guess its my imagination and it works however I want to depict
it, but the truth in that is that our thoughts are strong and nothing is a coincidence.
Thoughts attract other thoughts. It is not the magnet rule either. Negative thoughts
attract negative thoughts and even more negative thoughts attract even more
negative thoughts. Every thought branches into several other thoughts that have a
similarity with the one. So when you are remembering all the good times you had
with someone, you are reactivating the positive thoughts that person has of you and
it is not a coincidence that they text you that same day. Ghosts might not exist but
its possible to feel peoples presence. Our thoughts can overpower us if we let
them. Its actually difficult to get rid of addictive thinking processes like depression.
But it is us giving these thoughts attention that makes them stronger. We are the
ones making the thoughts stronger so we are the ones capable of making ourselves
stronger than these thoughts.
Remember the happiest times of your childhood? Make it a mission to focus
solely on the present moment like you did back then. Its not necessary to always
be thinking.
When you were a child you could voluntarily astral travel. Your consciousness
went wherever you imagined it. When babies say they see a ghost, its the presence
of somebody uplifted. Meditation creates energy that can be felt by toddlers. Once
while I was sitting outside meditating and stretching a baby screamed and then
said, Youre in another state. Out-of-body experiences were recently proven by
science. A woman laying down in an observation room was able to obtain a certain
digit number from places outside the view of her eyes; i.e. the room next door. I am
sure babies can travel outside of their bodies and see everything. Sometimes when I
meditate for extended periods of time, I hear baby voices saying STOP THAT as
my state of trance is being felt by them too. Its a shame we dont consciously

remember the ages of 0-5. In order to attain those memories you need to reach the
state of mind you were at that time; or in other words, spiritually free.
The brainwashing starts about the time you are a toddler when you learn to
speak and comprehend what others say. It is language that informed you that death
exists. It is language that gave you the fear of running out of time. It is language
that forced you to forget who you are to become what society wants you to be. It is
language that gave you worries and problems that arent even worth stressing
about. You lowered your consciousness to focus on societys needs and forgot about
your happiness.
You are everyone and everything. You are a result of your environment. You
dont have a personality. You know all the things you can name through language
from your ego. Some things cant be explained in words. You dont have a fixed way
that you are to act, you just pretend you do. On the contrary, your personality
varies every moment as you react to your surroundings.
Maintaining a straight posture helps to keep in touch with your higher
consciousness. When you keep a good posture you naturally feel good, confident,
and alert. Usually people lose their good posture while growing up and losing
motive. It explains why yoga is more impacting than meditation alone. When our
spinal cord is fully straight it transduces energy more effectively. Maintain a straight
and youll permanently feel uplifted.
I have declared myself a new life goal and it is to reach the highest
consciousness. You whats the best part about this goal? There is no end. Its not
one of those goals that you accomplish and then move on to something else. Its a
life experience of constantly enhancing my own reality by focusing more and more
on my higher consciousness.
The slower you breathe and the more air you breathe, the more clearly youll
see your world and the more slowly your world will spin. You can live your life in
slow-motion. You can magnify the sensory details of your reality. You can induce
trance-like states of consciousness. You can feel heaven.
You are the most important person in your world. From your perspective you
are the main character; the actor and director. But just because you are the most
important person in the world doesnt mean its all about you. You are just one
person. Well, one infinite consciousness. We are all conjoined physically and
mentally. We are all one. You must both love yourself and everyone else. If you want
to experience peace entirely, that is.
Usually those who are loved most will love the most. Its a lot easier to
neglect others when you have been so neglected. However, everybody has a heart
with love within them. Everybody has the ability to passionately express neverending amounts of love. In order to open your heart, you must love yourself

completely for what you are. You must forgive yourself for being so hard on yourself,
for disrespecting yourself. Remember that you are perfect the way you are. There is
nothing wrong with you. Everything people told you that was wrong with you is a
reflection of what they thought was wrong with them. Everybody thought something
was wrong with them when they didnt fit the norms of society. The problem was
that society was taking away the authenticity in every one of us.
Most people crave love because they dont love themselves. The more you
love the more they love. Those who are unloving either havent been loved or are
scared of being hurt again. But is a life without love a life worth living? Weve all
been at points where everything is black and white, everything is meaningless, and
sleeping beats being awake but you must love yourself no matter how much love
you have received. You deserve love from yourself. You deserve to be content.
Youre all youve got, nobody else can help you.
The inner part of you is a genderless, ageless, spiritual entity. Its your source
of energy. Its the part of you that resembles a child. The closer you are to this inner
part of you, the more beautiful you will be. Literally, meditation chemically balances
your body so that it rejuvenates your face, your skin, and your inner bodily
functions. If you live life happily youll forever look young.
Now you understand that your whole world revolves around your perception,
which is past what you are conscious of, and you should re-analyze your universe.
This is your world so you should make it as beautiful as you want it to be. You
should dedicate every present moment of your experience to make sure you feel
happy despite what is going on externally. You left behind your spirit, your higher
consciousness. You, as a soul, need energy from that spirit. Your spirit forgives you
and unconditionally loves you. The words people told you stabbed you like knives
and left scars that will never go away. The things you told yourself bruised you. But
now you should be in contentment with who you truly are and peoples words
should bounce off you, and tingle you as you giggle. Youre trying to be perfect but
youre perfect the way you are.
Existence is quite a paradox. We all are our own world but at the same time
we are all one item. We all share one common highest consciousness that is being
experienced subjectively in each physical body. We all have access to the fountain
of endless energy. Life is a work of art composed of microscopic energy particles
creating geometrical patterns while moving in perpetual motion. We are all a part of
all of this yet our ego makes us feel like were not. We focus on labeling everything
we look at in order to name its purpose but in reality nature is just doing this
outstanding job of keeping an ecosystem functioning.
Know that your reality goes way beyond the common consciousness
everybody adapts to. The depths of your mind are the profound world of
imagination you never explored.

While meditating I journeyed my mind by maintaining my attention on the

black and white spiral poster in my room. The multi-colored dots placed in the spiral
made me feel like I was traveling through a different-dimension bound tunnel and I
was progressively reaching what looked like a woman in the center of the poster.
You can create your imaginary ideal world and visualize yourself experiencing
it. Others will call you crazy for being happy. You can create your imaginary ideal
world and visualize yourself living in it. Again, others will call you crazy for being
happy. When I was a kid I used to emerge myself into a fictional world of me role
playing the Digimon series using a variety of small Digimon toys and small dolls as
humans. Id spend about 10 hours just lost in my scene creation. Then people told
me I needed to grow up and adapt to the way I am supposed to act. AndI listened
to them.
Peoples subconscious behavior is quite amusing. I remember the first day of
school in spring of 2014 I heard a girl saying Look at this fag, does he not know
how to put on clothes? And it was just funny that her illusionary duty to dress
flashy for school angered her when somebody worry-free about the issue was in
sight. I was just in my hoodie with no undershirt, glasses, basketball shorts, and
sandals; whats wrong with being comfortable?
That same day it also really caught my attention when I encountered a couple
students while slowly walking to class and looking lively. One of the guys said, That
guys in space. His friend responded, Hes not in space, hes in one side of his
brain. Its not very often that a stranger says something very accurate about you.
Existing through your right side of the brain gives you freedom, heightened senses,
and a profound experience of the present moment. I used to live my life partly
through the left brain, and although the ego is an excellent critical thinker it is also
good at dulling up your reality. It is the ego that ruined humanity; the ego is the
source of all evil.
People throw around the words grow up to anyone mentally far away from
reality. But your reality is infinite. People restrict their reality by attaching
themselves to the concept of time, responsibilities, and completely letting go of
their cosmic-like reality that goes beyond everything seen and unseen. If
imaginarily being a part of the Barbie doll house is something that makes you
happy, why should you not include it as a part of your reality? If playing Game Boy
Color brings joy to your heart, why should you stop playing it while growing up?
Humanity has this tendency to leave behind everything that makes them happy
after childhood is over.
Weve all heard the phrase, Youre in your own world and thought it was a
bad thing. Were inclined to think that were supposed to pay more attention to daily
routines instead of our own worlds. Thats exactly why happiness has become
something people attempt to pursue rather than something they solely experience.

Stop what you are doing. Just breathe. Listen. Listen to what your instinct is
telling you. Ask yourself what it is you want to do. Go outside and inhale the fresh
air. Go to the beach. Watch yourself as solely one figure existing aside a ton of
universes that are living their own independent experience. Do everything you told
yourself you want to do. Do everything that you are scared of doing. Write. Draw.
Play an instrument. Sing. Go swimming. Do Yoga. Go on adventures. Play video
games. Cook. Build LEGO. Take pictures. Skate. Go climb a mountain. Go somewhere
new. Try something new. But most importantly, do whatever the fuck you want to
You need to make what you want happen. The ego tends to not believe, but
the medication we need to refrain from constant analytical thinking is meditation.
You can meditate by simply closing your eyes and focusing on your conscious
breathing. You also can focus on one object and visualize it growing with energy. You
can also allow your imagination to create visualizations that take you on a trip. You
can also do chakra meditation, in which you give a certain amount of attention to
each of your seven chakras. You can meditate to a repeated group of words, such as
were all connected, were all connected, were all connected... You can meditate
anytime with your eyes closed or open as long as you slow down your breathing and
focus on one idea. Send away every thought that comes to you that doesnt make
you feel pleasant. Be the consciousness above your thoughts. Your world will shine
bright when you exist in the higher realm of your mind.
This is your world. Its as bright or obscure as you make it. You bring light to
everything you love that you focus on in your mind; you make darker everything
you focus on that is gray. How bright will you make your world?


One of the best movies Ive watched is Avatar directed by James Cameron.
There are two separate sentences from this movie that I want to quote: One
network of energy flows through all living things. All energy is borrowed, one day we
have to give it back.
The movie perfectly depicts everything wrong about the way humans think.
Due to depletion of earths natural resources and human consumerism, an army
leader attempts to acquire unobtainium (a fictional, rare mineral that can be sold at
very high prices) from a forested habitable moon named Pandora. The human mind
is willing to disturb a spiritually advanced civilization that lives in harmony with
nature, burn their forest to ashes, and take away their resources to make a profit. A
group of scientists try to communicate with the blue creatures to try to make an
agreement but realize they dont want anything humans have. The scientists tell
the army general that he cannot destroy their trees because they contain sensory
information that the creatures can absorb. The army general suggests they have
been smoking something and that those are just trees.
The human ego completely blocks the flow of energy we are meant to feel.
That energy makes us feel alive and in unison with our world.
Energy flows through the idea we focus on. Flow is music, painting, writing;
creativity. You start writing something and you dont start getting ideas until you
start writing. The new ideas emerge from the undiscovered source into an
accumulating web of information regarding the idea.
Flow is a very similar word to follow. You follow your imagination, you end
up where you desired. It might feel like the end but it has all just begun. You write
one song, you end up making ten albums. You finish one painting; you end up
exposing your work in a museum. You follow what you love doing, you end up places
you havent imagined.
Love is meant to flow as well. People dont exactly let it flow. Instead, they
fear. Peoples insecurities create doubts about the other persons love. Thats why
everybody has got to accept themselves for who they are so they can express the
love inside of them. Gender roles prevent love from flowing. Every boy grows up
tormented and inclined to behave like a man. Every guy past the childhood state
who continues to have peace in mind is usually attacked by peoples words.
Whether its being called a faggot or being told to grow some balls, every man
develops the fear of being called a woman. In reality, there isnt a certain way a
man has to act to be a man. As human beings or as living creatures in general, we
find the need to belong within our species. This societal concept manifests our ego
out of our higher consciousnesss anger from social rejection. That is why a good
amount of men do not love as hard as they could. Men generally do not behave
sweetly and lovingly because according to society males are tough and arent
supposed to have too many feelings. That fear of being called a woman developed

anger towards society in men and they arent able to fully love because they arent
able to fully accept themselves. The man is known for screwing over woman, but
the man was initially screwed over by society. All it takes is one man fearfully
avoiding commitment for a womans pure soul to be corrupted and hurt by the
thoughts she develops in her head. Once a woman has been used by a man, she
maximizes her sorrow and creates an ego as furious as mans. Then this woman will
go into relationships in which she wont put in her full effort because shes scared of
being hurt again. The woman might even go around doing the same thing the man
did to her. The hatefulness women create will develop prejudice towards any guy
she meets. Shell assume every guy is the same. Shell treat guys with less respect
than her first love. Shell reject any guy who doesnt fit the gender role of a man
because shell despise seeing somebody who is more content than her. Shell hurt
innocent guys. The guys will turn into assholes because theyll feel like women dont
deserve their love. The vicious cycle continues.
Women are in search of a guy that is genuine but societys pressure on men
to make the first move and act manly prevents males from being themselves.
Its everybodys anger that prevents them from loving. This anger is deep
within us. Were not aware that its there. We need to go there and see things from
a different perspective. We need to appreciate who we are and accept that
everybody else has been struggling to fit in as well. We all need to forgive ourselves
to heal ourselves. We need to be happy with who we are for our energy to give us
Everybody is attracted to anyone that loves them and accepts them. Some
people love animals more than humans because humans dont express that
heartfelt-ness to them. Some guys might be more attracted to men than women
because the females they encountered were judgmental because of their anger.
Some women might be more attracted to the same sex because they may feel that
men dont love enough, even though the cause of that is the fear of not being loved
back. Its possible to fall in love with a flower. Its possible to love anybody. Its
possible to obtain pleasure from anybody. And love is an instinctual need.
The first time I ever tried to do yoga I watched a YouTube video and followed
along every move the girl was making. It was kind of uncomfortable to focus on the
stretching while having to constantly check the screen for what I had to do next. It
wasnt until a few weeks later that I decided to do Yoga on my own. My own Yoga. I
started sitting down on the floor with my spine straight and I started stretching my
arms up while flexing my stomach. I then stretched my arms to the sides while,
again, flexing my stomach. I then put my knuckles against my chest while flexing
my biceps and continuing a very, very slow respiration. Soon after I stood up and
started doing stretches that I never had thought of but felt completely right. My own
body knew what stretches to do to continue the flow of energy that was being
created through the practice. This session was a lot more effective and a lot longer

than the approximate 15 minutes I spent watching the video. I would recommend
anybody to try slow breathing and stretching on their own. Like I said, following your
instinct makes wonders happen.
I remember when I was disconnected from the flow of energy. It was about
the time people started calling me a loser because of my ability to be completely
content with myself without feeling I needed to prove something to myself. Then I
was convinced I needed to change.


Nothing has an end. And end is a beginning.

Existence never ends. History has been repeating itself. Its a cycle, a loop
that keeps expanding. Its time for a change. Humanity needs a revolution.
Humanity needs equality. This time for real. Were meant to be one huge family of
love. One species. One nation working together. Divided into different clans, but not
into separate alliances. No betrayals. Describe new system:

There is no positive reinforcement. People are just punished, but they dont
learn any better that way. Prisons arent inclined to rehabilitate but to punish.
About 60% of prisoners end up back in prison. It also accounts that somebody who
just left prison cannot just find any job to afford shelter and food.

Forget consumerism.
Food and water should be free.

Human beings will cause pain in others and then consciously experience that
pain themselves because of guilt. Human beings will get what they deserve and
then cry.
Ive just come to the conclusion that the human being enjoys causing
discomfort in others therefore causing discomfort in itself and though it knows
exactly how to be happy it will cease from always doing so by staying in its
contradictory cycle of thinking.
In the end, its not a bad thing that humans are meant to function as robots;
otherwise wed all be wild creatures. Everything is neither good nor bad.
It all grows on you.
My mind is like a spiral; a whirlwind. Ive seen my cycles of thinking happen
over and over again. Its almost out of my control. Its conditioned into my deepest
core of consciousness.

World of Anger:
Man is human with excessive anger.
Woman is pure love until shattered by mans poison.
Male lacks anger until filled with hate.
The rotation never ends.

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