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Comparatives and superlatives test

Zakroukuj jednu sprvnou odpov:

1. Peter is

boy in our classroom.

a) small
b) smallest
c) the smallest
2. Mary is

than Susan.

a) the tallest
b) taler
c) taller
3. John has got

bag than Paul.

a) a lighter
b) the lightest
c) light
4. My mum has got

skirt than me.

a) longest
b) the longest
c) longer
5. His dad has got

hair than me.

a) shorter
b) shortest
c) the shorter
6. The giraffe is

animal in the world.

a) taller
b) tallest
c) the tallest
7. My dad is

man in our family.

a) older
b) oldest
c) the oldest
Dostupn z Metodickho portlu, ISSN: 18024785, financovanho z ESF a sttnho
rozpotu R. Provozovno Vzkumnm stavem pedagogickm v Praze.

8. The blue whale is

animal in the world.

a) heavy
b) heavier
c) the heaviest
9. Monday was

day of the week.

a) sunny
b) the sunniest
c) sunniest
10. Mount Everest is

mountain in the world.

a) high
b) highest
c) the highest
11. This exercise is

than that one.

a) difficult
b) the most difficult
c) more difficult
12. My

friend is Carla.

a) the best
b) bestest
c) best
13. She is

girl in our house.

a) more beautiful
b) most beautiful
c) the most beautiful
14. It was

day in my life.

a) bad
b) the worst
c) worse

Dostupn z Metodickho portlu, ISSN: 18024785, financovanho z ESF a sttnho

rozpotu R. Provozovno Vzkumnm stavem pedagogickm v Praze.

15. Peter is

friend than John.

a) good
b) best
c) better
16. Maths is


a) most interesting
b) more interesting
c) the most interesting
17. Eve is

than me.

a) slim
b) slimmest
c) slimmer
18. What is

animal in the world?

a) large
b) larger
c) the largest
19. Where is

place in the world?

a) hotter
b) hottest
c) the hottest
20. What is

animal in the world?

a) faster
b) more faster
c) the fastest

HODNOCEN: maximum je 20 bod

20 19 vborn
18 16
15 10
4 a mn nedostaten
Dostupn z Metodickho portlu, ISSN: 18024785, financovanho z ESF a sttnho
rozpotu R. Provozovno Vzkumnm stavem pedagogickm v Praze.

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