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Sofie Olsson
Ac Writing W 1-3:50 pm
De Piero, Zack
March 5, 2015

Social Justice Final 310 Paper

Oliver Gaspirtz once said, Books like Twilight are not art. They are massproduced crap that is meant to be consumed by the widest possible audience, for
the largest possible profit. That is to say, to have the expertness to be able to
adjust your writing to different audiences is the key to a worthy and interesting
piece of literature. My name is Sofie Olsson, I am a freshman at Antioch
University in Santa Barbara, California. I have created a hunger to become an
effective writeran awesome, smart, great, dynamic, persuasive and elegant
writer. When you are asked to write an assignment, resume, or a news article,
you have learnt that it does not mean the literature ought to be dull or too formal
to express your opinion and its creative nature. In order to be an effective writer
and attract your audience, the chronicler has to question oneself: Who is your
audience? In this subject matter it would be found the group of people you want
to educate or persuade. So what does this implies? It pushes your task; to grab
the audiences attention and make them want to read your assignment till the
very last end.

I had for weeks been trying to get in touch with a person who could
demonstrate their knowledge of the subject matter writing for your audience; to
rephrase it, a person who labor within the focus of social justice and can
demonstrate this competence. During the wait, someone whispered in my ear to
never give up and said there is always hope. Subsequently, I finally heard from a
hearty soul. Hes name is Mr. J.Bowlin. Mr. J.Bowlin is a volunteer coordinator,
and a representative at the at Casa Esperanza homeless shelter. As declared by
Mr. J.Bowlin, Casa Esperanza is a respectable organization trying to help our
fellow human beings, assist to give them housing and a more secure future
(J.Bowlin, personal communication, February 19, 2015). For that reason, I will
introduce you to the topic of homelessness and poverty. A subject I find
extremely important in the field of social justice issue. Even though Mr. Bowlin is
a kind-hearted soul, he leaves me with only one written artifact. Though they use
pathos effectively by word-of-mouth, the insufficient skill of adaption of the ethos,
pathos and logos in their writing to their different audiences builds less
trustworthiness and credibility in their writing.
To begin, homelessness is defined as having no home or permanent place of
residence, and poverty implies lacking access to food, clean water and shelter.
Granted that Casa Esperanza is Santa Barbara Countys only emergency
homeless shelter operating 24 hours a day, 7 days week give the organization
features. Also, makes Casa Esperanzas so whimsical in its genre is its a nonprofit sober-living homeless-shelter that aims to move as many people as
possible from homelessness to housing but barely goes around financially
according to Cooper, a Noozhawkwriter. Mr. JBowlin remarks, Casa Esperanza is
an organization whose lifeblood are donations and volunteers (J.Bowlin,
personal communication, February 19, 2015). Without doubt, it is important to
reach out to their three major audiences, which are volunteers, donors and
homeless. For starters you need to decide what you want your focus to be on:
raising awareness, outreach, direct service, or all of the above. Because

donations and volunteers are so vital, it is very vital for Casa Esperanza to be
able to adapt their writing-style and communication to the distinctive audiences.
Hence, leaving me with only one written artifactin Spanishyou can
argue that Casa Esperanza is novice when it comes to how to effectively
communicate through adaptation to its various audiences. Unfortunately, at this
present time Casa Esperanza does not have sufficiently resources to look at
what opportunities an effective writer would have for the organization (J.Bowlin,
personal communication, February 19, 2015). In the same manner, their website
looks very professional but is very humble and simplistic, indeed repeatedly uses
an everyday-language in order to reach the widest possible audience (J.Bowlin,
personal communication, February 19, 2015). There are hardly any traces of
real, academic formal English. Being too formal, as we read in ____ can kill
creativity. But to write too ordinary can simultaneously reduce the credibility of an
organization. (reading) As a guest on their site, one finds it very important that
in a social justice organization, like Casa Esperanza, striking the right expertise
to achieve their potential is vital.
This leads to _, how the invention of the language is the transference of
relation between one set of objects to another, indeed a set of purpose of
explanation within the genre. Studies has been enacted that trustworthiness is
more important than expertise when it comes to persuasion (Folger, 2015). Mr.
Bowlin states, that words like help, assist, give and donatethat are repetitively
used on the webpage, for this purpose are terrific to persuade the broader
audience online. Furthermore, J.b claims, it brings forth the emotional-relation
within the genre of social justice issues. My stance to this relies on, in high

school one is taught repeating words and phrases weakens your writing
character descriptions, and generally killing your reader's interest in the story.
And yet, this does not apply to Casa Esperanza. As professor De Piero suggests,
a genre is formed by conventions that often works to fit into multiple genres by
way of borrowing and recombining these conventions. Indeed, a style that is
related to the theme of the story (De Piero, lecture). Of course it is true, Aint
so/ Is Not, by Graff n.d, avocates that academic writing canand in our view
should berelaxed, easy to follow, and even a bit fun [] not suggest that you
avoid using sophisticated academic terms (They say I Say, 2010 pg. 121). To
write a brief summary, like the one on the website, which at the same time will
attract visitors of the way the organization works is critical. Here, repetitive use of
words that certainly falls into their genre, leaving pathos of compassion and build
credibility. Credibility as faculty has knowledge of what words the individual
humans can recognize and can recreate by the style that is related to the theme
of the story.
Casa Esperanza might be incredibly persistent of the use of pathos, but
on the contrary illiterate on the use of the rhetorical definition logos, which leaves
the audience without enough information about the scope of the program and its
statistics of effectiveness. When we talk further about clarity and relevance to the
website, there is only one tab that can give you a glimpse of "hope", in the form
of stories how two homeless have succeeded to settled. Then the question then
is "assist in helping as many as possible from homelessness to housing" only
two? or is there a numbers behind their mission statement? J.B advocate, the

individual may take multiple tries (J.Bowlin, personal communication, February
19, 2015), but sadly, the answer was undeniably weak and unclear." In particular
this contributes to its lost the sense of ethos--its means convinced by the
character of the interviewee to the organization. As we know we tend to believe
people who we respect. Because there was no clarity of the claim, no logic of its
reasons, and the effectiveness of its supporting evidence were weak. The
audience logical appeal is weak.
The question is then are they writing about what they are asking for?
Embarking on the subject, we end up in a position where we have an argument
to explore. They do not have all the facts possible, the missing facts leads
audience to different conclusions. Suppose they know whom the indented
readers, as us student, one should see yourself in their mind. The invoked
readership who are represented in the text itself (arguments pf 23, 2007) leaving
this an invitational argument, inviting other to join in mutual exploration based on
respect (Lunsford, 2007)
On the other hand, they instead focus on connecting through visual
images. So hereby, welcome pleasure to share with you what one has learned in
the academic writing class; there is knowledge to be gained for the author,
expert, teacher, organizer, or volunteer coordinator to learn how to use out of
kairos, a modern rhetorical definition, meaning a time when conditions are right
or opportune moment (lecture).
Word of mouth is probably the best way to promote your drive.
Find ways for people to care about your cause so that they are more

willing to donate.

But if to look at what the Casa Esperanza is good at one finds an excellent
use of the rhetorical aspect of pathos. This facilitate successfully as in
accordance to ______ readings, the author illustrates pathos as the emotional
appeals, which are used to persuade the audience and contribute to the writers
credibility (ffhfh). Another staff member at Casa Esperanza, introduced me to a
secondnot yet revealed-- writing-artifact, a flyer with an abundance of faces.
One can argue, that with a closer inspection of facial expressions reveal that
compassion serves as the voice of reason for on their journey of poverty and
homelessness. The organization attempts to enhance the possibility to persuade
prospect volunteers by recognize themselves in the homeless faces. Some may
show happiness, and joy, but some may be, demonstrate sorrow. So what it the
goal about emotional persuasion? This explores the idea that a visual message
with out without accompanying text has a greater power to inform, educate, or
persuade a person or audience. In addition to the faces, there is an accompanied
text in red. It highpoints hope, giving one a feeling of expectation and desire for a
certain thing to happen.

So what is the website telling you in comparison to what you think of the
organization so far? Are they describing themselves property? Find ways for
people to care about your cause so that they are more willing to donate.


never looked at writing as the art itself rather,

just the process, the medium.

pThere are things we do not know we do not know and one of mine wasuntil
the day I began at AUSBto have the expertness to being able to adjust your
writing to different audiences is the key to the worthy, Influence of credibility and
interesting reading. Upon entering Community College I became more involved
in serving the homeless of our community.

Word of mouth, advice and recommendation sociocultural influences, reference

group, family social class, culture and subculture leads to motivation, personally
traits, perception and attitude, experince
Social media, owned and paid for, knowledge but no experience

Impact, input, internet great impact on pre- search. Rather than visit the
organization, to find aout about the ce, audience can go to the website, find as
much as possible about them. Also to compare with other organization, in
different colors. What happens if the search is a failure? Unsessfull pre-search,
damaging effect on audience. One can eliminate that by provide ample
information. Trying to reduce confusion, .. task complexity # of alternatives and
info online, information organization.

References Page
Bowlin, J. (2015, February 19). Personal interview.
Cooper, Lara. "Santa Barbara Council Hears from Casa Esperanza Shelter About
Efforts to Get House in Order." Santa Barbara Council Hears from Casa Esperanza
Shelter About Efforts to Get House in Order. Noozhawk, 25 Nov. 2014. Web. 03
Mar. 2015.

De Piero, Zack. (2015). Academic Writing lecture. Personal Collection of

(Rhetorical definitions), Antioch University Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara,
Graff, G., & Birkenstein, C. (2010). 9, Ain't So / Is Not. In They say / I say: The
moves that matter in academic writing (2nd ed.). New York: W.W. Norton &.
Lunsford, Andrea A., John J. Ruszkiewicz, and Keith Walters. "Chapter 1
Reading and Understanding Arguement." Everything's an Argument: With
Readings. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2007. 6-7. Print.

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