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Assessment Practice Summary Sheet

Students grade level: Kindergarten

Is student from field experience classroom?
Identify students reading level if known _____

School: Palisades

Assessment Date: March 4, 2014

Amount of time used to administer assessment: 30 minutes
Reading Component Assessment (select one)
Concepts About Print (preK-gr. K)
Letter knowledge and phoneme awareness (initial sound) (emergent-gr. K)
Phoneme Awareness (gr. K-1)
Phonics (gr. 1-2)
Fluency (gr. 2 and higher)
Vocabulary (gr. K-6)
Analyze the assessment data. What were the students strengths
and challenges with the targeted reading component?
After analyzing the assessment data, the student had a well amount of
strengths in Letter and Sound Assessment as well as the Phoneme
Awareness Assessment. When assessing the student in recognizing both
Capital and Lowercase letters, he was able to identify 23 out of 26 letters.
The Capital and Lowercase letters that the student identified correctly were
the same for both sections. During the Isolated Sounds performance, the
student was also able to perform well with 23 correct out of 26. The 3 that he
answered incorrectly were different letters from the previous portion of the
assessment. However, 23 out of 26 is a great sign of development and
growth. His challenges in this assessment were identifying the Capital and
Lowercase letters, Zz, Cc, and Ss. Instead, the student said, Dd for Zz and
Cc and has a lisp when saying Ss. For isolated sounds, he says, J for G, W
for Y, and Woo for R. This student is bright and well developed at his age,
but struggles because he has pronunciation challenges. As I analyzed my
data from the Phoneme Awareness assessment, I noticed the student is
strong in 6 out of 8 components. He was able to listen and follow instructions
throughout the assessment. The two challenges in this assessment were
from Beginning Sounds Phoneme Matching and Final Sounds Phoneme
Matching. The student had a challenging time understanding the meaning of
beginning and ending sounds. For Beginning Sounds Phoneme Matching, I
repeated the words a few times for the student and with guidance he was
able to answer correctly. During the Final Sounds Phoneme Matching, the
student had a difficult time understanding the directions and mixed words
from the assess part with the words from the model. For example, for

matching ending sounds he had the choices of tall, pipe, and hill where his
answer was pipe and hill.
What insights and/or challenges did you encounter with this
For this assessment I encountered insights of student growth. I had
worked with this specific student in the Fall 2013 semester and noticed how
much he has developed in just a few months. He is one of the more
advanced learners in the classroom, but I was amazed at how well he was
able to follow directions and stay on task for as long as 30 minutes. Most
kindergarteners will become distracted and gradually lose focus when
assessing for too long. Although the Phoneme Awareness assessment was
lengthy, I believe the modeling and sharing helped with the assessment part.
After providing a set of directions, modeling and sharing help teachers
engage with the student leading into an assessment to check for student
understanding. These are great practices to further develop students in
these reading components.
Some of the challenges I encountered with this assessment was
contemplating whether I was to only go through the directions, model, share,
and assess once with the student or an many times to guide them. Knowing
that this was an assessment, I knew there were limitations to helping the
student. I was unsure during the assessment if the student did not know the
answer, would I repeat the question or move on. It was challenging to know
how to assess students if they seem to not understand the directions clearly.
Find one instructional activity (not from textbook) that you can use
to support students learning of the targeted reading skill.
Summarize the activity in 5-7 sentences (e.g., name of activity,
targeted skills and strategies, and how to implement). Cite activity
reference (e.g., authors name, date, include title of book or URL).
One instructional activity I can use to support students learning of the
targeted reading skill on developing phonemic awareness is playing with
sounds of oral language. The targeted skills and strategies of the activity are
memorizing and playing with the language of songs and rhymes.
Implementing multisensory literacy (MSL) supports diverse language and
literacy needs. When implementing this strategy, the teacher engages with
the students by reading and reciting the book and practicing beginning
sounds of various words. For example, one book students enjoy hearing is
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear. The teacher pauses as she reads and points to the
Capital letter T in Teddy and says, Teddy Beat, Teddy Bear, turn around.
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear touch the ground. Then she asks, What do you
notice about the beginning sounds of those words? This activity supports

students learning of the sound and other words that have the same sound
as the letter T.
Nellie Edge Read and Sing Big Books

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