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Myungkun Choi

Dr. Leanne Serbulo

January 28, 2015

Right to the City Paper

Historically, not all people were treated fairly and class division existed between the
people like, kings, knights, and peasants. Kings and knights belonged to the upper classes,
while peasants were on the bottom of the class system. Slaves had to work their whole life for
the higher classes, but there was no specific chance for them to claim their rights. In modern
days, however, many individuals have asserted their rights to be free and to be safe. Also,
there are more rights existing for all human beings, for example, rights to be equal and rights
to pursue happiness. The most important right for people is political freedom.
Fundamentally, the definition of politics is the activities related to the country, and
politics affect people in the country. People are able to enjoy their rights under splendid
political structure, but they claim their rights if the country infringes their rights; they elect a
person to represent them and their representative fight for their advantages. This process is
how they define their rights and maintain their freedom from the control of the governing
country. However, if the political rights do not belong to the people, they could not claim
their rights against the government. The people of the Democratic People's Republic of
Korea (North Korea or DPRK) are arguably the least free on earth, barely surviving under a
totalitarian regime that denies basic human dignity and lets them starve while pursuing
military might and weapons of mass destruction. (Life inside North Korea 1) North
Koreas Kim Il- Sung, the former Supreme Leader of North Korea and his supporters took

North Koreans rights including, political right, and equal right. As a result of this, North
Korea represses their people by force; if people oppose their policy, it could result in their
unnatural death. All people have a right to be safe yet the representatives in North Korea have
robbed the people of their natural rights.
People create a city and that community is a place where people do life together.
They live their lives establishing rules and system of governance, but their rights are more
important than laws. Political freedom is an important right; it allows the people can express
their desires. In American history, Susan B. Anthony, a social reformer, she stated, It was
we, the people, not we, the white male citizens, nor yet we, the male citizens; but we, the
whole people, who formed this Union. Acquiring voting rights was the first step of exercise
that women did to claim their rights. There was no opportunity for women to guarantee their
rights because there was no suffrage for them and it means there was no representative to
serve them. Naturally, the people were treated unfairly under the law, so women in the United
States worked extremely hard to get the political right and finally, they got suffrage.
All humans are born with innate natural rights. To protect the rights, people need to
practice these and the political right is one of the most effective methods of keeping their
claims. The protection of peoples rights depends on how they are able to enjoy their rights
and raise their human dignity.

Works Cited Page

""Life Inside North Korea."" "Life Inside North Korea." United States Commission on
International Religious Freedom, 5 June 2003. Web. 20 Jan. 2015.
"Constitution of the United States - Official." National Archives and Records Administration.
National Archives and Records Administration, n.d. Web. 20 Jan. 2015.

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