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Appendix 1


Year Level: 5

Time: 10-10.50am

Date: 23.02.2015

Students Prior Knowledge:

Learning Area:

How to use the Weebly

Basic researching skills; refining research,

appropriate sights etc

Strand/Topic from the Australian Curriculum

Earth and space sciences

websites such as Pixton, Smore and Prezi [not

The Earth is part of a system of planets orbiting around a


star (the sun) (ACSSU078)

General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Critical and

Have previously experimented with programs/


creative thinking


Personal and






Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

Asia and Australias engagement with Asia


histories and cultures

Proficiencies:(Mathematics only) N/A

Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Create one (1) digital media piece that visually demonstrates and documents the importance of the Suns
energy on Earth.
2. Give two (2) written example of why it is important to use renewable energy sources like solar energy
Teachers Prior Preparation/Organisation:

Provision for students at educational risk:

Box (for motivation mystery box)


of technology e.g.

Lamp stand (no lamp shade)

a) Research skills

Wire. Polystyrene ball painted like the Earth. Ball stuck

on end of wire. Wire wrapped around lamp stand.

Video "The immense power of the sun", open in internet


Brainstorming app/website (e.g. Spiderscribe,

Extra supervision for students weaker with use

b) Using the Weebly

c) Using Smore, Pixton etc

Extras supervision for students who tend to

domineer or lag in partner work; ensure work is
evenly spread amongst both members

open in internet tab, signed in, middle bubble of

brainstorm ready.

Weebly ready task outlined, all links work etc.

LESSON EVALUATION (to be completed AFTER the lesson)

Assessment of Lesson Objective and Suggestions for Improvement:

Teacher self-reflection and self-evaluation:

[OFFICIAL USE ONLY] Comments by classroom teacher, HOPP, supervisor:

LESSON DELIVERY (attach worksheets, examples, marking key, etc, as relevant)



Align these with the

segment where they will be
Motivation and Introduction:


1. Start off with a Mystery Motivation Box. Inside the box is a lightbulb.
2. Give the box to a few students have to feel and describe it, without
saying what it is or might be.

Motivation Mystery Box


3. After a few descriptions reveal object. Discuss properties of lightbulb

i.e. uses energy, gives off heat energy and light energy like the sun!
4. Place lightbulb in a lamp stand. Wire has been wrapped around the

Lampstand, wire,

neck of the stand- at the end of the wire is a polystyrene Earth.

polystyrene Earth

5. Spin the Earth around the lightbulb sun and discuss how the Earth
orbits the sun and how the Sun supplies energy for the Earth.
Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key Questions):
1. Watch video "The immense power of the sun".
2. Class discussion and brainstorm about the interesting acts and things

Video The immense

they heard and learnt from the video. Use SpiderScribe, or

power of the sun:

similar to do this on the interactive Smartboard or using a projector.

3. Move on to discuss and add to brainstorm, why the Sun is so


important for life on Earth e.g. for plants, animal, humans etc. [Discuss
at basic level]
4. Progress the discussion and brainstorm onto how the Suns energy can

Interactive Smartboard,

be used as a renewable energy source solar energy! [Discuss at

basic level]


5. This leads students onto the main task for the lesson. In partners,

students are to create either a;



Comic Strip

Slide Show/ Presentation

Image Show

or another means discussed with teacher. Using this technology/ digital media
form students must discuss some of the ways the Suns energy is important for
the Earth and the benefits of using this energy as a renewable energy source.
Some suggested programs/ websites might be




6. Students must cover all of the relevant criteria which will be provided in

Smore, Pixton, Prezi

a rubric on the class Weebly. Criteria will include;

a) Why use solar energy?
b) How does it work (basic level)?
c) Where and how is solar energy used today??
d) Why is it important to use sustainable energy sources like solar

7. Students will work on the task for 30 mins. Once they have completed
the task they are to upload it to the assignment link tab on the class
8. The teacher may quickly check over the assignment task once
students upload it and see if there is any areas students could fix up
and improve.
9. If the teacher is satisfied with the work, and thus students have
finished early, they may start brainstorming and designing their own

Sketchbook Express

hand/home-made solar powered device (e.g. cooker). Students may

use Spiderscribe or to create the brainstorm and SketchBook
Express on their iPads to draw the design.


Lesson Closure:(Review lesson objectives with students)


1. Teacher to get everyones attention, have all computer screens turned

off and iPads locked so that there are no distractions.


2. Have a few students volunteer, or randomly select students, to come

and show what they have created.
3. Bring up their work on the interactive Smartboard and connect their
iPad via dongle or Apple TV/ AirPlay connection if needed.
4. Student to discuss and explain what they have made, how they made
it and what information they found.

5. Teacher to conclude, Well done everyone! I can see that you have
created some fantastic work today. You have done an excellent job in
investigating why the sun is so important for us here on Earth and how
we can use the suns energy! Dont forget to submit your work onto
the class Weebly with your group member names, I cant wait to look
at them all!
Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)
1. All desktop computers to be turned off.
2. iPads away in desks.
3. English books out on desks with a pen, waiting for further instruction.
Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will these be judged?)
1. Create one (1) digital media piece e.g. poster, presentation, comic strip
etc discussing
a) At least two (2) ways the Sun providing energy for the Earth is
important (Objective 1)
b) At least two (2) reasons why it is important to use renewable
energy sources like solar energy. (Objective 2)
c) At least one (1) example of where/how solar energy is used in our
world today.

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