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The study examine ways in which the conduct of the Kipsigis may be said to be the metaphor of

the ideals of Kipsigis masculinity which are inculcated during initiation.

The Kipsigis main stands out in the way he carries himself. One of his outstanding characteristics
is quietness of demeanour under all circumstances. For him, it is not mainly to display
excitement in anything.
Interestingly, everyday actions and behavioural traits of a typical Kipsigis man including even
the most modern of them a representation of the internulization and expression of lessons of
initiation. These behavioural attributes in one way or another is a reflection and refraction of
lessons of the process that makes him a legitimate male in the Kipsigis perceprtion.
Among the Kipsigis, initiation is the rite of transition into adulthood. The performance of the
inititaion rituals is intended to the boy bear pain and the ability to display courage on the face of
challenges. Harsh treatment is meted out to him in order to inculcate in him a sense of courage
are bravery. For peristiany (1939) before the actual operation commences the boy is first tahem
to a hut who corridor has been built with sticks and all its surface and roof have been covered
with stinging nettles, whose efect is not to render him insensible to pain following circumcision,
but is said to stop the flow of blood after the operation. It is importance is the testing of the boy
stamming and reaction to pain.
The community perceives the initiation rituals as a process that stands for masculinity. Indeed
Ndangam (2008) argues that the pain of circumcision in the bush is perceived as both reflection
and embodiment of male power and bravery. The rituals represent the attributes which are
inextricably linked to the Kipsigis notions of masculinity.

Among the Kipsigis, initiation rituals represent masculinity in the sense that the entire process is
a painful ordered. In the community, to be masculine is to have the capacity to bear pain and to
be brave, self-disciplined and emotionally steadfast
The context of performance of these rituals is severe and cruel in its physical threats.

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