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Contemporary Politics & Global Affairs

You will be assigned a continent or country. Research the answers to the following
questions as preparation for a discussion on the topic.

1. How many countries are in your continent?

2. What is the main type of political system ruling the nations of your continent?
(i.e. democracy? monarchy? etc)
3. What are the four most populous countries in your continent?
4. Who are the leaders of those countries?
5. What supranational organizations are the countries in your continent a part of?
6. What are the top three problems impacting your continent today?
7. Who are your continents/countrys biggest political allies in the world? (List at
least four countries).
8. Who are your continents/countrys biggest political enemies in the world? (List
at least three).
9. Referring back to the countries in number 3, answer for each of them:
a. what is the gross national product?
b. what is the biggest source of money?
c. what is the main import?
d. what is the main export?
e. is this nation currently experiencing peace? If not, who are they at ends
10. What is the mean income for the people in your continent?

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