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Name: ___________________________________ Teacher: ____________________________________

I think my grade in your course, _______________________________________ should be changed from________

to ________, for the following reasons. (Student: check all that apply)

______1. The person(s) who copied my homework did better than I did.
______2. The person(s) whose homework I copied did better than I did.
______3. My grade in this course will lower my Grade Point Average, and I won’t get into:

_______Mickey Mouse Club ________fraternity/sorority

_______ Yale ________ Pre-Med
_______(insert backwoods college here) ________ County Community College

______4. I have to get an A in this class to balance my ____ in _________________.

______5. I’ll be grounded.
______6. My tutor couldn’t find a copy of your tests.
______7. My tutor deserves the grade since he/she did my homework.
______8. I’m Asian, so if I fail _________________________, my parents will put me in a bag and beat me with
bamboo sticks.
______ 9. I studied basic principles, but the test covered actual problems to solve.
______ 10. I memorized how to solve problems, but your tests covered basic principles.
______ 11. I didn’t come to class and the person that I asked about the assignment lied to me.
______ 12. You are prejudiced against:.
______Asians ______Hispanics ______Native Americans
______Males ______Catholics ______Blacks
______ Females ______Falun Gong ______Whites
______Lutherans ______Jews ______Students
______Protestants ______Muslims ______ Other

______13. You told us to be creative, but you did not explain how to do that.
______14. I was creative, and you said I was not logical.
______15. I don’t have a reason, I just want a higher grade.
______16. Your classes were:

_____boring ______ too hard ______too easy

_____too intense ______ too many jokes ______too distracting
_____ too big ______too student-led ______ all of the above

______17. This class was:

______too early, I was not awake

______at lunchtime, I was hungry
______too late, I was tired

______18. My
______dog ______ate my______textbook
______cat ______wet on ______notes
______gerbil ______threw up on ______homework
______tutor ______lost ______paper

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