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ISSL Standard 4: Collaborative Leadership

An educational leader promotes the success of all students by collaborating with families and
community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs and mobilizing
community resources.
a) Engages families and community, and promotes shared responsibility for student
learning and education
b) Promotes/supports structure for family/community involvement
c) Facilitates connections of students/families to health/social services that support a
focus on learning
d) Collaboratively establishes a culture that welcomes and honors families and
community and seeks ways to engage them in student learning
Building strong relationships with parents is critical to the success of a school. Understanding
the value of parental involvement and creating an environment in which families feel valued
and important is critical to increasing parental involvement with their childrens education.
Utilizing the community and families creates a win-win situation in generating social capital
where the school can benefit from the contributions of the community and the community
will benefit from the actions and contributions of the school.
My first artifact is a media release that our Principal sends out to parents on a monthly basis
to update them on events that are occurring at Roosevelt. This particular media release
invites parents to parent teacher conferences for the spring as well as informs parents of
important dates regarding Saturday School.
Two other events that occur once a year where families are invited to attend and receive
information into how they can become involved within the school include an Open House
that we had early in the fall and our Roughrider roundup a spring event where parents of
incoming ninth graders are invited to receive information, meet staff members, and sign up
for activities and athletics.
Our principal also has monthly conversation with the principal meetings where the principal
gives updates to school activities. One meeting that I attended revolved around our new
athletic eligibility policy. The principal gave a brief presentation, answered questions, and
received feedback from the parents in attendance. As a coach and teacher I also answered
parents questions and provided my opinion of the policy. The meetings give parents and
opportunity to have a voice in the development of school wide initiatives as well as give our
building an opportunity to communicate school procedures to families.
Media Release

Open House
Roughrider Roundup
Conversation with the Principal

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