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Southern Pakistan Monday, March 23, 2013 -- Seth Reyes



Taliban Turbulation
The Taliban Terrorist Group are just one of
many problems for Pakistan. In 1994 the
Taliban groups were made from a small
group of imperialists who wanted more out
of their military and they didnt get it the
Taliban was made. The Taliban originated
from Afghanistan during the Cold War
when the Soviet Union was trying to spread
communism. The United States gave the
Taliban weapons to defend themselves.
However, many problems have arisen
coming from the Taliban such as rape,
murder, and armed robberies.
When things got to hot for the Taliban
militia they split into 3 groups:
militia, government, and insurgency. These
groups did not stay for long, but are still
going on. The militia was banned from
1994 - 1996, then the government from

1996 - 2001, and the insurgency is from

2004 to the present.

This Day in History

On March 23, 1956, the Islamic Republic
of Pakistan became an independent
republic with British Commonwealth.
India and Pakistan were fighting against
each other in 1947. After this, the
country became mostly Muslim.

The Pakistani military are currently fighting

the Taliban terrorist groups. Seven Pakistani
soldiers have been killed while eighty Taliban
soldiers were also killed since this past
Saturday in the Sipah area. There have been
more than 100 wounded. They were both
assaulting each other from air and land.
Pakistan declared that will not stop killing
until all terrorist all terrorist groups of the
Taliban are gone.

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