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Chula Vista, San Diego,California

Wednesday, March 18, 2015
2 pages
five cents

Three Americans Attempt to Join ISIS

The FBI arrested 3 men from Brooklyn

who attempted to join ISIS. One of the three
men plotted to attack the president of the
United States. Also, the trio planned to embark

The three men attempted to join ISIS, to plan

killing President Barack Obama
on a journey on the 18 of February. They were
going to hijack a commercial flight to Turkey,
from there they were going to take it to the
Islamic state so the State would have a plane.
Another plan they made was to join the US

military to attack US soldiers. The identities of

these three men are Abdurasul Jaraboev who
is 24 years old, then there is Akhor
Saidakhmetov, he is 19 years old, lastly Abror
Habibov he is 30 years old.
These three men faced charges that included
attempting to provide materials and resources
to foreign terrorist organization such as ISIS.
In addition to threats against President Barack
Obama, they were caught planning to kill US
law enforcement officers.
On CBS they said that the FBI issued an
intelligence bulletin to state and local law
enforcement about the alleged plot and
argued officers to be vigilant for not only
recruits, but people who may want to carry
out attacks. Their interests were among the
US based on violent extremist to actually
support designated terrorists organizations.
On the day of the arrest, the three men
posted part of their plans online. From there,
they believed that the communications would
be harder to trace if anything would have

happened. The authorities recorded a

conversation where Saidakhmetor said that if
he was not able to travel to Syria, he would go
out and buy a machine gun, a AK-47 and then
shoot all the policeman.
But when he heard that he couldn't carry a
gun out in the streets he then said, we will go
and purchase a handgun and then go and
shoot a police officers He also said that
from there we will take his gun, his bullets
and his bullet proof vest then we will do the
same with a couple of other policemen.
Later on, Jaraboev spoke online about
shooting the president. He even talked about
his plan on bombing Coney Island that was
ordered by the ISIS. On CNN, they said that
Jaraboev allegedly wrote a message to ISIS
saying greetings and how he wants to join.
From there the three men started planning on
how they were going to join the ISIS and also
planning on attacking the US.


$ Gas Prices in the United States $


In 2014, the current national

average for regular gas has risen

from three dollars and 78 cents to
more than four dollars a gallon in the
last two months. What could be the
cause of rising gas prices in the
United States?
Some say that maybe it is because
the war on terror is causing these gas
prices rise. Others may say that it
may also be a shortage of oil.
However the truth is that the
government plays a tremendous role
on your gas prices in the United
For the past decade gas prices
have climbed steeply and the pain at
the gasoline station has been no
different. For every penny increase
at the pump , for $1.4billion per year
that leaves your collective pockets,
creating a drag on your pockets.
But how does this continue to
happen? Who controls this and why
wont they listen to our cries? Well
that would be the government. At
one time in 1979 the

government fixed the prices of the

gasoline at about $ 1.00 per gallon.

financial institutes, the oil company passing

economic policies that hinder you the gas
payer, and helps the oil companies. This has
been the case for a decade. Instead of
lowering the portion of tax that is
incorporating into the price you pay at the
pump. The government is looking at raising
the federal tax on gas which will pass those
higher prices right to you and let me ask you
one thing; Do you want that? Is it worth it?

he Gas Prices trap you and take

every single penny you have
-----------------------------------------------So why can they not do this again?
Some of you may think that the oil
prices which drives gas cost to rise is
because of supply and demand. That
is wrong! These regulations from
the government and shot down
proposal are the reason why you pay
more at the pump.
Our government is working with




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