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Souly Chheu

Grade 9
Biotechnology report- Protease in baby food

Protease is any enzyme that breaks down protein into its building blocks,
which is known as the amino acids. There are different proteases in our body. The
three main proteases are pepsin, trypsin and chymotrypsin. Special cells in our
stomach produce an inactive enzyme the pepsinogen. This enzyme changes into
pepsin when it mixes and touches the acid place in our stomach. Pepsin breaks certain
chemical bonds in proteins that produce smaller molecules known as peptides and
starting protein digestion. Our pancreas makes trypsin and chymotrypsin. These are
enzymes that are discharged into our small intestine through the pancreatic duct.
When food is partially digested, food moves from our stomach into our intestine,
trypsin and chymotrypsin. This is the issue with the babies who do not have the
protease enzyme to help them break down protein into amino acids. (Crosier)
Protease activates the breakdown of proteins into amino acids, which occurs in
the stomach and small intestine. The stomach, the pancreas and the small intestine
produce protease. It is an enzyme used in the industry for bakery to help in making
biscuits and crackers. It is used to help in making the good texture of fish and in the
processing of fish. It is also used to marinate meat and make it softer. It is also used to
enhance flavors in food. Moreover, protease is used in the 'Baby Food' industry. The
protease enzymes, which are used in their diet are there because they allow the food to
be pre-digested in the baby's stomach. It is an enzyme used in the infant food so it will
help the babys digestive system since their digestive system is not so good. (GMO
There are advantages and disadvantages in using protease enzyme in making
babys food industry. Some of the advantages are it is easier for a mother to feed their
child (Yahoo answers!) because they do not need to worry about the time to prepare it
since they can just go to the supermarket and buy it. Some examples of these are
Gerber and graduate puff. In using protease enzyme in handling food make it easier
for a babys digestive system to work well and adjust with the food. The protease is
used to produce some hypoallergenic food, which is safer to use by some sensitive
babies. Also protease breaks down particular allergenic proteins (Yahoo answers!),
which is harmful to the baby and might cause allergic reactions to gentle baby. For
example, proteases are utilized to produce hypoallergenic baby food from cows milk.
The proteases break down milk proteins into small peptides and amino acids. Then
lessening the risk of babies developing milk allergies.



Souly Chheu

Grade 9

However, if there are advantages there are also disadvantages in using

protease enzyme especially when you use too much of it. Protease enzymes can cause
the breakdown of proteins in babys skin. When this happens there are some babies
who develops eczema (Associate Professor Giam Yoke Chin), a skin problem which
causes itchiness and allergy when protease overactive. In addition, protease can cause
stomach upset and diarrhea for babies. It is due to the different acid conditions created
by hydrochloric acid in the stomach of each baby who are different from each other.
Making babys food in the industry to help our infants can be solved using protease
enzyme but there are factors that makers need to consider. The prepared pre digested
food for baby affects people in the society. Socially, parents should think of their
babys safety first. Depending on the commercially pre- digested food with protease
in it may put their babys life in danger and it may deprive babies of the natural
enzyme their body need to produce. Also it is better if mothers or nannies will find
time to prepare natural or fresh food for their babies because it is safer, healthier and
cheaper compared to the commercialized food which we can buy from any places. To
add up, industrialized babys food is not safe to the society because food containing
this protease enzyme is very sensitive to its surrounding and the
reaction of the protease enzyme will be affected given a normal or
different temperature and pressure. (Marked by Teachers)
My solution to the problem can solve the issue of the baby regarding breaking
down of protein since they are still so young to have their own enough protease
enzymes. However, protease enzyme in another aspect cannot be safe to use
especially in treating HIV/AIDS because it has a high percentage of death, which is
morally wrong to do. (Marked by Teachers)

Associate Professor Giam Yoke Chin, Sr. Consultant Dermatologist,
National Skin Centre, Singapore. MOTHERHOOD. 11 08 2014. 03 03
2015 <>.
Crosier, Michael. LIVESTRONG.COM. 03 11 2013. 03 03 2015
GMO Compass. 07 07 2010. 03 03 2015 <>.
Marked by Teachers. Ed. Adam Roberts. 30 07 2013. 03 03 2015
Yahoo answers! 2013. 03 03 2015



Souly Chheu


Grade 9


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