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I-Reading Acquisition Development (READ-3311-220) Hanson

Cultural and
Christy Hanson

Christy Hanson

I-Reading Acquisition Development (READ-3311-220) Hanson 1

Cultural and Literacy Autobiography

Looking back on my childhood, specifically my school experiences, I realize they have

not only shaped me, but uniquely equipped me. The experiences I endured gave me
understanding and depth to see beyond the behavior of a child to the need. I use my own
childhood experiences to evaluate decisions that might affect others, and when considering
emotional states of an individual. When I think about the enjoyable times I had as a child, very
few of them occurred in the classroom as far as I can remember. Most of my good memories are
of things like riding my bike and being with my friends. Where I have landed in my beliefs and
viewpoints about teaching literacy are not necessarily a reflection of my cultural background;
however, they provide me with considerable compassion for all learners.
I went to a school that was mostly Hispanic, African American, and Asian in population. I
had some memorable teachers, but the memories they left me with were not positive. School for
me was a house of horrors, a strange place where I felt like an outsider. I had a teacher in the
third grade that had red eyes and was extremely scary. I was terrified of her and one day she
screamed at me. I have no idea what I did, but she yelled out you and me are going to go round,
and round red rider! I had a fifth grade teacher that would yell out dammit, throw staplers, and
kick metal trash cans into the wall. I dont remember much that was good, but at the time my
family was in an incredible crisis, and I was in a fragile emotional state.
When I was in first grade my father was in an armored car wreck. He had to learn how to
talk/walk again, and then when I was in the third grade he had a grand mal seizure. After being
diagnosed with epilepsy he began to have seizures all the time. He became a different person,
took up smoking, having extramarital affairs, and became extremely violent. He would leave
then comeback, moving in on Friday, and then move out on Tuesday. This moving in and out
happened over twenty times, and then he just disappeared for a long time. We lost everything

I-Reading Acquisition Development (READ-3311-220) Hanson 2

Cultural and Literacy Autobiography

moving from a house, to an apartment, and finally in with relatives. This situation at home
overshadowed my learning abilities and attitude. I was a depressed child, and found solace in
In reflection I realize that my world was chaotic I shut down. In many ways I was unable
to cope with my home life. It was frustrating to lose everything and I was very angry. Eventually
we moved to central Pennsylvania, the middle of nowhere. Going from inner city, to Amish
country was quite the culture shock. At this point I was in the ninth grade. The new school was
seventh- twelfth grade, three hallways, all in one building. Everyone knew each other, and
seemed to be related. It was a very hard adjustment to make as everything was new, but I was
still the poor kid, and saturated in all that poverty encompassed. I would hide in the library and
get lost in a book for lunch, and during study hall. In the ninth grade I read War and Peace, the
paper I wrote on it earned me a ninety five in English, but I was almost failing every other
subject. My love of reading developed early on for me. It was a way to get away.
Ultimately I developed a convoluted way of thinking, and dropped out of school to work.
It took a couple of years working and being on my own for me to digest what had happened to
me. I had to rebuild my life and discover who I wanted to be. I didnt have a nurturing
environment, but rather one of harsh realities. I realize now I couldnt see past my circumstance
to what could be. I was looking around for answers, and coming up short. I identify with and
relate to children and youth in circumstances that are out of their control. My goal is to help them
understand the circumstances they face do not define them, and their dreams are achievable.
Realizing the only children that dont like reading are the ones who havent mastered it
yet, its important for children to develop a love of reading at an early age My past experiences
aid me in understanding the emotional states of students, and help me to realize their capacity.

I-Reading Acquisition Development (READ-3311-220) Hanson 3

Cultural and Literacy Autobiography

Although the students are in the same class I know well they are not learning at the same pace, or
in the same manner. This understanding is an asset to teaching language arts in diverse

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