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From: Baily, Kesey Sent Thunday, Morch 26,2015 936 AM Tor Subject: 60001 0 os -— — ie : € Gomer es Some state canard that nk rag Sa Yrs ean Standard 1: Movement Competence and Understanding mee Prepared Graduates: demonstrate competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities GLE 1.a, Combine and apply movement patterns from simple to complex to participate successfully in aquatic, "hythms/dance, combatives, outdoor adventure activities, and variety of lifelong sports and games GLE 2.2, Demonstrate ability to combine and perform movement sequences ‘Standard 2: Physical and Personal Wellness in Physical Education Prepared Graduates: participate regularly in physical activity Ser ee oe GLE 3.2. Participate willingly in a variety of physical activities appropriate for majgaining.o healthy lifestyle " j Standard 3: Emotional and Social Wellness in Physical Education ie me Prepared Graduates: exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings GLE 1a. Acknowledge the performance of others GLE 1.4. Demonstrate appropriate audience and participant behavior during class performances GLE 2c. Identify and utilize the potential strengths of each individual within a group setting GLE 2g, Implement cooperative learning strategies to achieve group goals GLE 3.a. Engage in physical activity with others GLE3.6. Accept the roles of group members within the structure ofan activity Let me know how else can help. Did you get to talk to Naam? Keliey Bailey ‘Boudre High School Pysieal Eduction and Health BSD Phyilal Edweatien Curiculum Focitator eed Boyt and Cin fring & Diving Cech Senlor Cans Counc Sponsor ‘Office 970-499-0018, npatters® Sent: Wednesday, March 25,2015 3:50 PM To: Bailey, Kelsey Subject: EE Gradebook ro: Sent using GASPS ug From Sent: Wednesday, March 25,2015 3:07:46 PM Tos cut _— ee aL cect oS {have some issue in he fac that Nis required to perform a dance infront of al the students for PE. Couls you loses explain why thi an actly fori to do fr hs grade? Ths s nt a sport actly and PE clas should not put {he studonte under pressure to perform infront of oer students. Ihe wanted fo perform in rot of oer students he \tould have taten another class Th Is one ofthe many reasons tht he hast been gong to PE, but to have such alow ‘rade in PE afecing his GPA fora dance performance ls not aceeptabe in my mind. Maybe you can explain beter, Thanks pores Bae eet

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