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Texas A&M UniversityCommerce

Daily Lesson Plan Form

Subject: Physical
Grade Level: 4th and 5th
Mentor: Lyn Phillips
Campus/District: Chisum
Date: 3/29/2015
Overall Goal of Lesson: By the end of the lesson students should be able to perform the series of
exercises correctly and continuously.
Teacher: Blair Slagle

Instructional Objectives: Students are to perform a series of exercises including bear crawls, squats, jump
roping, skipping, planks, push-ups, sit-ups and crab walks in a station format for the given amount of
repetitions for each exercise.
Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills (TEKS) &
Key Vocabulary: Push-ups, squats, sit-ups, plank,
ELPS: 116.7. Physical Education, Grade 5. b)
skip, jump rope, crab walk, bear crawl, stations,
Knowledge and skills. (1) Movement. The student
demonstrates competency in movement patterns and
proficiency in a few specialized movement forms.
The student is expected to:(C) demonstrate attention
to form, power, accuracy, and follow-through in
performing movement skills; (2) Movement. The
student applies movement concepts and principles to
the learning and development of motor skills. The
student is expected to: B) identify the importance
of various elements of performance for different
stages during skill learning such as form, power,
accuracy, and consistency; and (3) Physical activity
and health. The student exhibits a health-enhancing,
physically-active lifestyle that provides
opportunities for enjoyment and challenge. The
student is expected to: (A) participate in moderate
to vigorous physical activities on a daily basis that
develop health-related fitness; (B) identify
appropriate personal fitness goals in each of the
components of health-related fitness; (5) Physical
activity and health. The student understands and
applies safety practices associated with physical
activities. The student is expected to: (A) use
equipment safely and properly; (B) select and use
proper attire that promotes participation and
prevents injury; (C) describe the importance of
taking personal responsibility for reducing hazards,
avoiding accidents, and preventing injuries during
physical activity; and (D) identify potentially
dangerous exercises and their adverse effects on the
Higher Order Questions: What muscles are being used to perform a crab walk?

Student Activities: The teacher demonstrates how to perform each of the movements and after
demonstrating the teacher will then explain how long each exercise will be

SPED Modifications & ELL Strategies:

Anticipatory Activity for Lesson: Series of stretches led by
Students who are visually impaired are to
the student of the leaders chosen by the teacher. Afterwards
perform the exercises to the best of their
students run around the black line of the gym to a whole
abilities on the side with help from an aide. song and after walking around the gym to cool down.
Students who have impaired hearing are to
perform exercises to the best of their
abilities and the teacher can use hand
signals as a cue to move to the next station.
Physically impaired students are to
perform the exercises to the best of their
abilities, but can have a reduced or
modified version of the workout (reduce
time or number of reps.)
Time Allotted:
Teacher Input/Lesson Activity: The teacher is to introduce and explain each movement or
exercise that will be involved in the workout (bear crawl, crab walk, skip, jump rope, plank,
5 mins
sit-up, and push-up.) The teacher will then explain to start the students will perform
indicated exercise at one of the four cones. Once the exercise is completed, move to the next
cone by doing the stated movement (bear crawl, crab walk, jump rope, skipping.) When they
arrive at the next cone they will perform the stated exercise and then continue moving from
cone to cone. The students will be performing each exercise at each cone for one minute.
5 mins
Modeling: The teacher demonstrates how to do each exercise that will be included in the
lesson (bear crawl, crab walk, skip, jump rope, plank, sit up, and push up.)
10 mins

5 mins
5 mins

Guided Practice: As the students are performing the lesson the teacher is observing and
watching how they perform each exercise and is ready to give feedback on performance.
The teacher will also be there to remind the students what to do at each cone if they have
Independent Practice: The students are to perform the lesson without the teacher having to
remind them what to do at each cone or how to perform each exercise.
Lesson Closure: The teacher will discuss the importance of movement and what areas of the
body are being used to perform each of the movements.
Assessment Methods/Strategies: Participation and wearing appropriate clothing.

Resources (supplies, equipment, software, etc.): Jump ropes, cones, appropriate clothing (tennis shoes, gym shorts, etc.)
Reflection: In this activity students are using different exercises to understand how you can use different
physical activities to stay active and allow your muscles to perform.

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