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JLiza Chang
ENG 112-59
March 30, 2015
Mr. Ojay Johnson
LGBT Equal Rights
LGBT, Lesbian Gay, Bisexual and Transgender, Rights have been a pressing
issue for many individuals lately, and equality is at the top of the list. There are many
obstacles that the people of the LBGT Community must face every day. As a child in
middle school, we begin to be taught about the government, laws, and equal rights
amongst the people of the United States of America. As stated by Thomas Jefferson in
the Declaration of Independence, All Men are created equal. How we completely
fallen away from this historical concept? No one person should be considered any
holier than the next. Individuals who identify with the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and
Transgender Community are entitled to the same human rights as heterosexuals as we
all live in the same world. We will continue to explore human rights throughout our
lifetime but only we can make a difference as to how equality is shared amongst human
The way people are viewed comes from underlying feelings that the viewer has
been taught. It is very evident that the hate people have for one another are most
commonly learned from their family and friends which starts at childhood. People who
show hatred for another because of their skin color, race, religion, and sexual
orientation are those whom have learned this hatred in one way or another, or have
their own insecurities that they are trying to cover up. Some seem to believe a persons


sexual orientation is something they are born with while others believe it is a trait they
acquire based on their environment. As a child or young teen, it can be embarrassing to
learn that feeling emotions or being attractive to someone of the same sex is a reality.
There are often times that children are taught that a normal sexual union between two
people consists of a man and woman. Anything challenging this norm is considered to
be wrong or inappropriate. In the article, LGBT Youth & Schools, the author speaks to
the fact that youth whom identify with homosexuality should have the freedom to be or
not to be open about their sexuality. Rights groups like the American Civil Liberties
Union (ACLU), have been established to create support for students to protect their
rights and encourage the youth to feel free to express themselves as well as an
environment respectful of their sexual orientation and gender identity. No one should
have to be afraid being gay in school because of who they are. (ACLU, 1) For that
matter the youth should not get the feeling of discomfort in schools as they are just as
equal to the next student regardless of their sexuality. The sexual orientation of a
student does not affect the degree of which a student can succeed in school.
No one should have to live in fear simply because of who they are (HRW, 1.)
People are often quick to judge a book by its cover. This is also true for those whom do
not agree with same sex relationships. People however do not put themselves in the
shoes of the ones that deal with constant scrutiny just because they choose a sexual
orientation that may be different from you or me. Sure we look down upon acts that are
against the law, and for many years same sex relationships were frowned upon and
even against the law when considering marriage. Why is it that loving someone of the
same sex can be punishable by law as someone who robs a bank? Why is


homosexuality such an issue when the United States has far more serious issues to
deal with? Taking a stance for human rights is also taking a stance for gay rights. It is
all or nothing. People fight every day for their rights in this country. Members of your
government have called for criminal action against people solely because of whom they
love, (HRW, 1,) but loving another person of the same sex should not be considered a
crime. People often practice different acts that we may not agree with because it is not
a part of our culture or the way we were raised, but there is no right or wrong way to
love someone. Recently, many states have accepted the topic of same sex
relationships, and have supported this fact by passing various laws to allow for same
sex marriages.
Although there have been plenty of changes regarding the rights for The Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual and Transgender community there are still people and groups who do not
support equal rights for this specific group. Most recently, there was a bill signed by
Governor Mike Pence of Indiana, stating that businesses would be allowed to turn
away gay and lesbian customers in the name of religious freedom. (CNN, 1) Indiana
is the first state this year to create such a measure which is being promoted to many
other states. Allowing such a bill to be enforced in any state for that matter is clearly
challenging the same laws that forbid discriminating against customers based on sexual
orientation. Doing so could have the potential to damage a states reputation. The
governor is standing by his decision in what he states The Constitution of the United
States and the Indiana Constitution both provide strong recognition of the freedom of
religion but today, many people of faith feel their religious liberty is under attack by
government action. (CNN, 2) People understand that the freedom of religion is part of


the constitution, however there are plenty of others laws that are broken every day and
there arent people creating uproars trying to ensure the world is perfect. Obviously, the
world will never be perfect and there will always be preferences and beliefs that not all
will consider right or just.
Discriminating against people because of who they are is far from equality. The
United States of America is one of the most diverse countries full of all different types of
people of different race, religions, abilities, morals and culture. We are to accept people
for who they are not what we as our individual selves are, or what we believe. One of
the bigger issues across the country lately has been same-sex marriage. The latest
report shows that 37 US states have legalized gay marriage as of February 9, 2015.
This is a huge deal toward the steps to true equality for all people. The remaining 13
states have same-sex marriage bans through either a law or constitutional amendment.
Proponents contend that gay marriage bans are discriminatory and unconstitutional,
and that same-sex couples should have access to all the benefits enjoyed by differentsex couples. On the contrary, opponents contend that marriage has traditionally been
defined as being between one man and one woman, and that marriage is primarily for
procreation. (ProCon, 1)
People are very much entitled to their own opinions which also ties back to the
constitution and the concept of freedom of speech. It is understood that one purpose of
a man and a woman is to create further generations to increase the population and
complete the circle of life. It is understand that biologically two people whom are the
same sex cannot physically produce offspring, so I understand the concern of those
opposed to same sex marriage if their main argument consisted of population. What


these same individuals fail to realize is that two people of the same sex who choose to
be together, also understand that physically they are unable to produce offspring. There
are so many more options available for parents of the same sex who want to raise their
own families, options that consist of adoptions, surrogates, and donors. Same-sex
couples have to deal with the obstacles of being gay every day , but this does not for a
second mean that their decision is wrong nor should they be embarrassed of such
decision. I personally believe gay marriage should be legal in all states as every person
regardless of sexual orientation or the gender a person identifies with should have the
right to decided what is best for them, not the government.
In conclusion, in todays society there are several gay rights activists who
promote equality for gays and work to create opportunities for the people who identify
themselves with the LGBT Community, the people who shouldnt be afraid to express
themselves. They shouldnt feel as though they are less of a person than anyone else
only because of who they choose to love. The heart knows no color, race, gender, or
religion. A woman should be able to love another woman freely and a man, a man.
Human rights organizations like American Civil Liberties Union, Human Rights Watch
and Human Rights Campaign are all organizations constantly fighting for the right of the
LBGT Community. This is a movement that will hopefully continue to thrive and move
toward equality for the sake of the people and the sake of the world we live in.


Works Cited

"No One Should Have to Live in Fear Simply Because of Who They Are" | Human Rights
Watch." "No One Should Have to Live in Fear Simply Because of Who They Are" | Human Rights
Watch. N.p., 16 Feb. 2008. Web. 30 Mar. 2015.
"Pence to Sign Bill Allowing Businesses to Reject Gay Customers -" CNN. Cable
News Network, 26 Mar. 2015. Web. 30 Mar. 2015.
"LGBT Youth & Schools." American Civil Liberties Union. N.p., 6 Nov. 2009. Web. 30 Mar.
"Gay Marriage" ProConorg Headlines. N.p., 4 Mar. 2015. Web. 30 Mar. 2015.

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