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lawsuit suffocates business environment

Unwarranted lawsuits in Louisiana turn businesses away

For Immediate Release

February 25, 2015

BATON ROUGE, LA- Frivolous lawsuits are driving away business opportunities in
Louisiana. Elbert Guillory today announced that he has and will continue to fight
legacy lawsuit abuse in Louisiana.

Legacy lawsuit abuse is running rampant in Louisiana. Aggressive trial lawyers
have hijacked the Louisiana legal system and their greed is negatively effecting our
great state.

Guillory argued that Louisiana has a lot to offer. While the state is known for its
unique culture, it is also a place that can produce oil and create jobs. The increasing
amount of legacy lawsuits being filled has hindered this production. As Lieutenant
Governor, Guillory pledged to fight to bring businesses to Louisiana so jobs can be

A 2012 report from the LSU Center for Energy Studies shows that over the past eight
years, Louisiana has missed out on 30,000 employment opportunities and the
creation of 1,200 new wells. These missed opportunities add up to about $1.5 billion
in lost wages. Legacy lawsuits are killing jobs in Louisiana.

While it is true that damage can result from drilling, trial attorneys are going after
extreme amounts of money. During the 2014 Louisiana legislative session, Elbert
supported Senate Bill No. 667. Sen. Robert Adley introduced the bill, which would
establish a cleanup plan that is sensible for both parties involved. The bill was later
signed by Governor Bobby Jindal. Elbert has experience fighting for practical
solutions to this problem.

It is the duty of lawmakers to stop the abuse and stop trial attorneys from padding
their pockets.

Elbert Guillory serves in the Louisiana State Senate where he represents the people of
Opelousas and surrounding areas. Elbert worked as an attorney before serving in the
state senate.


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