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The Analysis of RCC transfer slab ( a thick structure) using Strut and Tie Model using

ACI Code recommendations (STM Model) is compared with analysis using FEM
model employing 4-Noded 24 DOFs quadrilateral thick plate element (FEM Model).
For STM Model analysis

SAFE12 software is employed and for FEM Model

analysis SAP2000 software package is used. The results of this study show that:

STM Model is more conservative. STM Model gives the stress values
approximately 25% higher than FEM Model values.

STM Model is relatively simple. It is easy to develop STM Model. FEM Model
is more complicated. Developing FEM Model is more time consuming and

To employ STM Model for analysis of transfer slab the analyst should have a
good knowledge in proposing proper configuration of struts and ties.

Analysis using STM Model takes less time when compared to FEM Model
analysis of transfer slab.

STM Model is successfully applied for the analysis of transfer slab wherein the
assumption that plane sections remain plane before and after bending does not
hold true.

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