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Philosophy and Beliefs Paper

Role of the Teacher

The role of a teacher in early childhood and education is to teach a
child to the best of my ability. Respect children and their families. Always
have present what is best for the child in any and all situations. I will stay up
to date with the NAEYC Code of Ethics Conduct. As a teacher I have several
roles in all the different developmental domains and ages. However, in
general all domains and ages require that I interact with my children by
talking, listening, comforting when needed, and responding promptly when
the child needs attention. In order for the child to learn I must teach them by
modeling and coaching my actions.
Belief about learning and teaching
Children learn best when they are able to have hands-on experiences.
Not everything can be taught through a textbook. Learning is more effective
when it is made fun and purposeful. Teaching children is not easy. The reason
it has its difficulties is due to not all children learn at the same pace.
Teachers should challenge childrens educational abilities when they have
mastered what has been expected of them. Only by challenging and
stretching the childs ability will the child ever gain the appropriate amount
of education.
A teacher should not be satisfied with a child learning only what was in the
curriculum plan. But also how to apply that learning. Children who have

mastered what was expected will lose interest in learning if they have to wait
for others to catch up.
Beliefs about the role of relationships between teacher and children
The role between a teacher and children should be very pleasant. The
teacher is the second person that children are with. The children should feel
very comfortable when it comes to the teacher. A teacher should do
everything in his or her power to make the children feel that they can come
to them if they have a problem they cannot talk to anyone else about. Not
only should the relationship between the two be pleasant but it must also be
confidential. Children should feel that when they are with the teacher, the
teacher is only looking out for what is best. The relationship between a
teacher and children should also be respectful. The children learn from what
they see modeled by the teachers actions have a huge impact on how the
children develop.
Beliefs about the role and relationship of teacher, teacher assistant,
parent/guardian, and director
The relationship between teacher, teacher assistant, parent/guardian
and director is very important. This group has to come together and make
decisions that are in the best interest for the children. They must be able to
communicate with one another to help the children develop. The
communication airways need to be on a respectful level. The role of a
teacher and director are so closely related. The director interacts and tells

the teacher what is to be expected in the classroom; however, only the

teacher and assistant know exactly how to run the classroom. They must
follow the guidelines established by the director, but the director needs to
respect that the teacher knows what is best in the classroom. The assistant
to the teacher should be one who focuses solely on helping the teacher and
carrying out tasks that the teacher cannot do alone. The assistant needs to
be the teachers second set eyes and ears. The parent is also responsible for
helping the teacher. The relationship is slightly different for the parent. Most
classrooms welcome the volunteer parents who are able and willing. If
parents can, they should always be ready and willing to help the teacher.
Role of the Child
The role of a child is to be a child. Little learners should be ready to
listen, learn, and participate. When children are listening to what is expected
of them, it makes the learning part of the curriculum a bit easier to manage.
The child should want to participate in all the activities set forth by the
teacher. The child should also want to part-take in playing with other
children. Respecting both the teacher and other classmates is key in the role
of child. Children should be able to express their emotions when they feel
certain ways. A child should also respect the limits set in the classroom as
well as the materials used. They should not want to destroy the materials
that are provided for them to use while in the classroom.
Role of the Environment

The environment is the primary setting where all daily activities will
take place. It should be welcoming; the children and families who enter
should have such a feeling of being welcomed. They should be greeted
individually as they enter the room. The same feeling should be felt during
departure. The environment should also be clean because most children like
to play on the floor and when its story time or any other activities that
require the child to sit or be on the floor it should be clean. The toys, tables
and chairs should be kept sanitized. This will prevent bacteria from spreading
to other children. The quantity of toys and items that are provided in the
classroom should be enough for more than one child. The environments
temperature should be comfortable not to cold or too warm and stuffy. There
shouldnt be clutter all over; too many toys can make a children lose interest
if they are constantly available. Toys with sharp edges should be removed
from the play area. All materials should have their specific section. Shelves
and furniture should be securely bolted to the ground. The shelves should
have pictures and labels so the children can access the materials when they
want to play with them and so it is easier for them to know where the
materials belong after they have finished playing with it. Materials should be
within reach of the child. Dangerous and hazardous materials and chemicals
should be kept locked and put away. Windows and doors should be open and
close at a slow rate. Windows should have screen protectors. Outlets covered
so that nothing can be inserted into it. The outside environment should also
be safe for the children to play around. Climbing obstacles should be paint-

chip free. Safe for the children to climb on. Grass should be free from ant
piles. At all times indoor or outdoor the children should be supervised by an
Role of the Teacher as a Positive Guidance Counselor
The role of a teacher as a positive guidance counselor is observe the
child. Know if the child is ok. Dont ignore any signs and talk to the child
about what could be the issue at hand. Why the child feels a certain way.
They must also be able to communicate with the parent/ guardian of the
children. To know if there have recently become any changes in the home-life
of the child. The teacher as a positive guidance counselor should always
show caring concerned ways. The vibe that a child or parent receives from
the teacher should be that they can talk to that teacher if anything is
bothering them. Not necessarily if something bad is bothering them, but also
if they have good new that they want to share with the teacher. The teacher
over time also develops an attachment to the child and the family. That is
why the teacher should always have positive words of encouragement when
they are talking to the child or parent.
Role of Teacher as Interventionist
The teacher as a person who has to intervene when misbehavior
occurs should approach the situation slowly and calmly. If it is only one child
misbehaving the teacher should ask why the child is acting out
inappropriately. The teacher should talk to the children and explain that such

behavior is not right. If the misbehavior still persists after the teacher has
talked to the child, then the child should be removed from that particular
area and when they feel like are okay to return they may. If there are more
than one child involved then the teacher should take a different approach.
They should hear all parts to the story before making an assumption. Repeat
what has been told to them. Ask the children if they feel like there is another
solution to the problem if the children can come up with a solution let them
be just check on them periodically.
Personal Beliefs
Since I have been studying this course my beliefs about guidance has
changed drastically. In the short time of this course I have gained knowledge
on what is really appropriate when it comes to guiding a child. Children do
not know purposely that they are misbehaving. Children learn by what they
see around them. Children do not know what wrong behavior is if they are
not taught and modeled how they are supposed to act. I feel that children
should be explained why certain behavior is not acceptable. If a child is
explained there is a better chance that they will understand and
comprehend. I also believe that harsh punishment is not worth time being
spent on. Its funny that an old saying I have always heard serves true when
it comes to dealing with behavior issues, its better to attract bees with
honey than with vinegar I dont know exactly who said that but its a true
quote. I think that we can guide a child better if we are nice to them but firm.
Nothing gets solved when shouting is taking place. All shouting does is

agitates the issue and everyone shuts down. I look forward to learning so
much more about guiding. Not only will it help me in my classroom, but I
have 2 children of my own and through this course am I learning so much.

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