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Picar, Henrik Andreas L.


Chem 16 WFUV1

Experiment 11 Answer to Questions

1. Give the correct formula of the ion that shows the following results:
a. Yields (+) results in tests A-2 and A-3. The precipitate obtained is soluble in
an excess of both base solutions.
b. Yields no precipitate in tests A-1 to A-3 but evolves a basic gas upon addition
of NaOH.
c. Yields a colored precipitate with an excess of either base.
d. Turns blood red upon addition of ferric nitrate solution.
SCNe. The pink color of acidified permanganate is decolorized and a yellow-orange
toluene layer is obtained.
Brf. A brown aqueous solution and a pink toluene later form upon addition of
acidified KMnO4 or Fe(NO3)3.
Ig. White precipitate from C-1 did not dissolve upon treatment with acid.
SO42h. Forms a white precipitate with NaOH but not with NH3.
2. Show the separation of the following ions using a schematic diagram:
a. Ca2+, Zn2+
on Ca2+
both ions
on Zn2+
blue precipitate
has precipitate
white precipitate
does not dissolve on
added NaOH
dissolve on more NaOH
more NaOH
does not dissolve on
added NH3
dissolve on more NH3
more NH3
b. Iodide, thiocyanate
On Ino reaction

both ions
added with Ba(NO3)2
on aqueous layer
on toluene layer

on SCNno reaction

c. Carbonate, phosphate
on CO32white ppt
dissolves with

both ions
has precipitate
added CH3COOH
added MgCl2

on PO43white ppt
dissolves without
white ppt forms

3. In the NH4+ confirmatory test, only the evolved gas should touch the litmus paper. If
the liquid touches, the result will be a false positive one. Why? Write the relevant
chemical equation and explain.
NH4NO3 (aq) + NaOH (aq) NH3 (g) + H2O (l) + NaNO3 (aq)
In this reaction, the ammonia ion broke down into ammonium gas and
hydrogen ion, which later combined with hydroxide to form water. Since in
this reaction, the only evidence of ammonium presence in the reactant is the
formation of ammonia gas, the litmus paper must not touch the liquid part.
The liquid part is somewhat acidic due to the presence of sodium nitrate,
which makes the data false should the litmus paper touches the liquid.
4. In which cation test did you see the same result as that of the confirmatory test for
thiocyanate ion?

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