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1. Grades 9-12?

The alternative school is designed to target students in

grades 11-12. Although students that are identified as having
significant social and emotional struggles in the high school can
enrolled in 10th grade.
2. How do students end up in your program? Students that are candidates
are generally those who have a difficult coping with the large
population at the high school. Recently they have tried to evolve the
enrollment process from a behavioral final option to students who are
socially or emotionally in need. In general, students struggle in a larger
environment and need additional one on one attention.
2. What year can they enter? 10th or 11th grade. Try to avoid 10th because
it can put them on pace to graduate too early.

3. What got you interested in alternative education? First teaching job

was at the alternative school in Lake Orion. From that point an
administrative position opened up a few years ago and Drew was
asked if he wanted to take it.

4. What did you see that made you want to go into administration Drew
liked what he was able to do outside of the classroom to help the
students. Also had taken on a lot of administrative duties of the
program prior to there being an administrative position for the program

5. Was alternative education where you wanted to be? Originally, no,

however once in the position has grown to appreciate and enjoy it.

6. How many teachers are there, do you feel that most of them have a
desire to teach alternative ed? 4 core subject teachers make up the
alternative education program. As of right now yes, all of the teachers
in the program enjoy where they are and benefits to program as a
whole. All are willing to work together for what is going to be the best
situation for students. Previously had a teacher that was not a good fit
and found himself another job, as a result classroom issues have

7. What do you see as the main determining factor of your students

success in regards to what you do as a building? Building positive
relationships with the students and their families has been the number
one determining factor in each students success. The ability of the
teachers and the administrators to develop a positive relationship with
each student is vital to their success.
8. What are the significant activities of your alternative school.
Relationship building, early identification, teamwork with high school
staff, communication with families and students, staff cohesion, postsecondary preparation, virtual education options
9. Does your school use a specific concept? Are there different concepts
of alternative ed that you know of? There is no specific concept that is
used at Learning Options for alternative education students. The school
follows the same schedule as the high school, the only change is that
they use 45minute classes instead of longer blocks that the high school
has. The school has also begun to implement a more concentrated
focus on teaching life skills that will translate to improving the lives of
students beyond high school.
Other concepts in other schools are: Troy School District has a
greater emphasis placed on service based learning. Mr. Tollerton
envisions hos program to eventually model after that concept. Brandon
School District: For budgetary reasons Brandon cut their alternative
school as of the 2014-2015 school year. As a result, all of the students
that were enrolled in the program are now absorbed into the high
school and placed into the virtual academy.
What is the graduation rate like? Currently the graduation rate is
around 75%
What is your ultimate goal for the students, post-secondary?
Prepared to enter the workforce? Mr. Tollerton explained that he has
taken a step by step approach when dealing with life beyond high
school. He has learned that the focus must remain on the immediate
because often times looking too far into the future with students that
have challenges to their education can be difficult for some. As the
students are beginning to approach graduation there will be a shift of
focus in conversations to what lies ahead.

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