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Christine Mirof

EPSY605L 735
Project 14
Description on Lesson Plan: This lesson plan is part of the introduction to the Health Unit. The
first part of the unit is El Cuerpo (the body). In order to know how to use vocabulary relating
to health, students need to know basic vocabulary on the body parts and the irregular verb to be
in pain/something hurts. There will be 44 terms.
Student Learning Objective:
At the end of the lesson students will:

be able to read and understand Spanish descriptions of body parts.

Be able to label body parts in Spanish using correct spelling and punctuation.
be able to verbally identify the body parts in Spanish and be able to answer questions

about them.
Be able to use body parts vocabulary along with other terms and grammar learned to write

Instruction and what students will do:

I will use a PowerPoint presentation to introduce the body parts vocabulary in Spanish. I

say the word in Spanish, they repeat while looking at a visual.

We go through PowerPoint again and students copy terms. To address students with
special needs, I will have students copy down the terms and highlight (using different

colors) cognates or other things that will help them identify, associate and remember terms.
Students will make up flashcards with drawing, clipart or pictures for each term.
To reinforce new vocabulary I will give students a worksheet with an illustration and they
label different body parts. They will also put a list of body parts in alphabetical order, by
descending order starting at the head and by body category.

Summative assessment will consist of a multiple choice quiz on 40 of the 44 terms. (40
Points) Ive included a copy. I have formatted the quiz in two ways, Spanish to English
and English to Spanish. 20 of each. Students will need to select the correct term from a

list of 4 options.
2nd Graded assessment will be a project (100 Points)Students draw a monster or download
an image or a creature/monster and write sentences using terms they have learned. I use a
creature or monster rather than a person to engage students and to provide an opportunity
to be creative and extend use of vocabulary. Rubric included.
1. Part 1 Students draw or download image and label with a minimum of 25
of the 44 terms.
2. Part 2 Write 2 paragraphs describing creature/monster. Include the
following information: monster/creature name, where they live and with
whom, their age. Describe personality of creature/monster. Use adjectives
with Ser. How is creature/monster feeling today and why. Adjectives
with Estar.

Name: __________________________________

Period: _____

Rubric for El Cuerpo

Proper labeling, use of vocabulary, spelling and punctuation


Sentence structure and grammar:


Proper use of nouns, verbs, adjective agreement and adverbs

Neatness, creativity and overall efort


Met criteria of project: followed instructions


Total Points Earned



Name: _______________________________________________
Period: _______
Quiz El Cuerpo Mutliple Choice (40 Terms)


Multiple Choice Directions: - Part 1 (Items 1-20 English to Spanish) 1
point for each item.
Indicate the correct answer to each item by circling the letter that best
matches the term in Spanish.
1) tounge
a. la cintura
b. la ceja
c. la lengua
d. la sangre

6) hand
a. la ua

2) heart
a. el pulmn
b. el brazo
c. el corazn
d. el codo

7) face

3) muscle
a. el cuello
b. el pecho
c. el pelo
d. el msculo

b. the barba
c. la mano
d. la cara
a. la barba
b. la cara
c. la cadera
d. la nariz
8) nail
a. la ua
b. la ceja
c. la mueca
d. la cara

4) the body
a. el cuerpo
b. el cerebro
c. el cuello
d. el pie

9) eyelash
a. la barba
b. la pestaa
c. la ceja
d. el ojo

5) lip

10) wrist
el codo
la boca
el labio
el tobillo

a. la ua
b. la oreja
c. el pie
d. el mueca

11.) mouth
a. la boca
b. la cara
c. la barbilla
d. la frente

16) hair
a. el codo
b. el pelo
c. el pecho
d. la mano

12) belly
a. la nariz
b. la barriga
c. la barba
d. la barbilla

17) head
a. la ceja
b. la cabeza
c. la cara
d. la cadera

13) blood
a. la cara
b. la mano
c. la lengua
d. la sangre

18) thumb

14 ) lung
a. el pulmn
b. el pulgar
c. el labio
d. el corazn

19) waist


20. ear
a. la ceja
b. la cadera
c. la oreja
d. la cabeza

a. la barba
b. la oreja
c. la cara
d. la pierna

a. el pulgar
b. el dedo
c. el pulmn
d. el cuerpo
a. la cintura
b. la cadera
c. la cara
d. el hombro

Multiple Choice Directions: - Part 2 (Items 21-40 Spanish to English) 1

point for each item.
Indicate the correct answer to each item by circling the letter that best
matches the term in English.

21) la rodilla
a. knee
b. face
c. eye
d. neck

26) el brazo
a. eye
b. arm
c. toe
d. ear

22) la ceja
a. eye
b. eyelash
c. chin
d. eyebrow

27) la cadera
a. hip
b. lip
c. waist
d. ankle


el pie
a. toe
b. foot
c. ankle
d. leg

28) el dedo de pie

a. toe
b. thumb
c. nose
d. nail


el tobillo
a. knee
b. nose
c. ankle
d. arm

29) el dedo


la frente
a. finger
b. foot
c. forehead
d. face


30) el diente
a. toe
b. mouth
c. tooth
d. lip

31) el estmago
a. hip
b. belly
c. back
d. stomach

36) el bigote
a. stomach
b. beard
c. mustache
d. neck

32) el codo
a. foot
b. wrist
c. elbow
d. toe

37) el ojo
a. ear
b. eye
c. face
d. hair

33) el pecho
a. chin
b. head
c. chest
d. cheek

38) la nariz
a. toe
b. eye
c. knee
d. nose

34) el cuello
a. neck
b. back
c. elbow
d. shoulder
35) la mejilla
a. freckles
b. waist
c. cheek
e. face

39) el hombro
a. hand
b. elbow
c. shoulder
d. nose
40) la espalda
a. back
b. belly
c. neck
d. chin

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