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School Name

Lesson 1 of 4

Crandall University

Developed by: Brock Leaman

Lesson Plan

Title: Pollution At Home and Around the World

Grade level: ___6____Language Arts_______________

Universal Design for Learning
1.3: By using videos to display the topic of pollution the students will receive a variety of information
through visual and auditory means.
3.2: By allowing the students to make connections with pollution and their lives they will be developing
ideas on the topic and understand the relationship between cause and effect.

Action and Expression

4.1: Students have the option to respond their ideas both verbally, through writing or by drawing.
5.3: The Grand Conversation allows the students the ability to scaffold their own ideas with those of their

7.2: pollution is a problem that influences the lives of the students. This makes the issue relevant to the
lives of the students.
8.3: The class uses group work extensively which will foster collaboration between the students and
allow opportunities for the students to practice their communication skills.

GCO: Students will be expected to speak and listen to explore, extend, clarify, and reflect on their
thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences.
SCO: Contribute thoughts, ideas and questions to discussions and compare their own ideas with those of
peers and others.
SWBAT: I can develop my own ideas and responses to the class discussion.
Assessment (formative/summative, self/peer)
APK: Question to students: What is pollution? Students will all have their own opinions and perspectives
on this issue.
Group Discussion and The Grand Conversation will allow the students a chance to develop their
own thoughts and opinions on an issue that influences their lives. During the discussion they will be
listening to their peers and formulation meaningful responses to share with the class.
The Grand Conversation allows the teacher a chance to formatively assess the students. Think
Aloud Technique (Formative Assessment)
Group Discussion (Oral Language) will allow the students to assess their peers and to challenge their
own perspective and initiate self assessment
(Self/Peer Assessment)
Journal entries written at the end of class will serve as a summative assessment for the teacher.
Responding. (Summative Assessment)

Timeline / Elaboration
Before (APK)
Question to students: What is pollution?

Oral Language, Group discussion

Step 1:
Teacher: What pollution would we find in the air, the land and the water? Write on White Board.
By using the random selector app. On the smart board the students will be designated to sit in
small groups. While in their groups the students will be asked to identify forms of pollution that would be
found in the air, water and land
Step 2:
The small groups will be given a chance to share the examples of pollution (air/water/land) with the
class. Grand Conversation: Interpersonal
Step 3:
Teacher: What is garbage? Where does it go when we throw it out?
In the small groups the students must compile a list of things that are considered garbage and decide
where our garbage goes.
Step 4:
The small groups will be given a chance to share the examples of garbage with the class as well as
where our garbage end up.
Step 5:
On Smart Board play video: Living in a Mexico City Garbage Dump- The Road to Juans HouseMexican Poverty. You Tube
Step 6:
Teacher: Which countries create the most carbon dioxide?
Allow students to make predictions and ask a few students to tell the class which country that they think
would produce the most carbon dioxide and why.
Step 7:
Display on the Smart Board the chart- An Atlas of Pollution: the World in Carbon Dioxide Emissions?
In small groups the students must take notes from the statistics and answer these questions as a team.
Teacher: What did they find most surprising? Compared to the rest of the world how did Canada rank?
Bennetts Goal #5

Required Materials, Tools and Technology

Smart Board(Random Selector App.)
Students Journals and pens
You Tube Video- Living in a Mexico City Garbage Dump- The Road to Juans House- Mexican Poverty.
Pollution: the World in Carbon Dioxide Emissions?

An Atlas of

Special Concerns
For the group work I will have to seat the students with peers that they will get along with and try to
pair students with differing opinion so that they can challenge one another.
The use of the Smart board and speakers to present videos will be instrumental for students who have
visual and auditory concerns.
MIs used during class.
Video- Visual/Spatial
Group Discussion- Interpersonal/Intrapersonal
Journal- Linguistic/Logical-Mathematical
Pollution- Naturalist
In-Class Support
Could you please monitor the group discussions to make sure that they are on task.
Cross-curricular Connections
Social Studies, by discussing pollution from around the world we make global connections for the
I think that after more in class experience I will be able to judge realistic time limits for activities.

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