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School Name: Crandall

Developed by: Brock Leaman

Fractions 1/4


Grade level: _________5_______Mathematics______

Universal Design for Learning


By using the smart board to display information throughout the class.

3.1 The teacher will lead with questions aimed at activating the students background knowledge.
Action and Expression
4.3 As stated in differentiation if a students requires different tools or assistive technologies (computer)
then these will be provided.
6.2 The journal entries are key for fostering planning and strategy skills for the students as they must
develop their ideas before hand and then formulate their responses effectively.
7.1 The students are given the opportunity to choose their own fraction problem to solve in their
8.3 The fraction problem activity done at the students table teams will help to foster collaboration
and communication for the students.

GCO: Demonstrate an understanding of fractions by using concrete and pictorial representations.
SCO: SWBAT create sets of equivalent fractions
SWBAT (in student friendly terms): create and compare fractions that are the same in number value.
Assessment (formative/summative, self/peer)
What prior data is informing your instruction?
What fractions do students encounter in their daily life
What assessment strategies will measure the learning from the outcomes?
As the Table teams are working the teacher will have an opportunity to monitor individuals
Formative Assessment GCO, SCO
The students will also be able to gauge their own abilities as well as their peers while solving fractions
in their table teams
Peer/Self Assessment
The Journal entry at the end of class can serve as a form of summative assessment for the teacher when
they are handed in
Summative Assessment
SWBAT write about what they learned today regarding fractions and explain the process to determining
equivalent fractions.
Timeline / Elaboration
Before (APK)


Focus Question: Where do we see fractions during our daily life? What jobs would require the use of
fractions? Display questions on Smart Board.
45 m
Step 1
10 m
On the Smart Board I will display visual pairs of fractions, some that are equivalent and others that are
not. As a class we will try to figure which pairs are the same and which are not. Students who offer
answer will be encouraged to explain their reasoning
Step 2
On the whiteboard I will show fractions and demonstrate how to create a common denominator in order
to compare fractions in order to determine whether they are equivalent or not. Students will be
encouraged to come up to the board to solve problems in front of the class.
Step 3
20 m
The students will be separated into Table Teams with Pie graph pairs indicating fractions. Each student
will have their own graph and must use the disc manipulatives to represent the graph. They must decide
whether their fraction pair is equivalent or not. Once they have decided the whole table will discuss and
solve each classmates problem until they all agree that the problems were solved correctly.
Step 4
10 m
The students will they be asked to take out their journals and respond to the following. What was
something new that they learned today regarding fractions? In their journal they will have to draw their
own Pie Graph and show the fraction that represents it. Indicate 2 fractions and show how to reduce
them to a common denominator. Responding
Opportunity for individual/small group instruction

Required Materials, Tools and Technology

Pie graph sheets (1 per student)
Manipulative (discs)
Smart Board
Special Concerns
Students must work well together in their table teams therefore some students may need to be split up
if any issues arise.
By displaying the information on the Smart Board students with visual exceptionalities will be able to
read easily
If there is a need for differentiation within the classroom in terms of students with disabilities than the
plan can be modified to fit those needs such as allowing the use of a computer, etc.
MIs being met:
group work/writing
Journal/group work
Logical/MathematicalProblem Solving

In-Class Support
TAs can help monitor the classroom and ensure that all students are on task.

Cross-curricular Connections
Culinary Class- Measuring Cups
Technical Studies- Measuring tapes, calculations.

This lesson plan was easier to do because I felt there were a lot of ways to meet the outcome. However,
it was difficult because it was hard to choose what to use for assessment and how in depth to take it.

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