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Lesson: Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry Introduction: K-W-L Chart/Web Search (Two Days)

Unit: Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

Learning Goal:
1. Students will be able to access prior knowledge.
2. Students will be able to research specific topics related to the time period.
3. Students will be able to collaboratively work in groups.
Using a K-W-L chart is a good way to access prior knowledge, as well as set a purpose for what
is going to be taught. It also encourages discussion based off what students know, want to know,
and what they learned. This lesson in particular encompasses many strategies to engage all
learners, including, accessing prior knowledge, research using iPads, group work, and student
1. Students will complete a class K-W-L chart, accessing prior knowledge.
2. Students will create a poster including new information they researched.
Introduction PowerPoint
Post-in Notes
K-W-L Chart
Web Search
Poster paper
Markers/color pencils/crayons
Writers Notebook: Free Write History (20 minutes)
People live in the present. They plan for the future. However, history is the study of the
past. Why is it important to study our past?
What is historical fiction?
Can you list any examples of historical fiction?
Give students 7 minutes to write in their notebooks
Share examples of historical fiction and add to Historical Fiction poster
Make predictions about the novel (use pictures on PowerPoint)

Transition put note books away and grab 6 post it notes per table
K-W-L Chart Partner Work (20 minutes)
With table partners, students will write 3 things they already know about:
o The Great Depression
o Share Cropping
o Racism/Segregation
o Mob Violence/KKK
o Jim Crow Laws
o Education in the Black Community
Share and add them to the class K-W-L Chart
With table partners, students will write 3 things they want to know about:
o The Great Depression
o Share Cropping
o Racism/Segregation
o Mob Violence/KKK
o Jim Crow Laws
o Education in the Black Community
Share and add to class K-W-L Chart
Web Search Independent (remainder of class)
Students will be given one of the topics above to research on the iPad
They will complete the web search using complete sentences
Next Day
Web Search Group Work (15 minutes)
Get in groups based off same research topic
Finish web search together
Create Poster Group Work (20 minutes)
Create poster to teach the whole class about each specific topic
Use markers/colored pencils/crayons
Does not have to be in complete sentences
Group Share Out (Remainder of Class)
Each group will share their poster/information to the entire class
Fill out post-it notes (things you LEARNED)

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