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Geometry in the Real

Quantasia Williams

My example is a
telephone line because it
goes on infinitely long.
Definition : A line goes
on for infinitely long and
it has no end point.

I chose this picture of
this point because it
shows a starting point
Definition : A dot
named by a capital


Definition : Part of a
line or a ray and it
has 2 endpoints

I chose sunlight because
the sunlight starts from the
sun and goes on.
Definition : One endpoint
and it extends infinitely long
in one direction.

Acute Angle

I chose this pie because it

doesnt measure more
than 90 degrees .
Definition : Angle less
than 90 degrees.

Obtuse Angle
I chose the clock
because it hands are
at an obtuse angle
Definition : More than
90 degrees and less
than 180 degrees.

Right Angle
I chose this because the
edge of it is at a 90
degrees angle
Definition : Measures
exactly 90 degrees.

Perpendicular Lines
I chose this picture of
two roads sect at a 90
degrees.because they
both intersect a 90
degree angle.
Definition: Lines that are
at right angles (90) to
each other.

Complementary Angles
I chose this pizza
because its slices
adds up 90
Definition: Adds up
to 90 degrees

Supplementary Angles

Definition: Adds up to
180 degrees


I chose this ice skating

rink because the floor
is a flat surface which
extends infinitely long
Definition: Flat surface;
Extends infinitely long
in all directions.

Collinear Points

Definition: Points that lie

on the same line.

Vertical Angles
I chose this because
the angles on the
scissors are vertical.
Definition: Vertical
Angles are the angles
opposite each other
when two lines cross.
They are always equal.

Acute Triangle
I chose this because all the
angles on the chip is under 90
Definition: The acute angle is
the small angle which is less
than 90 degrees

Obtuse Triangles
I chose this because the
roof on the house is an
obtuse triangle.
Definition: A triangle that
has an angle greater than

Right Triangles
I chose this because the
side of this bird house is
at an 90 degree angle
Definition: A right triangle
is a triangle in which one
angle is a right angle,
which is a 90-degree

Equilateral Triangles
I chose this because the
angles are all equal to 60
Definition: equilateral
triangles are also
equiangular; that is, all three
internal angles are also
congruent to each other and
are each 60.

Isosceles Triangles
I chose this because 2 sides of the
clothes are the same length
Definition: an isosceles triangle is a
triangle that has two sides of equal

Scalene Triangles
I chose this pizza sides are 3
different lengths.
Definition: a triangle that
has three unequal sides

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