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Jorge Avillez

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How to be a FUT millionaire

Jorge Avillez
1: Introduction to the game
2: Introduction to the market
3: What is trading?
4: Methods
I: IF Low Bid
II: Mass Bidding
III: Price fixing
IV: silver trading
V: Consumables & Coaches
VI: Miss bidding
VII: Hyped players
VIII: St. Patricks
IX: 59th minute
X: Quick Sell
5: How the UT market relates to the real market
6: Purpose
7: Bibliography

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Introduction to Ultimate team

Ultimate team is a sub part of the game FIFA(a football video game produced by EA), it is
released every year and is available for Almost every console, computer and smartphone. It is the
most popular online game mode for both consoles, meaning that everyone who plays Fifa tends to
try it out and most end up enjoying the game. The point of ultimate team is to build your favourite
team from over 15,000 players. To acquire a player you will need Ultimate team coins, coins can be
attained by either playing games and receiving the match bonus, which is a really slow way of
making coins. The easiest way to make coins is by trading it is also the most challenging. It
involves knowledge of the ultimate team market and of the real life market, as they are quite
similar. It takes patience and you have to think like an entrepreneur, you have to forget the the
football and start focusing on the selling, any way you can to make a profit.

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Introduction to the Market:

The market is a search engine for
ultimate team players, ultimate
team players are real life players set
into virtual trading cards, they can
be traded, bought, sold and found in
packs*. The market is where you
sell or buy your players, managers,
consumables* and staff for your
team. It has several searching options just like google, you can search a players name,
value, rating and etc. That helps by facilitating the search making it a lot easier to

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search the player you want. There are Three types of basic player cards the bronze,
silver, gold. Normally a gold player will be worth more than a bronze and silver
player. Not always though, silver and bronze are rarer than most gold and most
people get rid of them because
they aren't that good, so even
though the supply is low, so is the
demand. Occasionally you will
find some silver and bronze cards
going for a ton, that is either
because he has really good stats*,
has been in good form of late(real life) and starting a hype* or because he is such a
rare card that some people will pay thousands just to have him. Sort of similar to an
old car, it might not be as fast but some people just have to posses them.

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FUT* also releases special Black cards called In Forms, this is when a player
joins the team of the week for a successful match day, only counts for their league
matches. IFs are higher rated cards and are always more expensive than a normal
card. Also the card is only released in packs for one week, making them reasonably
rare and with great demand. IF trading is one of the most basic and effective way of
trading as it is with
more expensive player
and your a more likely
to make a bigger profit
margin, also more
likely to lose large
amounts of coins if
you do not sell it for a

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profit. There are also two other types of IF that are very rare and very expensive.
TOTY and MOTM, TOTY stands for Team of the year and it is the best team of the
world voted by FIFA and includes the highest rated players in the game and are only
released during one week, as most people hold on to their TOTY there are very few
on the market and very expensive, trading with TOTY is high risk and hard but also
very rewarding as so many people try to trade with the
TOTY it is hard to get one for a profitable price, they are blue card. MOTM are
Orange cards released after almost all the champions league matches for the man of
match. MOTM are the rarest as they are only released for 24 hours, even though they
are not worth as much as a TOTY it is best not to purchase a MOTM for trading as
their price can change substantially from one hour to another, and you make a huge
loss as you normally would take more than an hour to sell a MOTM card. To

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conclude the market is the main part of Ultimate team as it is where every great
fortune is made, not from playing games or betting but from hard work and time,
buying and selling as if your family depended on those coins.

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What is trading?
Trading is the transaction of players in search of a profit, ultimately to make
money. Most people have heard about it but are too lazy to even attempt it. For
example you look for a player that costs around what you are willing to spend and
check his BIN value* you then search for that same card except cheaper and instead
of buying now* you bid on it and make sure you win it for a reasonable price. Your
max bid should always be around 95% of the BIN price as EA* charges a 5% tax
much like banks do in real life. You then put with a BIN price equal to the lowest you
find and the bid value right under that, almost to force a player to Bin it. This is the
simplest method of training and really basic for people who have done this for a long
time. Most people think that is all trading is, to buy a player for cheap and sell it for

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more but its so much more than that. There are several complex techniques, cheats
and methods to trade, much like an entrepreneur would have if he wanted to sell his
product, in this case being a card. Its true, it is very time consuming but you can
easily get around it by bidding on players right before you go to sleep and checking
on them when you wake up or even download the mobile app so you can access it

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IF Low Bidding:
In forms are black cards released every week for the weeks top performers in
their respective leagues, these cards are worth at least 10,000 coins and can go up to
millions depending on the players overall* and the demand for their card. IF low
bidding is ranged for people with 10,000-100,000 coins and normally make a profit
of 1,500-5,000.
How to do it?
You search for an IF with a a current bid of around 9,500-11,000, It is easier to
search for IFs in this current week as they are cheaper. Ifs have a quick sell* value
of around 10,000 but because of a lot of people wanting to get an IF you can sell even

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the worst IF for 12,000 BIN, making 2,000 coins before tax. This method only works
with Gold In forms, as the silver and bronzes prices can change in minutes making it
a risky buy, also the profit wont be as much. 2,000 might not seem like a lot of profit,
but this method is very quick and you can do quite a few in just one hour, also you
can bid on more than one in form if you have the money. Here is an example of an IF

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i bought and sold for a profit, always remember to check the price of the player and
put him up for the same. I bought these two Otamendi cards for 11,000 each and sold
them for 13,000, making a profit of 2,700 for both after tax. This method is
reasonably effective and you make an average of 7,000-10,000 coins an hour, really
not that bad especially if you are looking to start off strong. As if said this is a low
investment, low profit and low risk method that is used by several people. In the real
life market this could resemble someone buying a rare but reasonably cheap object in
a bidding war and selling it for slightly more at a fixed price.

Jorge Avillez

Mass Bidding:

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Mass bidding is an easy method, where you pick a player and drop the same
bid on every card of that player, to get a few of them on a cheap bid. First you pick a
gold player, with a BIN price of around 700-10,000 coins depending on how much
money you have to invest in. You then make a bid on every player you find for about
10-15% less than their BIN price. As you can see I fixed a 700 coin bid on twenty
Depay cards, he is worth 800 coins BIN and by getting him for 700 coins I make 60
coins after tax. I was able to win a bid on 15 of those and then sell them for 800 coins
in about 7 mins, making 900 coins.
The more cards you buy, and the more expensive the player is, the more money
you will make, this is also a very low risk trading method since you also invest less

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money than most methods, I highly recommend this method only with slightly more
expensive player around 5/6,000 coins then you are able to make about 20,000 coins
an hour which is really good considering you only need to invest around 100,000
coins making an extra 20% of profit.

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Price Fixing:
Price fixing is when you pick a card and you buy all the copies of that card in
the market and list them up for your price, so you dictate the price and you basically
listing them for at least double the price. Price fixing is the most aggressive method
and with the biggest profit margin but its so risky most don't even try it. I advise you
not to start with price fixing as it normally involves a 500,000 to 1,000,000 coin
investment and if you mess it up you lose most if not all your money. Now this
method only works with IFs that aren't being released in packs currently. First,
because it is almost impossible to buy all the player as the supply is to large for
anyone to purchase. Second, you shouldn't buy an If that is being released in packs
because even if you purchase all in the market, people will keep getting them in

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packs and selling them for way cheaper than yours and obviously no one will want to
buy your cards if they are not the cheapest.

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As you can see this Aldimate Gaming is the only seller of all Mackay
Stevens in the market. Now Mackay Steven being a silver IF is already rare enough
but due to him being a really good player there is also a lot of demand for him.
Therefore all of these will probably sell in a week for 600,000 coins each,
considering that his original price was 120,000. So I suggest to only price fix if you
are an expert in the market and player prices, also to price fix with silver IFs as they
are rarer, no supply, medium demand and significantly higher prices compared to
most gold IFs.

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Silver Trading:
Silver trading is a very simple and profitable trading method and it doesn't
need that much of a investment also. It is like the simple version of trading where you
bid for a player 10%+ lower than his BIN price, looking to make about 5%+ with tax
as shown on the method mass bidding. The only difference is that you only bid on
one reasonably player at a time, a silver player. Most new players might think that
silver cards are cheaper than gold cards but thats not true. silver cards are more

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expensive and exclusive and not many cards on the market, also not that many people
looking for them. Therefore it is easier to get a better bid on a silver player than a
gold player, this is basically what this method is.
How to do it?

First you pick a rare silver player with a BIN price of 50,000+ coins
You then look for his lowest BIN price and establish that as his regular price, just
to make sure you don't lose any coins.

Search for cards that have a current bid of 6,000+ and bid on him.
If you get into a bidding war make sure you stop bidding right before the bid hits
95% of the BIN price as there is a 5% tax.

Once you have picked up the player, list him up for the Original BIN price you
searched for three days.

Jorge Avillez

*Theses steps apply to the other methods accordingly.

Consumables & Coaches:

Consumables are non playable cards that
can be applied to your players to help their
performance and or increase their contracts
there are several types of consumables such as
contracts, chemistry styles, fitness cards, player
training, position change and healing cards.
Coaches are used for your team and gives your
team extra chemistry making them play better.
Consumable and coach trading is

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basically mass bidding with consumables/coaches. As I Find consumables quite hard

to search and to find for the right price as there are way too many consumables in the
market, also making it harder to sell. Coaches are easier to sell and more expensive,
coaches have 3 deciding factors to their price. The first is their card, the most
expensive are normally gold rare managers as they give your team more chemistry
than a silver coach would. The second is their nationality and league, a manager only
gives chemistry if he is the same nationality or manages in the same league as your
players, so british, german, Premier league manager tend to be the most expensive.
How to do it?

Pick a rare gold manager manager from Germany, England or spain and/or the
countrys respective league.

Search his BIN price on the market

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Set the search engine to the manager cards bid for 10%+ less.(ex. If his BIN price
is 3000, search for cards with a current bid of 2700 or less)

Make the same bid on all the cards you can find until you are done with the money
you want to invest in them.

Then sell them on for the Original BIN price looking to make atleast 10% on them.
Only sell three managers at a time or else you will inflating the market with too
many of those managers making the price lower.

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Miss Bidding:
Miss bidding is considered the cheat of ultimate team, it is a form of conning
someone of thousands of coins. The idea is too use to accounts at the same time, one
on your computer and the other on your playstation/xbox, you will set a very
expensive player (1 million coins +) for about half its price on a bid and no BIN
price. So buyers will be very interested in it as they will be looking to get a good
price, and therefore start a bidding war. When the bidding war heats up to its max you
bid for about 300,000+ more on the bid and people that are bidding on it might miss
click without noticing the price and bidding for an absolutely insane price. Notice
that this method does not work most of the time as most people might be bidding on
their computer making it harder to miss click. Miss Bidding is high risk, High profit
method with a low success rate as most of the times it wont work.

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How to do it?

Purchase a player for 1,000,000 coins+(ex Ibrahimovic)

List him up for a Bid price of 500,000 coins and no BIN price
Sign in into another account (Web app)
Search the player and if you want to get the bidding heated up you can also start

Once the bidding is heated up and bids are changing every second you bid for
about 500,000+ coins than his original price which you bought him for.

Hopefully someone will miss click and purchase your player for an absurd price if
not the player goes into your other account and the money goes to your original
account, so you will only lose 5% on tax.

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Hyped* Players:
Hyped player are players that are in great form or scored an amazing goal in
real life and a lot of people start becoming interested in them causing the demand to
rise and also the prize. This isn't trading, its more like an investment but it can make
you a lot of money, the problem is so many people try this. The idea is to purchase
several cards of the player who just scored an amazing goal or had an amazing
game(this works better if the player is in a top league like the Premier League or
Bundesliga) and then sell them on when his price rises higher than normal.
How to do it?

Keep up with the latest games in the BPL, Bundesliga, La Liga and Champions

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As soon as you see someone score an amazing goal, skill or hat trick search him on
the market.

Purchase the cheapest cards you can find on a BIN price.

When his Price inflates too its maximum potential, sell all the players you bought

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St. Patricks:
St. Patricks day is a religious celebration happening every year on March 17th,
in memory of St. patrick. Fifa has been releasing a tournament every year since 2012
to celebrate with outrageous prizes for the people that win the tournament. This
tournament can only be played with a full Irish team making the prices on Irish
players rise tremendously. Most people look up to this tournament as its fun and
rewarding, therefore they are willing to spend 10,000 coins on an Irish player who
normally is worth 650. I do not consider his trading, more like an investment in the
stock market that surely will rise for a profit, the only downfall is that we never know
when EA is going to stop with the St. Patricks day tournament but since they have
been doing it since 2012 and has sort of become a tradition I do not see it changing in
the near future.

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This investment works like most investments, when you start playing the game
around October you will have 5 months to purchase as many Irish players as you can.
I suggest Republic of Ireland players as they are better and tend to bring a greater

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profit. In those 5 months you do not need to spend all your money in one sit in,
instead just purchase a few players when you have some extra change or money that
you don't really need and store those players in your club until march. I tried this
same investment last year and without even trying that hard I made 500,000 coins so
its definitely an easy way to make money the only problem is you have to wait so

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59th Minute:
59th minute is very time wasting and hard as everyone does it, but once in a
while you get an amazing bargain. This method involves search the market until you
are in the 59th minute which is the time left on the auction of the player. To do this
you have to be very knowledgable of most of the players prices as you don't have
time to check them, because at any second someone can buy him and you lose a
bargain. Its quite straight forward actually, all i advise is searching for gold players
with a buy now minimum of 150, because if the player doesn't have a buy now option
you are going to be there for an hour bidding on him and your not going to get such a
good price. Also make sure to search on leagues like the BPL and Bundesliga as those
are generally the most expensive players.
How to do it:

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Change the search engine to gold players with a minimum buy now of 150
Scroll to the 59th minute and start scrolling back and forth
when you find a reasonably expensive player for your budget, check his price and
if he is 10% cheaper than his normal price, buy him on a BIN price.

Later on you can sell him for his normal BIN price

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Quick Sell:
Quick selling is an option were you sell a card for its base value, gold cards go for
around 300 coins, gold rare cards go for around 650 coins and informs go for 10,000
coins. Normally most cards are worth way more than their quick sell value, but when
you find really bad cards that are worth around their quick sell value if you manage to
win one of them on a bid you can then quick sell them. Now why not auction them
for an extra coins? If you auction them EA covers a 5% tax, but if you quick sell
them no tax is covered. Now this method doesn't involve a very high investment but
you are only looking to make around 50 coins on each card unless it is an inform then
you make around 200, and the risk is almost none.

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How the UT market relates to the real market:

Ultimate team might seem like a video game yet resembles the real market
more than any virtual market because it is affected by real occurring events. For
example coins are the equivalent to liquid money(dollars, etc.) and can be used to
purchase players, consumables coaches, etc.. which is the equivalent to real life
goods. If you want to invest in a house with your money and hope it flips for a profit
that is the same as purchasing a player and waiting for his price to rise so you can flip
him for a profit as well. The method we spoke about Price fixing would be like
purchasing rare goods such as cars until you own the only ones in the market and
therefore dictate the price of each of the cars. Hyped players relates to a real life
situation because if a player is playing amazingly in real life it reflects on his price in
the video game. Entrepreneurs resemble traders they both try to make profit from the

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money they have by using their methods and techniques. Demand and supply also
works the same way in the Ultimate team market and like the real market it is the
foundation of it, the whole market prices depend on the demand and supply and by
knowing what it is you can easily predict any price changes.

This book uses knowledge on several methods from different people and
websites, and its one purpose it to educate and facilitate the game for the players that
would love to be able to purchase Ronaldo, Messi and etc It brings insight in
entrepreneur techniques as well as basic economics to form methods that anyone can
understand and use. Remember trading is not as easy as it seems it takes time and
patience and if you are patient and follow the methods you will become a millionaire

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in no time. Don't take your coins for granted and splash them on every player you
want to buy, make sure you are buying your players at a reasonable price so you do
not lose that much money. The last point I want to speak to you about is probably the
most important, I beg you not to waste coins on packs, they are not worth it and you
will almost certainly lose money. If you want to open packs please do so with Fifa
points, this guide is meant for education purposes only.
*= words that most people might not understand and therefore should google ti.

Jorge Avillez

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For Report
"Global Contexts - Mesa Middle School." Global Contexts - Mesa Middle School. Web. 22 Mar.
"IB Middle Years Program / Personal Project Information." IB Middle Years Program / Personal
Project Information. Web. 22 Mar. 2015.
"Learner Profile for IB Students | International Baccalaureate." International Baccalaureate.
Web. 22 Mar. 2015.
"MYP Curriculum | International Baccalaureate." International Baccalaureate. Web. 22 Mar.

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"Report Writing Format." YourDictionary. Web. 22 Mar. 2015.

For Product
"'FIFA FUT 15' Trading Tips Guide." 'FIFA FUT 15' Ultimate Team Trading Tips Guide. Web. 22
Mar. 2015.
"FIFA 14 Ultimate Team - How to Make Coins - Multi Buy Trading Method." - FUTWIZ. Web. 22
Mar. 2015.
"FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Trading Tips." Web. 22 Mar. 2015.
"FIFA 15 Ultimate TeamHow to Make 40K a Day with Very Little Effort." HubPages. Web. 22
Mar. 2015.

Jorge Avillez
"Futhead." Tried & Tested Trading Methods. Web. 22 Mar. 2015.
Quadros, Joao."Trading Methods for Ultimate Team." Personal interview. 1 Dec. 2014.
Sousa, Tomas."Trading Methods for Ultimate Team." Personal interview. 3 Jan. 2015.
" | FIFA Ultimate Team." FIFA Ultimate Team. Web. 22 Mar. 2015.

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