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Reg. No. LL 1616 ‘M.B.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION, AUGUST 2009. ‘Third Somestor ‘DBA 1702 — INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (Regulation 2007) ‘Time: Three hours Maximum : 100 marks 10. a Answer ALL questions. PART A—'(10 x2 = 20 marks) Explain the nature of international business. What is International business environment? Why do firms enter international markets? What is international licensing? What are the different stages of globalisation? How is WTO different from GATT? Why do some countries impose controls over MNCs? ‘What is economic integration? Who are the leading exporters in the world? What is strategic management? PART B—(5 x 16= 80 marks) (a) How does political environment influence international business? Explain in detail. Or (©) What are the assumptions, merits and derivatives of Hecklscher-Ohl thesis? Discuss in detail. ULD YUES LUN races 2, 43, 4, 15, «@) o (@ wy @ Oo) @ () What is international franchising? Explain the basic issues involved in franchising and franchising agreements, or Analyse the steps taken by Indian government to glabalise the economy, Explain the role of MNCs in Indian Economy. Why do MNCs like to Indianise thelr operations? Gi or ‘What aro the various instruments of internationell trade policy? Describe Analyse the trends in global expoxts and identify-the major deviation in the ilobal exports. or How do you determine exchange rates? What ave the advantagee and disadvantages of fixed exchange rate system? Explain. Deseribe the role of negotiations in international business or Explain the cross cultural communication process and negotiation with suitable examples, 2 LL 1616 vow yuna eeeng

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