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By the time you read this, 17 children worldwide will have lost their lives

Because 8 children die a minute in pursuit of potable water in order to

Partner that with the loss of husbands and wives
And you may end up cursing your eyes
Because you know these preventable mortalities will rise
Since water is now being privatized
Fed up with his monopoly over diamonds, gold, coltan, and coal
Man is now on a mission to monopolize Mother Natures soul
No longer able to swim and drink from our worlds deltas and tributaries
Fees for life-giving water will have to be paid to evade the obituaries
Structural Adjustment Programs have become the equivalent of fasting
For our worlds poorest governments must privatize water for loans
African Growth & Opportunity is being stunted by acts most tyrannic
While corporations scramble for H2O rights in a Berlin-Conference-style
The rights of the human and earth are no longer relevant
For the right to profit now sets the precedent
Lower water standards and a depleted water supply are soon to follow
As Mother Earth becomes the liquid-deficient Mars of tomorrow
From blood diamonds to blood water, history is rearing its third eye
Forewarning us of the coming strife which we can no longer deny
Civil wars will be waged in the wanton pursuit of the worlds water
Re-creating conflicts reminiscent of present-day patterns of slaughter

The developed world often acts in the most undeveloped methods

By capitalizing on the lifeline of impoverished livelihoods
From protecting corporate interests to interring corpses
The IFIs* have joined in the trade-marking of our life-giving resources
But many of us will fight this battle and that should now be apparent
For we wont allow the blue bloodline of Mother Earth to become a patent
As mans oil of the new millennium
The poorest of the poor dangle their lives below profits pendulum
Remaining inactive is an act in support of privatization and the death of
So the blood of the 17 children that just died also lies on your hands
*IFIs International Financial Institutions

Although there are many different and unique perspectives that are being taken on the
current issue of water privatization, the fact that the vast majority of the public is against the idea
of this emerging aquatic revolution is undeniable. For instance, this poem in particular clearly
outlines the possible thoughts and views of a resistant being. Despite the fact that this piece is
extremely biased, the author is able to provide the reader with a variety of concrete statistics that
are not in favor of water privatization. In addition, this composition points out the potential
outcomes that could follow the privatization of water, all of which have started to occur at a
slight degree in the least. Also, the writer goes on to mention mans supposed goal to capitalize
virtually the entire world by the expansion of goods and the valuing of all materials, whether
they be natural or artificial. Human beings, the more wealthy in particular, are depicted as greedy
and never satisfied as well, constantly throwing blows at the impoverished and weak. While
there are many acts being carried out that have direct and negative impacts on the destitute, there
are also numerous methods in which people are attempting to reach out to the needy and aid in
providing them a life of higher quality. All in all, there are innumerable components that support
each side of water privatization, and even more viewpoints on the issue.

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