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NURS160 Scholarly Research Assignment 1

Reflective Practice: Exploring Health Beliefs and Determinants of Health


Toyin Fakus-Atundaolu
Student No:

Date Submitted:
NURS 160:

October 10, 2013

Practical Nursing Theory 1


Humber College (ITAL)

NURS160 Scholarly Research Assignment 2

The purpose of this assignment is to explore my personal and cultural health beliefs
using self-reflection and the various determinants of health discussed in the texts and taught
in the Practical Nursing Theory 1 class. I will identify and define what I believe are three
most important determinant of health: biological, psychological, and socio-cultural factors
that influence my personal health practices and the strategies I would utilize to improve those
practices. This paper will also compare and contrast my personal health beliefs and practices
as a West African background with those of Sandeep Sandhu (2013), a classmate from an
Eastern Indian cultural background. I will be discussing the comparative learning in this
course and how this may influence my future nursing practice.

Definition of Health /Personal Health Beliefs

The definition of health may vary, depending on who is defining it and from what
perspective. In my opinion Health is a state of wellbeing that is based on an individuals
ability to maintain a balance of biological (genes and physical fitness), psychological (mental
cognition and behavior), and socio-cultural (ethnicity and economic status) factors. This is
based on the premises that these three personal factors of biological, psychological,
sociocultural determines ones being such as age, personality structure, race, ethnicity, and
socioeconomic status. Moreover, these factors are interconnected and cannot be maintained
alone for the person to be healthy. In agreement with the Maslows pyramid of human
needs, if any of these three factors are affected, the other two factors of the individual will
also undergo changes. For instant injury/pain in the abdominopelvic cavity can affect the
physical being, thinking/attention processes and social interaction of an individual. Thus

NURS160 Scholarly Research Assignment 3

illness/disease present in one part can have significant impact on the persons ability to
maintain other health factors unless it is being managed medically. Similarly, Lalonde (1974)
clearly identified human biology, environment, health care, and lifestyle as the four major
determinants of health. This is a holistic definition of health encompassing the whole being
of an individual. He shifted the focus of health as defined by medical approach to that of

Current Health Beliefs

My current health beliefs started in September of 2013 since taking the Practical
Nursing Theory 1. My health intervention approach had previously been based on the
medical (diagnosing and treating disease) and behavioral approach (people have a choice to
live a healthy life). However, my perspective to health has changed 360 degrees. My focus is
now in respecting the patients choices as to what level of intervention are needed and
accepted. For example, it was asked in class that if a client had refused blood transfusion
because of religious belief during the pre-surgery assessment, and it was then needed during
the surgery to keep the patient alive, if would I give it. My candid response was that I would
if I had not attended this class but now I know that I have to respect the wishes or preference
of my patient. Thus, sadly, the patient has a right to die by choice.
Furthermore, my current health beliefs view socioeconomic and mental health
stability as two major determinants of health factors especially here in Canada. Social status
and economy does affect the level of prevention or treatment affordability. Although the
Canadian Healths Act (1984) covers all possible treatments; however, wait times of
treatments such as chemotherapy can result in early death of cancer patients, while some

NURS160 Scholarly Research Assignment 4

upper class citizens can fly south across the border to the United States to receive their
treatments early. Another instance of socioeconomic factor is availability and affordability of
healthy diets. Most families, especially immigrants living in poverty may not be able to
afford three course meals or diet supplements. Therefore, they would have to find other
cheap means of maintaining health.
Mental stability can also affect ones general health being. Evidence based studies
have shown correlation exist between mental stress and physical health (CMA2013). In their
article Connection between Mental and Physical Health, the Canadian Mental Health
Association report that the social determinants of health impact both chronic physical
conditions and mental health. For instance, one of my classmate who is a single mom of two
young children (three and eight years) feels stressed up all the time and sometimes leaves
classes early to get home. This has affected her behavior which is some snappy and irrational
and always complaining of feeling sharp pains in her body. Mental health is very important
to maintain.
Cultural Beliefs
My West African heritage has exposed me to traditional and religious approach to
preventing and curing physical and psychological ailments. I can remember many times, as a
child, I had to drink different herbal concussions and so called holy water to heal fever or
improve my academic success. Due to high cost of importing western medication/drugs,
most Nigerians, especially does in rural areas use traditional medicines to maintain health
and cure sickness/diseases. These traditional practitioners rely on passed down herbal
knowledge and vocal incantations to provoke the gods to respond. They may have to do
some sacrificial rituals and festivals to please the gods they believe are watching them. Even

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when the educated ones sought western medicine, the extended families from the village will
do everything possible to persuade them to seek traditional or spiritual medicine.

Personal Health Practices

Contrary to my cultural background, I believe in the Western and Far East Asian
medical practices. I frequent natural health stores to find alternative to synthetic medication
supplements. I am very active and find opportunities to take long walks to distress myself.
Music is very important to me for keeping myself from worrying about unpaid bills or
unsolved problems. I also keep in touch with old and new friends via the social network such
as Facebook and LinkedIn. Moreover, I am a positive person and I also believe in praying to
or having faith in the higher power above the galaxy for things that are beyond a physicians
knowledge. This always works for me. Biologically, I am growing and I always take plenty
of rest. This is because sleep has a way of restoring one physically and mentally to allow one
to function in a high intellectual capacity. Finally, I belief that humor and laughter is the best
medicine anyone can have and I always make sure I take them with me everywhere I go.

Compare/ Contrast: Health Beliefs of a Classmate: Sandeep Sandhu

My classmate (Sandhu, Sandeep 2013-personal communication) defines health as
being physically able to do activities of daily living, mentally being able to make good
decisions about work or play and being able to interact with people to have social
relationships Her definition is similar to that of World Health Organizations (WHO, 1947)
definition which a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being (Porter page 2);
however, it does not consider other important health determinants like genes and social

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economic/cultural factors which are important to individuals. In terms of genes, what if one
is born with the Down syndrome (such as a client I had the privilege of caring for some time
ago) and she is not able to perform the activities of daily living (ADL) without being
supervised? Yet, this person can do basic mental tasks of painting on stones and using sign
language to communicate effectively with those caring for her? In terms of social
relationship, it is important to know that personalities matter. In fact, a person with a
melancholic outlook may be branded anti-social or unhealthy socially for always wanting
to keep to him/herself. In contrast, I believe my definition is more embracing and takes into
consideration the three most important determinants of health in relations to all humans of
any physical condition, personality, culture or social background.

Analysis of How Comparative Learning Influence Nursing Practice

According to the Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing text (Potter, p83), nurses have
four universal duties of promoting health, preventing illness, restoring health, and alleviating
life of a patient. From the various readings in this Practical Nursing Theory 1 course,
understanding the past and present of the patient is very important in administering treatment
or promoting health. A patient is a human being that is growing, has feelings and is from a
particular socio-cultural background. Comparative learning influence ones nursing practice
in that our texts exposed us to various theoretical concepts of nursing practice. If not for the
course I would have thought that nursing practice is only about the medical approach to
healthy living. However, with the nursing education, the client is the most important person
in the nurse-client therapeutic relationship. This is why a professional body such as the
College of Nurse of Ontario is needed to regulate our practice in order to protect the client.

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In conclusion the three major health determinant factors include biological,
psychological, and socio-cultural entity of man. This definition is similar to that of Lalonde
(1974) who added a fourth determinant as being health-care. Sandhu, Sandeep, my
classmates definition only recognize what society define as normal person not taking into
consideration those born with certain conditions that limit them from performing ADL or
interacting with others; and yet they are able to make decisions or interact with others.
Although in the past my West African background has exposed me to alternative medicinal
practices, but my personal health belief leans toward Western, Asian, and spiritual medicines
and practices. Comparative learning of education has increased my knowledge base of the
studying, researching and applying evidence based nurse practices.

NURS160 Scholarly Research Assignment 8

CMA. (2013). Connection between mental and physical health. Retrieved from
Potter, P., Perry, A. G., Stockert, P. A., & Hall, A. M. (2014). Canadian fundamentals of
nursing (5th ed). (J.C. Ross-Kerr, M.J. Wood, B.J. Astle, & W. Duggleby Eds).
Toronto: Mosby.

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