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CLAFLIN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF EDUCATION ADEPT EVALUATION ror” Early Chitdhood/Elementary Educator Cooparating Teachor/Universty Supervisor conan, Sthosk: Completed by: x Cooperating Teacher _ University uparisor xine Directions: This forms tobe used a @ formative and summative ossessment ofthe conddote’s progress throughout the ella practice. Th candlate should be essessed thee (3) mes: ofter4 weeks, 8 weeks and atthe end of the placement. Rate the canldateon each ofthe key elements under eochstonderd a& follows: Seale: (4) Unacaptable/Developng; 2) Acceptobe/Meets; (3) Target/Exceeds, Then give on overall rating Inthe box beside the ADEPT Performance Standard, An explanation ofthese ratings ie gven on the revert sie ofthis form. Se ais 2A, Develops Unit Objectives 28, Develops instructional Plans 2¢. Uses Student Performance Data FADS 3H PEANNING ASSESSMENTS AND UsinNG DATA EnGes 3A, Uses a Variety of Assessments 38. Administer a Variety of Assessments 3C. Uses Assessment Data to Assign Grades 7 [ABSA HIGH EXPECTATIONS Haine fez eure EAR Sa ERE “4A, Establishes, Maintains and Communicates High Expectations for Achlevernent “48, Estabishes, Maintoins and Communicates High Expectations fr Participation [rAPS 5s INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIESIO= nme aS ERE on SA, Uses Appropriate Strategies “Ts Ge] 82 | 58. User Variety of Stegies 3 4 FAPS;Gz PROVIDING CONTENT FOR LEARNERS Sngios a RRND NEUE ‘5A. Thorough Command of sepline ‘5B. Provides Appropriate Content 7B. Uses Information to Gulde instruction 76. Provides Instruction Feedback Seen Saat ee [ae ‘BA. Safe & Conducive Physical Environment 8. Posltive Affective Climate In Classroom BC, Creates Culture of Leaol 3 EES TT GSC Ce TOT ‘9A. Manages Student Behavior Appropriate 98, Maximum Use of instructional Time ‘SC. Manages Non-instructional Routines canddate'sSenete NObthae LALUS cormersinnan Revised Fall 2013 ~ ACEI/NAEYC 2010 Standards CLAFLIN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF EDUCATION PROFESSIONALISM RS Rese epee EES A ‘The candidate coliborstes with colleagues, adminisatrs, and other sudentoriented professionals, suchas _agancts,buslnesses, and community roups to determine the needs of his ‘rhe students to plan and provide them withthe appropriate learning experiences and assessments. AOA. Advocate for cchildron 6e PS! 10:,;PROFESSIONALIS! eee | esecsptable CA, | ‘The candidate collaborates with collegues and administrators, but not ether agenles o determine the needs of hs oF her stents ‘2d to plan and provide ther with the appropriate learning ‘experiences and assessments ‘The candidate doesnot colaborate with cobeagues, administrators or agencls, The candidate regublyattends and ontbutes to meetings tothe extent that tis possible and appropriate, end axtively supports the efiors of school ‘rgantationsand exvacurdar ‘ets that contrite tothe overall learning and development of students 5.1 | 108, achieves ‘Organizational Goals 6a “The candidate attends faculty and gr2ce level metings, but not other School organtatlonal meetings 0 ‘entracurar actives. “Thecandidste doesnot attend meetings ot parpotes any ‘entracircuar actives. 100.2 Effective Communicator: Presentation ‘The candldate's spoken word and waten language are dear, corec, and appropriate forthe target susiense, “The candidatvs spoken wordand wnten language are approrite forthe target autionce and consist ofless than Secrors, “The candidates spoken word and rten language contain many blatant eo. The candldatecommaniater with E eee eS THE SCORING GUIDE FOR THE ASSESSMENT ‘analdate demonstrates lmited smoont of the attbutes ofthe standard, Performance Inleates ‘that few competencies have been demonstrate Revised Fall 2013 — ACEI/NAEYC 2010 Standards Th onde communists ith 5.2 | s0c2 etfecive | parent/gurdans ons repr bau, | Potew/uirdans onan Communicator: | responds appropriately to parental | Mertens bass esponds ener ne ‘appropriately to parental concerns, | communicate with 2. Parental concaens, and uses mere than hres 3) | cq uses at east three (3) cfferent | parents/asnrdans, 6b | Responsiveness] var frmatocse st ongehs | fastens tat og Z communication aks sae Tectia compte a 1 | soo.exniits | protessiony scot are attctrues, | tecanadate comptes with | Thecandiat does not vinse|oeeeeee pales, and procedures ands adequate professional schooland_ | comply with schoo! plies Pre 4 | fiseacenstvotsprotessoralinters | ett rus, poles nd aedproceduresandfor | 3, ee ‘of responsibilty, initiative, time procedures, and exhibits @ ‘exhibit » professional 6b | Behavior tranagement appearance, etal | profesor demeanor emasnor Hondards, an quatre Ge) The candidate a efectve Te ene esr herr soksAcive | Tenee antes nserter |erkrtenrwnesen | esos dox mt scril Gena Profesional segtsandweatneses | and devs plane to sidesthe | Wewlyseenetor 3 a Identification _and devises plan to address them. identified. eee The candidate aggresive sees oo 5.1 Jaoesacine | eaeandese sees aS. Tapa nace seat ot ‘The candida doe ot ee wmtctarpenoucnannan | Parkgate adcontteio | perateccinesto | 3 says at romans cosorsian | Saivilestor adequate professional | promot professional 6c owt row “Candidates must recelve at leest 2.0 overall Yo successful pass this assessment. ‘Candldate demonstrates mom of the atVibUter of ‘the standard. Performance nests that the competency hasbeen demonstrated ncusing examples, extension, or enrichment. Candie demonstrat te abuts fhe Sansa ertormace desing tht he competes ben ater nting foals, extern deme CONTENT KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT ~ EARLY CHILDHOOD/ELEMENTARY EDUCATION ‘ate the candidates on the content standard using the scale from 1-5: (1) Unacceptable; (2) Moderately Acceptable; (3) Acceptable; (4) Highly Acceptable; and (5) Target Indicate the Content Area(s) not covered by marking Not Applicable (N/A) in the rating section Candidate: Daniele Hicks School Marshall Seren Subject: scence tvaluator/Tie:Tonya Yarbrough Teacher Grade tenet Third Date: February 11,2015 ae ae £S English language arts—The “ : Canoidatderonscateretightevet | caainelsors | conte Gtnctiewcsn’” | comoreetestgtiy | cml eons oft nee in use of English demonstrate a limited ee orm = demonstrate comprehensive | activity) compete as evorniiraes |‘roeceome |Sexpuneceguect | sapeteorner | fname Tanguage arts and they kno. rowed mowledge ofcontent. | knowledge ofthe Irowedge ofthe content ne ete ane eee corr saat areas of English language arts Suesisteoecal | oe te fagntngogearsae | eeay | REeneY ade denorseted the | Cateinchces se, Sere gi | temrerrad tee fenoenmnas | Susieabeiena nee | croscreseasaverety | reyetmatetas | rams nang telco Simariscung te’ | bcehg nebe sation om Comet ane omicher, tuations, materaly end Wes, Sience=The candidate knows, a understands anusestundamenl | canganesin conatoetssors | carateteone eae conceptsinthe subject materof || Senses tntes | candselenons | danonsret on demonsostcargny | Culetnisons fence—incuding physieal, fe, and fermonsrste some Sceepabedenree of | scaptbledegree ot | demonzuate comprenst nces— as well, knowledge of content. knowledge of the Knowiedge of thecontent. | competencies related to the ‘ence and Ca cers [coment cammrenses | cometensesreareate | Competes re ein personal ond Corot iV eemedtotiecrasc | treweectsouncese | Semslscenceae ‘social perspectives, the nature of demonstrated. The science are adequately | regularly demonstrated, srr aves naar Se ee emma Ty | Seommertoarion | |Tucccroecedess | emcees ces i gadis t tmateraiwth sitar | varyte mater curing} canate uses variety | varity of materials, Stable wamples and Selence, andthe Ingulry ps ideas inmost ‘helessons. Stmetwialséuingthe | incluingautable eramples | Manis ames scientists use in discovery ofnew | Sensinme ae fad encehment. Estates Knowledge to ida hse for rte and technologie tera Ss Revised Fall 2013 — ACEI/NAEYC 2010 Standards —y a i (aie Abielog = A-twi8 Mathematics—the candidate knows, | Caneidate lessons reeled ees beets wa understands, and uses the major demonstrate amined | Candidate lessons encase demonstrates highly | Candidate lessons genenarawatinted | Conadetesons | eapauindaperct_ | aeasuecegeeot | dane comprare frowlegrcfeonten | cemensintesone | fnowiadeof the Inowiedge ofthe content. | knowledge of Be content Fewcomostendte | towldarcfcntets | tonne competences | Comoetencesretedto | Competence stadt the coer! [Gommrcreneg, |femetoneworar | meuotinanennks | weretatoreta demensvated. The | are demonstrated. The are pasistently demonstra candidate wes ‘ondidate tnd to sghty oa oe Teeeaanaes ‘mater wth tar | vary the materials during dpi vacery of materia ncading mater wit veya {aver of maces, | sutatleexamplesand eosin including cute examples | enviciment nd entchment eee Canes ee oo emensatea tinted | canst esons eee eckietens tnowedge ofcontert.. | demonstrat sone ane aden : inowiege ofthe ioowege ofthe corte. Feweompetendes | knowledge ofeontent integrated sudy ofhistory, Feutedtaressof | competencasrastedso | Coton Competendes Competencies reed tothe geography, thesoclecences,and | scnisuderare | Shesenofuocl tes | Toco meant resol sol sues, Gtherrelated areas —to promate. | demonsrated. The | arecemonstated. The | TOCA serseny demons F|elementarystudens abitiesto | candste es fansite ends to spy | Seen es anen rake informed decisions as citizens | Meteratewathsimtar | vary tnemateriis ung | canadate uses avariety | variety of material, suitable examples an Of cuturaly diverse democratic | “eas cfmatralsduiagthe | Idudog suitable amples | enicment. Soclety and interdependent worl teson. nd entcmert comeimon [ecuaeum | Sitters oediicns Vansant esos a ‘The Ats—Thecandidate knows, | demonsiratea times | Cnslatelessons | demonstatean demonstrate compre Understands, anduses the content, | Eowiadgeofcortent. | PN MeGre nts | jnowtedge ofthe nowledge ofthe content. functions, and achievements of Few competencies | | competences related to | content. Competences eons rebtedtearexotthe | Srvrarchticaraere | reatedtothe seat the sectot are aremecerenseé | jemorgonted, He | arsed ecndstewee | usretercta att | demorsvted. The | Tecan neces | pstreetienadean let apaeate Praap serytiematrab uring | eondeteusesa variety | vaey otmaterts - | Ytyofmatrae 7 ‘ Ae eee the lessons. Stmateratsduring the | including sable ecamoles | "table pamples ane ies. and enihnert arcane ‘ands eons Gero esons ae a ; Semoratestries | cadetetsons | demonsatesn Semone 8 heed Health Education=—The canciote | knowiedge ofcontent. | demonsvate some Seceptable degrect | acertabledegreeof | ee ‘ows, understands and uses the | few eampeteces | knowledge ofcontnt. —] know ofthe Trowledge ofthe content, | Mowee ofthe conten, eptsin the subject matter | rmtedwornset | competencasrestedto | conten competences | Competencies retevto | Comores neste hearessotheatnare, | rebtedtotheareasat | thearessfheathare | $eesathenshor emonsated The | teathareacequately | segularydemansrated. | Soeuice ncuaes © SShouswtendstostgtvy | demowtrtea: The | Thecanddeteincuders | Tecan mes rababcir nee Cenvthemateras dung. | candeateuasaverery | varenyofmaterats, | Tmucimae, Seat Sete Sieveriurnete | csthgstio cama | Tee Ome! lesson. _and enrichment. z Revised Fall 2013 ~ ACEI/NAEYC 2010 Standards \ aumeulis 5 arepipuen Spuepueys OLOZ DAIYN/I3DV — ETOZ led PastAaY Pines soveyfg Der aie vt oneonga aisyao ease ano pays sopuateswog “usnue> 24a 40 98pe)MOU4 srpvoysidwes rensuewap suossa ep pU suoss wepspueD J09 34. —VoREOMP EDI

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