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Fun-filled, life-changing, challenging, and extraordinarythis is how I describe my

COPAR experience. It was tough indeed, but seeing the eagerness in the eyes of the
mothers, butterflies in my stomach flew away. This is it. This is really is it, I say.
We all know that one of the main roles of Public Health Nurses is to conduct Health
Education, and here we are, lucky to have been able to experience such. From the
preparation, to planning, up to prepping up for our big day, we all say, it seems like
a roller coaster ride. Clich as it may seem, but yes, weve been through a lot to
achieve success. Even the rain did not stop us in our activity. As the host of our
event, it was indeed a challenge for me to keep their buckles on and listen until we
finish discussing. Through teaching, you learn. Yes, I have learned a lot. Not just by
doing a research on what I must teach, but also through the experience I had. Time
spent reaching out to others, is a time well spent. As Ive said in the beginning, the
experience was life-changing, fun-filled, challenging, and extraordinary. I know this
wouldnt be the last, but the experience will always be remembered and will remain
in my heart. And my love for community nursing grew more. It was one heck of a
journey, I must say. It doesnt stop there, my journey had just started.
Joverine Salamanca, UST-SN

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