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Semester 1 2015
Coordinator: Ben Matthews

Project: User Experience Design

photo: Nick Harris



Working in teams of about six, you will design and prototype

For this project, consider your team to be a small design con-

a physical, interactive and experiential concept for the new

sultancy that has been invited to devise an interactive prod-

terminal at the Brisbane Airport. It can be a product, a sys-

uct (or system) that delivers an innovative user experience at

tem or an environment, but it should be public, social and

the Brisbane airport. Brisbane Airport Corporation is plan-


ning a new domestic terminal scheduled to open in 2019. It

is currently at concept stage and they are soliciting ideas

Due date 29 April at 13:00.

that might be implemented in the new facility. The new terminal is expected to be primarily used by low cost airlines.

Learning objectives assessed: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6

1 Apply specific thinking techniques and design methods to develop


unique designs

Your team will design, prototype and demonstrate a product

2 Employ basic research and observational skills to recognise and

that will enhance the user experience at the Brisbane Airport.

critique design opportunities

3 Communicate design concepts eectively and aesthetically using

The product you deliver must meet the following require-

visual and discursive media


4 Understand and apply the basic elements of event-driven design:

Be a good product: it should be experiential, interactive,

participation, generation, prototyping, evaluation and iteration

engaging, innovative, relevant to the airport context and fea-

5 Demonstrate the ability to plan, organise and carry out a design


process within a team

6 Develop appropriate strategies for addressing potential conflicts
and problems that can occur when working in groups

Employ interaction design principles: each product needs

to display a mastery of design principles like aordances,
visibility, feedback and feedforward.
Be targeted and specific: the product must be aimed at a

target user group (travelers, flight attendants, baggage han-

mary that introduces readers to the project, this document,

dlers, etc.) and a particular use context (check-in, arrivals,

its purpose and its interest for readers (approx. 2 pages).

public transportation etc.) for which it is appropriate. The na-

Persona portfolio Introduce this section with a paragraph

ture of the experience it creates or enhances must also be

explaining the concept of personas in design and why they

articulated and specific.

are useful. Explain how your personas were constructed

Be self-sucient and self-explanatory: each product must

from your research. Present your personas (one per page).

be submitted complete and must explain itselfproducts

You must generate at least one persona per group member.

are fully inclusive of their packaging, title, intent, set up in-

Concept portfolio: Create and submit a portfolio of at least

structions, guidelines for use, and accessories (if necessary).

24 distinct concepts that address this brief (or 4 per team

Be original: your product must be new and your own.

member if you do not have 6 in a team). Each concept must

Be physical: the product must be physically prototyped (to

have a name, a thumbnail sketch or picture, and a back-of-

scale if a 1:1 prototype is unrealistic or impossible).

the-box description that is detailed enough to convey the

concept and dierentiate it from the others. This portfolio


should be submitted as a set of concept cards (each A5 size,

Kickstarter video: Write, direct, produce, and star in a

so 2 per page) in a common template (12 pages).

kickstarter-style video that explains the product you have

Concept maps: Develop and submit at least three dual-axis

built, demonstrates its interactivity, functionality and use,

concept maps of the design space you have explored. Con-

and generates enthusiasm for it. These short videos vary in

cept maps will be created (initially) from existing products,

style, but include a clear problem definition, product explana-

but must also be used to map your groups original concepts

tion and demonstration of use with a wizard-of-Oz proto-

(e.g. the concepts in your portfolio). Each map should have


an explanatory paragraph or set of annotations explaining

the dimensions/categories of the map (min. 3 concept map


canvases, as pdf files), and each map should have a dier-

Each team must also document their development process

ent pair of dimensions on its axis.

and generate the following set of process deliverables along-

Scenario/storyboard portfolio Introduce this section with a

side creating their physical prototype. Process deliverables

paragraph explaining what design scenarios are and how

will be submitted electronically through Blackboard. Choose

they are useful as a design tool. Briefly describe the breadth

a standard referencing system to use (e.g. Harvard, APA etc.)

of the scenarios of use you have explored in this project. Pre-

and ensure you are aware of the universitys policy re-

sent at least three of these scenarios as illustrated story-

garding plagiarism.

boards, including one fringe scenario (3 pages min.).

Project blog: the research and design work you have done

Criteria evaluation framework: Develop and submit a

must be documented on a project blog, week by week. Your

blog will report things like the minutes of your group meetings, the division of responsibilities among group members,
the evolution of your ideas and prototypes, summaries of
your research, the feedback you have received from trial

framework of criteria for evaluating (and choosing between)

your dierent concepts. Show the results of an analysis of at
least five of your concepts (including your final concept)
against those criteria. Introduce the evaluation framework
with a paragraph that explains the criteria and how the

runs, demonstrations and user tests, and details of any addi-

evaluation was conducted (approx. 2 pages).

tional work and feedback events you have organised. Your

User evaluation report: Write up the series of events you

blog exists to communicate your process to others outside

conducted to obtain user feedback on your project, specify-

the team, such as clients and tutors, and will be how the

ing the actual feedback you received and explaining how

quality of your teams design process is assessed. Be sure

that was (or wasnt) incorporated into your final product (ap-

to represent the dierent elements of your iterative design

prox. 3 pages).

process here (e.g. empathise, define, ideate, prototype, test).

Title page and summary: Give your project an appropriate
title, list your group members and student numbers, give the
address of your project blog, and write an executive sum-

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