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Laura Howard
OMDE 601 9041
April 19, 2015
Reflections 4

The group project was probably one of the more meaningful and pleasant group
experience I have had. This is because I learned about using an interactive tool that I think will
benefit me for future projects and experience with a technology that is tremendously useful. I
consider myself more of a visual learner, so seeing each of the important wave components and
aspects organized in an easy to read grid and is valuable as a guide to reflect back for reference
purposes. After reading articles, books and viewing other media throughout this course, I had an
idea about what occurred in each wave, but to actually see it and apply it to the grid helps to
visually see and process the information. The organization is a key aspect in revealing how the
content is going to be displayed and processed, which helps to cognitively interpret and
remember the wave era activity. It organizationally and visually displays the practice, delivery,
discovery and the many components of distance education. The process that was used to
complete the grid helped bring confidence into my ability to being able to work in a group.
Although sometimes working with others as a group can be challenging, this process allowed
flexibility to work asynchronously and convenience using features that Google Docs offer. The
method of communication is also preferable in my case so that I can see and remember what has
been done and for reference purposes. Group work normally is something that I dread, so it is
great to know that there is a tool that is as effective as Google Docs. Using new innovative

collaborative tools, like Google Docs, is an excellent way to present sharing and creating
knowledge in the distance education field.
Throughout this course, I have discovered what distance education is and how my
original idea of what it was has changed. As I have stated in reflections before, my first idea
about distance education was primarily online. I was not aware or thought of the expansive
history of distance education and how it has affected the educational system. I do believe the use
of the internet has increased the interest and popularity of distance education. I honestly doubt
that I would be interested or even thought of pursuing a degree in this field without the internet.
Now that I have new sources of knowledge and facts about distance education and its history, I
consider this such an important educational option now and for the future. Understanding the
history and foundation of distance education will guide my pursuit in looking for the best
practices, methods and theory development. My final distance education definition is concluded
as a tool for an educational environment anywhere other than a traditional classroom or face-toface environment using a model presented and utilized by different forms of technology,
methods, media and interactivity. I changed the word alternative is tool because I think that
illustrates more of what distance education represents as an actual physical device rather than an
just an option. I also added in methods and interactivity to illustrate the importance of physical
and cognitive involvement instead of being verbally feed information like a traditional learning
environment. Finally, I took out structural learning system because I do not think distance
education always has to be delivered in that specific manner. Also I did not want to use
structural learning system because I think it followed too closely with Moore & Kearsleys
(2012a; 2012b), Peterss (2010) and Haugheys (2010) definitions and explanations. The greatest

influences that developed my definition are learning about the different theories and approaches
from many of the academic scholars and institutions that have automated this form of education.
The objectives in the syllabus (UMUC, 2015a), I believe have been achieved in this
course. I will discuss what I have learned by analyzing the course objectives stated in the
syllabus (UMUC, 2015a). I learned so much in this course about distance education that I know
will benefit me tremendous with my future courses and knowledge utilization and application.
This course has taught me the meaning, elements and components of distance education. It has
taught me about the history of it though the group activity, various readings and other media. It
has revealed to me the progress of distance education and its impact in the world. There are so
many academic scholars, theorists and influential people that helped develop, improve and utilize
distance education. I now know who the major contributors are, their ideas, theories, philosophy
and interpretation of distance education. I have also learned how these individuals and methods
have made distance education what it is today. Learning about the different roles, methods and
structure involved in the distance education process revealed to me various ways it can be
approached. The impact of distance education has brought and created many institutions,
creating an educational atmosphere and environment where it can be prosperous in many aspects.
Now that technology is improving and can facilitate distance education this may create the
demand for distance education, especially online. Understanding the importance of the systems
approach has revealed to me a beneficial and essential process to incorporate into delivering and
facilitating distance education. A system is needed to ensure that tasks and production receive the
appropriate attention required to meet the demand of providing excellent education (Haughey,
2010, pp. 53-54; Moore & Kearsley, pp. 9-19; Peters, 2010, p. 15; UMUC, 2015b). This is also
described by Harry (1983), using appropriately assigned tasks such as implementing and

collaborating on course material and design (as cited in Haughey, 2010, p. 54). I have also
learned about how technology is changing this form of education and the monumental impact of
its integration in distance education. One of the best parts of the class was learning and using
different social media and other applications such as Google Docs. I have never used some of
these applications before so it is an excellent way to add more to my online resource and media
experience. I fully recognize that if I want to pursue a career or degree in this field I should
become familiar with all the latest technologies that could be utilized as educational resources.
Throughout the class discussions and various assignments, I believe I have enhanced some more
skills for approaching writing papers and conducting research. The hints and suggestions from
the course content assisted me in looking for ways to proactively find what I need and how to
strategically apply it in a productive manner. The group work was a great experience and assisted
me greatly in knowing that there is online resources applications that can work as collaboration
tools. It taught me that effective group collaboration and communication is possible at a distance.
Also, learning about online applications to create an e-Portfolio, such as Weebly, is a resource
tool that I was not aware before this class. One of the writing assignments that I prefer and see
being a benefit to improving my critical thinking and writing is the reflective journals. I prefer
writing reflectively on my own thoughts as an assignment. I can interpret, from seeing my
writings and activity, what I have learned by how I explain and discuss things. Reflecting on how
I describe my learning style assists me in channeling and understanding my own unique ways of
processing and applying knowledge and skills. This course has provided the essential elements
about distance education that I need to start into this field.
My reflection on the group work experience encouraged my confidence and ability to
contribute and collaborate effectively with other people. Group work is not my preferable choice

of activity, but after using a tool like Google Docs, it gave me more confidence to proceed with
this project. Using this technology was a tremendous asset and utility tool in achieving what
needed to be accomplished for the group tasks. The best part that I thought worked great was the
capability to work on one document and the ability to use this document like a Word processing
application. It was also helpful that some of my group member(s) did have previous experience
with Google Docs. Sometimes it can take me a while to become familiar with using a new media
application, but I found that the Google Docs is very user-friendly. It worked that we could
contribute to the group work on our own time, and did not have to schedule a time where and
when everyone needs to meet, like traditional group work. It worked and helped when we set up
a time line of task due dates and who was assigned to do certain tasks even if things changed.
The only thing that I thought did not work well was when an immediate answer was needed or
when something was difficult to explain by email/post communication. One of the improvements
I would try to focus on establishing in the future is making sure there is an early timeframe of
task due dates set and making sure everyone is aware of or assigned specific tasks generously
ahead of time. The major benefits I see with online collaboration are the time and access
conveniences, flexibility and the use of user-friendly technology tools that have been invented to
utilize group activity. The consequences that may be negative are that communication by email
or other forms of text can be misunderstood, misinterpreted or incorrect. Since we may not be
familiar with each other on a more acquaintance level it may take longer to become more
acquainted and identifying abilities in each other that could be utilized. Also figuring out
everyones availability to collaborate on task completion can also be a challenge. Most of the
group for this project was done asynchronously so it sometimes would take a while to receive a
response, when needed. I really do not have any suggestions for improvement. I thought that the

timeframe and organization with how the grid was expected to be completed for each wave was
organized and I like that we were assigned to work on one wave at a time over the course of the
entire course. That to me is the best way to approach an activity like this and to keep everyone on
track to make sure the project is completed efficiently. Overall, this assignment has reevaluated
my feelings on group work and I am grateful that there is online collaboration tools such as
Google Docs to facilitate.
The group grid project facilitated my learning about the foundation and history of
distance education and its present influence in the educational system. The grid helped me to
cognitively focus on what occurred in each wave of distance education. It is helpful for me to
learn and remember what was involved in each wave by seeing what tools and resources where
used during each time period. Having the grid organized in a way that is separate from the other
waves helps me visually see, remember, comprehend and distinguish the information. Actually
researching and physically entering the information required for the grid helped me to
cognitively process what I was contributing. This type of activity is better for me to learn rather
just reading. Working with the group at times helped me to learn about the waves because
sometimes I would find myself mixed up with what theories or tools were used in which wave.
Looking at what the other members contributed assist with guiding me. Also, other group
member(s) had previous knowledge of Google Doc so that also assisted me with learning about a
new collaborative tool. Overall, this was a productive and informative assignment that should be
beneficial in rest of the Masters program.
After reviewing the other group grids, I am impressed by how it is possible to work in a
collaborative distance education environment. The elements that were the most interesting to me,
illustrated in the grid project, was the focus on understanding how we learn and moving away

from the traditional education processes. One of the most interesting theories was Otto Peterss
industrialization theory (2010) because I do not think I would have ever been able to compare
education to that level of analysis and explanation (Peters, 2010). One of the more interesting
educational methods applied in distance education is the idea of the Holmbergs empathic model
(2005; 2007) and how using this approach of human emotion and connection can promote a
more enjoyable learning experience (Holmberg, 2004, [Video conference & transcript pp. 3-4.];
Holmberg, 2004, [Video conference & transcript pp. 1-7.]; Holmberg, 2005, pp. 37-39). I am still
amazed by how far we have come in using various tools and technology to deliver distance
education. Reflecting on how we have gone from using correspondence methods, as a delivery
tool, to the internet is an amazing achievement. Sometimes it is still hard to conceptualize that
we can communicate at the same time without even being in the same place and how this type of
technology has progressed. I also find it interesting and convenient that we can use what is
already in existence, such the internet and television, to utilize educational delivery. The most
interesting development during the waves I thought was correspondence education and the life of
distance education before the internet era. I do not think I have ever thought of (I think I have
stated this before in a previous assignment) that being considered distance education until
learning about it in this course. The set up and organization of each grid is similar in the fact that
the information is separated by each wave and the wave information presentation. Some of the
differences are that the other groups listed the references after each wave instead of at the end of
the entire grid. I think I would have included some more organizational formatting and clerical
edits to make the grid look more consistent and presentable. The group grid project was an
excellent experience to present knowledge and information learned from the readings and other
course media.

Harry, K. (1983). The Open University, United Kingdom. In G. Rumble & K. Harry (Eds.), The
distance teaching universities. London: Croom Helm/St. Martins Press.
Haughey, M. (2010). Teaching and learning in distance education before the digital age. In M. F.
Cleveland-Innes, & D. R. Garrison, An introduction to distance education:
Understanding teaching and learning in a new era (pp. 46-66). New York and London:
Holmberg, B. (2004, September). The empathy approach to distance education. [Lecture video].
Retrieved from Transcript:
Holmberg, B. (2005). The evolution, principles, and practice of distance education (pp. 13-36).
Oldenburg Germany: BIS-Verlag der Carl von Ossietzky Universitat Oldenburg.
Retrieved from
Moore, M. G., & Kearsley, G. (2012a). Distance education: A systems view of online learning.
(pp. 1-22). USA: Wadsworth-Cengage Learning. [Reserved Readings.]
Moore, M. G., & Kearsley, G. (2012b). Distance education: A systems view of online learning.
(pp. 209-214). USA: Wadsworth-Cengage Learning. [Reserved Readings.]
Peters, O. (2010). The theory of the most "industrialized education". In O. Peters, Distance
education in transition: Developments and issues (5th ed., pp. 11-32). Oldenburg,

Germany: BIS-Verlag der Carl von Ossietzky Universitat Oldenburg. Retrieved from
University of Maryland University College. (2015a). OMDE 601 9041 Foundations of distance
education & e-learning (2152) [Course syllabus]. OMDE 601-9041, Spring 2015,
[Foundations of distance education & e-learning (2152] Master of Distance Education
and E-Learning, University of Maryland University College, Retrieved from
University of Maryland University College. (2015b). Week 5-The systems approach. [Online
course content]. OMDE 601-9041, Spring 2015, [Foundations of distance education & elearning (2152)] Master of Distance Education and E-Learning, University of Maryland
University College, Retrieved from

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