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Elizabeth Brown

EDCI 270
Jieun Lim
February 4, 2015
E-Board Workout
In my high school, several of the teachers had Smartboards, but very
few of them knew how to use them. When most of those teachers were in
college, Smartboards were not yet invented. Thusly, those teachers have
never been taught how to use this technology. I had one teacher who, by the
end of the year, just used the dry erase boards to the side of the Smartboard
for notes and only used the Smartboard when she was projecting something
on the screen. E-boards are great technologies that can be very helpful in the
classroom. I am glad that I learned how to use them in this class so that I will
be able to use them in my future classroom.
One thing that I found really interesting about the Smartboard was the
capability for it to turn letters that you write with your pen into typed text. I
think this is very useful, especially for teachers who have poor handwriting. I
have never had good handwriting on a board, so I think it will be very helpful
for my career.
In my future classroom, I plan to use Smartboards for drawing on
pictures. As my major is agriculture education, much of what I will teach is
visual. Simply lecturing is ineffective. An example of how I will use an eboard would be if I was teaching about the digestive tract of cattle. Using an
e-board, I will be able to highlight specific parts of the digestive tract, draw
arrows to that organ, and write the name of the organ right on the picture. I
could use a similar technique in a mechanics class by labeling different
engine parts.
I also plan to use a mobi board in my classroom. I think this is a great
way to allow students to write on the board, while still keeping them in their
seats. When a teacher allows students to get out of their seat and write on
the board, it wastes time and can cause chaos in the room. If instead I use a
mobi board, I will be able to just pass the board around the room and still
maintain order in my class.
Being digitally literate is obviously very important in the classroom. By
knowing how to use an e-board, not only do I feel like I will be a more
effective teacher, but I will be able to get the students more involved in

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