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While most people count out the unaffiliated group, they are actually the third

largest "major religious group" in the world, if they can be counted as such.
Christianity continues to hold the title of the most populous religious group with
Islam following closely behind. There's a bit of a larger gap between Islam and
Hinduism, with all other religions holding a smaller piece of the pie as it goes.

The Asia-Pacific region of the U.S. holds the majority of almost every religious group.
Most likely due to the fact that the majority of the world's population presides in
that region but it is still interesting that the population as a whole is so divided
among the top world religions. Also the fact that the middle east holds the second
majority for Jewish populations- most would assume that the Middle East and North
Africa would have more Muslim citizens.

The majority of religious people worldwide, live in an area that is highly populated
with people of their same religion. Also with cultural religions such as Hinduism, the
majority of Hindus are Indian and all live in the same general area so it makes sense
that they live in such a majority. With something as intense as views on life between
them, it makes more sense, and sounds more appealing to live in an area where
one's specific religion is more popular than in an area where people would
discriminate or otherwise deter religious practices or beliefs in general. However,
the smaller religions, more often than not, find themselves in situations where they
are the minority due to the under-practice and small numbers. It is hard to gather in
one place especially when there isn't a central place of origin or in the case of
Judaism, an unstable atmosphere around Israel (especially recently) that isn't
necessarily appealing to other Jewish populations living elsewhere.

Christianity is the dominator. It covers the most ground and has the largest
numbers. That being said, with so many people crammed into India and China, it
appears that there would be many fewer people number-wise, while in reality
Hinduism and Islam is not that far behind in numbers. Also, many would think that
China would have an affiliation to Buddhism or another Chinese-related religion, but
with there being so many small, folk-religions wandering around the countryside it is
hard for there to be a real majority.

All religions have a median age range of about 25-35 years old. This is
understandable because most people start to realize their need for a higher power
as life hits them hard in the "middle-aged" years. It is interesting that Hinduism and
Islam has the youngest population- something most likely due to the culture and
how carefully it teaches their youth the ways of the religion and how to live it out.
Many other religions such as Judaism are also very strict, but may cause younger
people to shy away from it when they are introduced to the world and all it has to
offer and how much their religion might hold them back from experiencing things
they desire to.

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