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Maram Alzayer

Mr. Justin Cary

Writing 1102
Writing Quest 2

I read the article In An Autocorrect Generation, Does Spelling Still

Matter? and I also read the discussion between the people about the spelling
conventions, and if it is still matter. Thomas Hurley got a trouble in his eighth
grade that he has the right answer, but he misspelled the answer and he got it
There was a deep discussion about the spelling if it is matter or not,
and I found many quotes which really emphasize that the spelling still matter.
Simon Horobin, a professor in Oxford University in English language said that
It matters in the sense that weve decided in current society that spelling is
important that theres only one single correct way to spell every word, so
he prove that the spelling still matter and each word has its own way to be
written. Another quote from Paig Kibmle, director of the Scripps National
Spelling Bee and a former spelling champion herself said What we see as
important is that when you spell well, you are creating an environment where
your message to the reader is unimpeded, where you can be the most
effective and influential communicator out there. So, she means that we can
have a better environment by being perfect communicators with correct

The conversation between the people in the article was very in deep in
some spelling error, and they also gave an example of their mistakes. The
discussion was about how the spelling error still matter, and how its jeopardy
and danger. They were talking about Thomas Hurley mistake, and Paige
Kimble told them a story about her that she misspelled the word mango in her
first spelling bee, but she had to respect the rules that she was wrong. They
also mentioned that the spelling still matter in the social media to be a good
communicators and to understand things easily.
In my writing, I care about the spelling for the things that should be
formal like the things for the university. I also care when I am sending mail to
someone like my advisor for my scholarship, or when Im contacting my
insurance agent or something like that.
In intermediate school, I devoted a lot of times to memories a lot of
spelling words that I dont even need. My father was asking me every day
about some words spelling to make sure that Im still learning. In my writing
class I got a prize from my English teacher because I won in the spelling bee
In social media, I dont really care about the spelling even though I
know that it is important to write in a good spelling to have good
communications. However, I think it is important to care about the spelling
stage depending on the other person level of communication. For example, in
some situations it is more likely to use slang words to send the message to
the listener, but if the listener dont know these words that will be harder for
him/ her to understand. I communicate with most of my friends in the social
media by using slang words. However, after I came to study abroad with my

friends, we started to mix Arabic language with English language while we are

Figure 1: example of slang/ Arabish chatting with

my friend and she was telling me a story about
our friend who was angry because she didnt do
well in her physics test.

I explore the second website to see the most common words that are
used in the social media and in gaming genre. Most of the words were new for
me, but there were also other words that were familiar to me. BTW is the most
common slang that is used in the social media, and I found it in the website. It
means by the way.

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