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Marta Arciniega

Administrative Internship Overview of Projects

Area of Concern

Needs Assessment

Recognition of

Student discipline
referrals are increasing
and Honor Roll
membership is
decreasing. Instructional
Leadership Team
expresses the desire to
begin celebrating and
recognizing students that
consistently perform well
academically and

Action Plan
1. Establish criterion for
consistently performing well
academically and behaviorally.
2. Communicate criterion and
expectations to students,
families, and the community.
3. Invite students, parents, and
community to participate in
encouraging students to become
outstanding students.
4. Find sources of funding for
recognition activities.
5. Plan quarterly celebrations to
recognize outstanding students.


Compare semester
one discipline
referrals and
academic data to
semester two.
Identify if any
increase in Honor
Roll membership.

Competency 1: The
principal knows how
to shape campus
culture by facilitating
the development,
implementation, and
stewardship of a
vision of learning
that is shared and
supported by the
school community.
Competency 2: The
principal knows how
to communicate and
collaborate with all
members of the
school community,
respond to diverse
interests and needs,
and mobilize
resources to promote
student success.

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