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vewwin im ES ‘The Honorable Kemetn N. Starr Offine of the Endependant Counsel . Washington, D.C. Bear aude: Xe Se with much eageot that Fan forced to offer my xeeigastion ae Asnociate Independent Counsel eater. when this eater waa proposed for closure, T'eet with various statt Gubers and provided seccumenditions for further tivestigation sad poressie, Yargats. I provided you with nemorands conceraing wy secomendations Za ndaition, = pactichpated to, sevien of the Fontes death matter, ae moctings and via sesorania, I apecifieally indiested wy disagracnent that theta exidead ‘overvbciming’ Gvidence that Fouter conmitesd euiciae where Be vas found. tn Pe. wavy Park “I propo: Snvestigats Si at Seumcien pactiags, oecioat ‘open approval, I ceamenced to undertake those 1p ny sutengt £0 find anewere to many remaining questions 4nd new inforvation. The leads and information included, anong ather tacts fa Semeaoes "Eat on 2 aout vily 20.153) {hy Shave wat sectad pasting the user hnew of thie second watrasce tne pasking araa) (4) the escen@ entrance ana parxing ares at Ye. Marcy Park war Got aecused or imrestigated by the USP: (5) the second entrance and pxuking aren st fe. Morey ark eseved 4a'post/beat for the USP; (6) SEP officials, the UIPP rapore, ant the FET ialied to indicate the extatenve or awareness Of the second encraice ead parting crea at Fe. Marcy fark; (9) there were maintenance vosds and accece Foals at Fe. Marcy Park; (6) tho UGPP had a key to maiatenaice gator aad) Secese roads at Fe. Marcy Park; (a) prior to Glacovery of feater's identity, Persons vith USPF Special Forcse Branch experiance end association gore Present St Fe. Macey fark (the dske Special Forces Areach handled ebeclal Use? interview reports do not accurately reflect witness seatenentey (11) Four theigency wodical personal sanneitiea, ‘paving tekteaked eheie reseitecr ion vith new photosrephic evidence, trsuns each had observed on Poster's righe Heck aes) “and. (ds) blurred aitt Chacured blow-ape of copiae of” (polaroid and Been) phetoreaphe have been offeced ail uiliced. ‘Acter uncovestag Chis infernstion, ‘ther facts, ny ova conduct way questioned and twas susrualiy investigated. ‘ stiadlastly maintained, and continge ro paantasn, prosecutor, with yeata of federal prosecutorial experience end fefeval giaind Jacy oxperience” ‘on January 16, 1995, T expresged to Tuohey and bash ay atncers ope chat my painstaking eftuses to uncover the Cruth’were foes sischaracterized. thea, I told Tuohey ani Dash that grant Sury teatimony hed boon fruitful and that i vas fully prepared to continge grand fury inguity, Snte the many Tansining qiestions ewresunaiog Poster's deaths ‘hevertieles, Judge seer Heaney 27, 95 on gariary 46, 1988, Twas infornad that ali planed grand jury investigation SLAP RE LAG 8" ap Ghatee ws wise fovsbv and 1 mau to be move elvosty woe Pia ty fuchey aud an Pua spent. in effect, for faising the above Gostions, Twas féreed Sue of this Job. regret that fundamental prosecutorial ditferences have apparently divided your "reporting” stAtt and ne.” Heasonapie people SUORERY Sigcees Ear you's: iadapentene counect, obviously mst persue the Gatland direction with your treporving® staft that makes you most, Dae ad GarectsOS Longel benieve ia tite ayaamice of che decieion making < process presently employed in your Washington, D.C. office py geass aE Be ‘ctfective March 6, 1995. While thie date may sem PSMA, “Gebrumcy 1558 Tuncang £6 seneiuis loave to Fewove myeel® fron fhe sffice, T'vdil leave sooner if yeu request. “Mugabe Eb. Gal Leo

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