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Chandler Cox

Zombies Got Class

This day in age we get taught through different teaching techniques
that teachers have, or what we all see around us. For example why does
teaching with zombies help relate classism to our reality? Zombies may be
sharing things that we see in real life, but they are shedding new light on
certain things.
People are always classifying themselves. The way life is that we tend
to put ourselves in classes no matter what the situation is. In the zombie
shows there is usually a break down and society falls apart. It happened in
the book The Girl with all the Gifts by M.R. Carey; the character Dr. Cawldwell
thinks she is the best person for everything but in the end she is just a
normal person just like everyone else. At the point society breaks down, the
normal classes dont really matter anymore. The classifications become
mostly about who has the qualities to lead or able to make the best choices
for anyone around them. The people who have the most skills are usually the
ones who know how to survive off the land. They know how to hunt and fish
to get people food. They show the desire to survive and rise above all. Rick
and Daryl show the drive to survive in the T.V. series The Walking Dead. Rick
was a middle class man and Daryl was a low class man; with the breakdown
that happened they have the knowledge of different things allowing them
become like a higher class and lead people. They feel the need to survive no
matter the odds.

The world today doesnt realize the way we live has very subliminal
messages, and there is always hints at about the world. The things that go on
in our normal life just seem so mundane. We may not see it till someone
points it out. We finally come to a point in our lives where we look at
situations from different perspectives and the way we can relate zombies to
our lives. They have a lot of things that show how the world works. It may be
faint showing it but the way society works is that the rich stay rich and the
poor stay poor. The middle class stays in between the rich and poor but still
struggling to survive.

Works Cited
The Walking Dead. AMC. 2010 Present. Television
Carey, M.R. The Girl with All the Gifts. Orbit, 2014. Print

Nigel Tandy

Zombies A Trend, or an Asset?

As I purchased the books for my English 2010 class I was thinking to myself
zombies. Am I really going to spend the next four months learning about the
walking dead? I recall the first day of class when I vocally said that I didnt get the
whole zombie trend, and by some of the comments of other classmates I wasnt
alone on this one. I let family members, co-workers, and neighbors know what they
were teaching me in school this semester, and by their reactions I am confident a
large part of society feels the same way I did. If you fall in this category. I ask you
to step out of your comfort zone for a couple of paragraphs and you will see that
there is value in zombies. And it is really not that complicated.

Too many of us have reached this point of our lives without enduring a
tragedy that impacts an entire community. This good fortune has lulled us into a
false sense of security that such bad things only happen to other people far away
from us. I recall as a child in the eighties a large push to get the population of the
Wasatch Front prepared for a large earthquake in the area. Some thirty years later
the message is losing its luster. I know that building codes, schools, and
Government agencies are still preparing for these disasters, but are we preparing
individually in our homes?
That is where zombies step in. I couldnt believe in class when our instructor
told us the CDC has a zombie preparedness plan. No way! Our Government is
funding the possibility of a zombie apocalypse. If you reacted like I did you should
check it out. You might learn a thing or two about emergency preparedness. The
CDC uses the popularity of zombies to draw people to their site, and as they say
learn a thing or two about how to prepare for a real emergency(CDC). Salt Lake
Community College as well as other colleges around the country set up mock task
forces to come up with ways to prepare for, prevent, and cure zombie apocalypses.
The simplicity of it is that zombies are popular right now. Not just popular
they are also fun. They are on the movie screen, your T.V. set, books, and video
games. When the CDC launched their zombie preparedness campaign it crashed
their website with more than a 100 times the normal followers, and they claim it is
still an effective way to engage a large variety of audiences.
If ten, a hundred, ten thousand plus, people take the information from the
CDC and prepare for a natural disaster, which in turn saves even a handful of lives.
What if one of the many college task force students come up with an idea, or plan
that limits an Ebola outbreak saving lives and medical resources. Although I dont

have the capability of coming up with a dollar amount. I know the value of one life is
great, and if it happens to be your own life you cant put a value on that. So check it
out and get prepared.

Diana Real
Fun Rabid Zombies
In 2012 the CDC (Centers of Disease Control) published a graphic novella titled,
Preparedness 101: Zombie Pandemic, in which the target audience, children and parents, are
taught how to prepare for a zombie apocalypse. This text can and has been used to teach the
same important and useful information to college students, teenagers, their parents and children!
The text is also a great way to teach people who dont normally do well in a classroom setting or
have unique learning abilities. This is all assuming, of course, that most people would think the
idea of teaching with zombies is fun or interesting, which judging from the popularity of zombies
in our pop culture is not difficult to believe.
One great example is using zombies as a way to teach someone about the signs of rabies
and how someone should go about identifying the disease and handling anyone who is infected.
The CDC actually uses this particular comparison of rabies and a zombie infection on their
website. Some symptoms of rabies, which I found on the their site, are very similar to that of a
typical zombie infection, these are discomfort or a prickling or itching sensation at the site of
bite, progressing within days to symptoms of cerebral dysfunction, anxiety, confusion, agitation.
As the disease progresses, the person may experience delirium, abnormal behavior,
hallucinations, and insomnia. Its interesting to note as well, that both the zombie virus and
rabies are transmitted through a bite from an infected being. In all cases, you dont want to go

near the infected without using extreme caution since humans have a very low survival rate once
symptoms start to appear and if not treated promptly.

The CDC has even stated that in case of a real zombie outbreak, they would be
fully prepared, since the identification and containment procedures are similar to how they would
handle other types of unknown infectious viruses if there were a major outbreak.
Youd be hard pressed to find an American whos unaware of what a zombie is, since
these walking dead cannibals have been blasted through all available mediums that people use
every day. Simply because zombies are "fun", means that they can be used to teach
virtually anyone. According to a 2010 article from The Washington Post, evoking fun
in lessons is proven to help students retain information better. This is important when

trying to teach people of different ages and learning abilities, and these flesh eaters are a great

metaphor for teaching the average person about diseases and proper ways to handle a disease
outbreak. Preparedness 101: Zombie Pandemic, a novella on how to survive a zombie
apocalypse and any disaster along the way.

Works Cited
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, What are the signs and symptoms of rabies?, 15
Feb, 2012, Web. 14 April, 2015
Khan, Ali S., Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse, Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, 13 May, 2011, Web. 14 April, 2015
Strauss, Valerie, Why fun is important in learning, Washington Post, 4 June,
2010, Web. 14 April, 2015

Herriman High School Zombie Apocalypse Contingency

Fortify then Conquer
(AKA HZCon2010eng)
Task Force Group One
(Save the Children)
Tactical Arms and Fortification: Chandler Cox
First Response and Medical support: Nigel Tandy
Resource gathering and disbursement: Diana Real
1. Introduction
2. Establish Safe Border
3. Secure and Fortify Schools
4. Medical Aid and Treatment
5. Food and Medical Supplies
6. Conclusion

Section 1. Introduction
Prepared or not the zombie apocalypse has found its way to the
Wasatch Front. With 40% of the northern population infected and many
others wounded. There is chaos and anarchy in the streets. Most utilities are
down. What people need is a plan and some leadership. As Zombie
Preparedness Group #1 of the SLCC English 2010 task force we have
appointed ourselves to such a plan for the greater good and survival of our
society. This plans main objective will be to save the children.
Our main objective will be to save the children of Herriman High School
and Copper Mountain Middle School. These schools will be close to our safe
border, and their conjoined campuses will be ideal for this plan. We believe
that focusing on the children will lead to reuniting families, establishing safe
zones, as well as facilitating the gathering of resources.
We have talked with S.W.A.T, Fire Academy program managers, Fire
fighters, Paramedics, and school officials, as well as gathering survival and
zombie preparedness information from many other sources. We are
proposing a plan to secure a safe zone that can be used throughout the
Wasatch Front to bring stability, and help us move towards finding a cure for
this outbreak.

Right now we have zombies moving south threatening our

communities, and more importantly our children. Let us pull together as a
community unified in our efforts. With some hard work and sacrifice it wont
be long until whatever is infecting our friends and families will be scared of
us. We will take back our home and the children we save will become our
future, and it looks bright, because that which doesnt kill us makes us

Section 2. Establishing Safe Border

In order to stop the spread of the zombies our first priority is to
establish a safe zone. By this we mean there needs to be a border set were
zombies cannot proceed any further south. We feel that with the military
presence at Camp Williams and the narrowing of the Valley towards the point
of the mountain this border will be established near 12300 South. This
military zone will have weapons with silencers on them, as well as archers,
and flame throwers. Our goal is to kill infected zombies with as little noise or
stimulation that would encourage more zombies to invade the area. Once
this border is established the following sections outline our proposal to save
our children and communities school by school.

Section 3. Securing and Fortifying Schools

While this outbreak is wreaking havoc among the civilians, the state
has been put in an emergency state. Now, in this chaotic state, we need to

establish a safety zone. This means setting a line that we will not get pushed
back from. Our chosen location to start off and establish this safety zone is
Herriman High School.

The reason that we have chosen Herriman High school is because it is

a very large and new building, which is conveniently set in a wide open area.
The benefits are:

Were able to spot an enemy from any direction, and from a very long

Wide open parking lot for space and a lot of property around the

The building was built in 2010, with the structure being prepared for
earthquakes and other disasters that are common to the Salt lake

They also have a 3-day safety supply of food and medical supplies for a
student population of over 2,100 and 178 staff members

There are multiple ways that people can imagine to fortify a location in a
plan to survive. People need to be knowledgeable about what they need to
do in strange circumstances such as a zombie apocalypse. Our military and
police will be involved and they will know how to secure our location. Our
security and fortification plan starts:

First you need to post people in high positions with overlapping lines of

Dig trenches, if there is time, at least 50 to 100 feet out
Place flood lights facing outwards so we can view our surrounding area

at night
Place heavy locks and chains on doors, or weld them from the inside

leaving only about one or two entrance/exit locations

Rig the doors with lb of C4 with remote detonators. The C4 is going
to be in the shape of water bottles and facing outwards; so the
explosion is going outward in the direction of the outside not causing

damage in anyone around.

A minefield will be established on the outskirts of the safety zone with
warning signs for any non-infected to beware (since zombies cant

As the school is secure all military and police personnel people will all
equipped with firearms.
We dont want the weapons to draw attention so we will have them with
silencers. This will make them more stealth like if we encounter a zombie.
This will allow us to create a place for people to come for protection for
them and their families. The C4 will only be used as a last resort, in the event
that something goes terribly wrong. The higher floors are the most secure
that we can use to make a stand against all threats. The roof of the building
is massive and we can use that as our evacuation point if need be.
Helicopters are able to get us there at the last resort.

If the plan works out, it will give the rest of the cities in the valley a plan
to build on and keep moving forward. It gives people hope, to fight for our
home and take back what is ours.
To be prepared for war is one of the most effective means of preserving
peace. George Washington
Section 4. Medical Aid and Treatment

With an outbreak of this magnitude the Governor will have declared a

state of emergency. With this the states EMAC Authorized Representative will
request resources from other states while our military/S.W.A.T forces secure
a safe zone around the school. EMAC is a national disaster-relief compact
that allows interstate as well as intrastate jurisdictions to work together in
times of crisis. We hope that other areas are not affected and can send first
responders as well as equipment and supplies. If these resources are not
available we burn the boats conquer our enemy, and take our home back.
Areas in the city will be labeled according to the threat level:

Hot Zone Danger Zone threat level High

Warm Zone Zone between Hot and Cold secure with moderate
threat level.

Cold Zone Safe Zone No threat.

Once the military has joined forces with the staffs of Herriman High
School and Copper Mountain Middle School, there will be an armed escort of
medical care givers sent into the area. This area will be treated as a Hot zone
until medical personnel have done a thorough investigation and determined
that there is no threat within the compound. Medical responders will be
wearing HAZMAT gear. Although this gear is not proven protection against
the unknown cause of the zombie virus, they should provide some form of
The first wave of Medical responders will be strictly triage. They will
determine priority of patients and their needs. Patients will be labeled as

Black Dead

Red Urgent

Green Walking wounded(not life threatening)

Yellow Possible infection(Quarantine)

Triage will begin in the schools. Having been locked down the schools
should be Cold zones, and we will want to determine that as quickly as
possible. We also feel that children are first priority. Once schools are

determined Cold zones, Copper Mountain middle schools students, faculty,

and resources will be moved into Herriman High School. This will allow us to
use the Copper Hills building as our Quarantine location, so it will be
considered a Hot Zone with heavy security.
Triage and medical aid will move into the combat zone and treat
soldiers accordingly. Any soldiers scratched, bitten, or splattered with zombie
fluids will be labeled yellow.

When Triage and treatment in schools and battle zone are complete,
Herriman High School and its campus will be a Cold zone and can become a
center of refuge for any uninfected survivors. The secure border created by
the military will have one access/check point called fail-safe. Both border and
access point will be a Warm Zone, and guarded at all times.
Once our compound (called Safe Haven) is set up and functional, our
first priority will be to reunite parents with their children. We anticipate
parents that have not been infected, or have not yet succumbed to
symptoms will be nearby the schools. It is our intention to send armed
runners into the surrounding Hot Zone with the following information

pertaining to entering Safe Haven. All parents will have to enter through failsafe where they will be examined by our medical personnel for zombie
symptoms. Such zombie symptoms are:

Blood shot eyes

Bite or scratch marks

Decaying skin

Strange discoloration of skin

Moaning and gnashing of teeth

Uncharacteristic aggression

Slight dementia

Anyone entering fail-safe showing symptoms of infection will be put in

quarantine for 48 hours. If symptoms progress subject will be laid to rest and
disposed of, before they can infect anyone else. Subjects who are not
infected will be allowed into Safe Haven. Everyone staying in Safe Haven will
have to understand that keeping this compound a Cold Zone is essential and
anyone showing signs of infection will be automatically labeled yellow.
The schools counselors and police negotiators will have to be on top
of their game to help deal with everyones fears, anger, and anxiety. Violence
towards others in the Cold Zone will be treated as a sign of infection. So if
you are not infected stay cool.
Anyone not happy with conditions in Safe Haven can leave at any time,
but they run the risk of not returning.

Section 5. Food and Medical Supplies

Medical and food supply will be most valuable at this time. We must
make a quick inventory check on the items that are both available and
required. Below is a list of supplies that are already available to us at the
school, and the process that needs to be followed, in order to re-stock or
stock up on items that are needed from nearby locations, safely.

At the ready:
Medical, Safety and Security supplies and equipment:

Classrooms are each equipped with a First-Aid Kit

Gyms and main office are equipped with medical supplies
Flashlights with working batteries
Battery operated radios
Emergency Generator(s)
Visible Security Cameras
Operating alarm System

Food and Water Supply:

Water drinking fountains (safe if water is uncontaminated)

3 day food supply for students (2,100+faculty)

The above list of supplies is a requirement for every school in the Jordan
School District, due to regulations that have been placed by that District. A
full checklist of required items can be found on the Jordan School District
website. Also to consider, are the supplies that will be brought over from
Copper Hills Middle School, when those students get transferred.
Food rationing will be decided by the military, and the cafeteria
personnel cafeteria ladies will be in charge of actual distribution. This will
allow the students to be more at ease because of familiarity. Military will be
priority and fed first, or anyone with health complications that require them
to eat more often. Younger children will also be first priority and so on, until
everyone is fed.
Medical supplies will only be handled by paramedics, to ensure that the
supplies are used properly and sparingly. Allowing only medical personnel to
treat injuries, also allows them the chance to check for any adverse

Once the safe border has been established (see Section 3), we will take
action to stock up on supplies. The schools buses will be used to store and
transfer supplies from: surrounding abandoned homes and buildings, stores,
gas stations and local hospitals. 3 buses will head out to different locations,
early in the day and will be given 3 hours to gather supplies and return. Each
bus will contain 12 armed military escorts and 20 maze runners (agile
volunteers between the ages of 18-25), who will gather supplies and
transport them to the school bus.
Stock up on:

Food (Especially non- perishables)

Water(especially if our water source is contaminated)
Blankets, clothes and shoes
Towels and sheets(for medical purposes)
Medical kits or items
Silverware (can be used or repurposed, especially as weapons)
Radios, batteries and flashlights
Tools (gardening, car, home, etc.)

Upon the bus return, they will relay to us the locations which are safest
and/or have more supplies. Then we will send out 3 more buses to hit spots
that have not been explored and/or spots that have been recommended from
the first maze runners.

Section 6. Conclusion
We understand that this will not be easy, and things may not go
perfectly. We do know, however, that our communities have well trained
professionals in diverse areas of expertise that can and will make the
appropriate adjustments to ensure that the greater vision of this plan will
come to fruition.
We have no evidence indicating that the zombies are capable of using
their brains. This means that we dont have to worry about them organizing
and planning any kind of coordinated attack against our security measures.
In return it will give us, and the rest of our communities a strategic edge in
pushing them back and rescuing the remaining survivors; As well as setting
up more Cold Zones were people can gather resources and begin rebuilding.
Our plan to save Salt Lake City starts with Herriman High School, but doesnt
end until zombies are rid everywhere.
Life belongs to the living, and he who lives must be prepared for
changes. -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Works Cited
Alden, Chase. Personal Interview. 12 April 2015
Coyle, Sgt. John. Ex-Swat Commander for West Valley. Personal Interview. 7
April 2015
Emergency PrepChecklist. Jordan School District. Web. 12 April 2015
Emergency Response Plan Buena Vista Washington Utah Stake. 3 August
Herriman High School. Google Maps. Web. 7 April 2015
How EMAC Works Welcome to the Emergency Management Assistance
Compact. Web. 8 April 2015

Recommended Emergency Supplies for Schools. American Red Cross. Web. 7

April 2015
Student Safety Resources. Jordan School District. Web. 12 April 2015
Tandy, Chuck. Personal Interview. 1 April 2015
Washington, George. BrainyQuote. Web. 18 April 2015
Wolfgang Von Goeth, Johann. BrainyQuote. Web. 18 April 2015

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